Source code for asyncssh.connection

# Copyright (c) 2013-2024 by Ron Frederick <> and others.
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under
# the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 which accompanies this
# distribution and is available at:
# This program may also be made available under the following secondary
# licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
# Eclipse Public License v2.0 are satisfied:
#    GNU General Public License, Version 2.0, or any later versions of
#    that license
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
# Contributors:
#     Ron Frederick - initial implementation, API, and documentation

"""SSH connection handlers"""

import asyncio
import functools
import getpass
import inspect
import io
import os
import shlex
import socket
import sys
import tempfile
import time

from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from types import TracebackType
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, AnyStr, Awaitable, Callable, Dict
from typing import List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Type
from typing import TypeVar, Union, cast
from typing_extensions import Protocol

from .agent import SSHAgentClient, SSHAgentListener

from .auth import Auth, ClientAuth, KbdIntChallenge, KbdIntPrompts
from .auth import KbdIntResponse, PasswordChangeResponse
from .auth import get_supported_client_auth_methods, lookup_client_auth
from .auth import get_supported_server_auth_methods, lookup_server_auth

from .auth_keys import SSHAuthorizedKeys, read_authorized_keys

from .channel import SSHChannel, SSHClientChannel, SSHServerChannel
from .channel import SSHTCPChannel, SSHUNIXChannel, SSHTunTapChannel
from .channel import SSHX11Channel, SSHAgentChannel

from .client import SSHClient

from .compression import Compressor, Decompressor, get_compression_algs
from .compression import get_default_compression_algs, get_compression_params
from .compression import get_compressor, get_decompressor

from .config import ConfigPaths, SSHConfig, SSHClientConfig, SSHServerConfig

from .constants import DEFAULT_LANG, DEFAULT_PORT
from .constants import DISC_BY_APPLICATION
from .constants import EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR
from .constants import MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE
from .constants import MSG_CHANNEL_FIRST, MSG_CHANNEL_LAST
from .constants import MSG_REQUEST_FAILURE
from .constants import OPEN_UNKNOWN_CHANNEL_TYPE

from .encryption import Encryption, get_encryption_algs
from .encryption import get_default_encryption_algs
from .encryption import get_encryption_params, get_encryption

from .forward import SSHForwarder

from .gss import GSSBase, GSSClient, GSSServer, GSSError

from .kex import Kex, get_kex_algs, get_default_kex_algs
from .kex import expand_kex_algs, get_kex

from .keysign import KeySignPath, SSHKeySignKeyPair
from .keysign import find_keysign, get_keysign_keys

from .known_hosts import KnownHostsArg, match_known_hosts

from .listener import ListenKey, SSHListener
from .listener import SSHTCPClientListener, SSHUNIXClientListener
from .listener import TCPListenerFactory, UNIXListenerFactory
from .listener import create_tcp_forward_listener, create_unix_forward_listener
from .listener import create_socks_listener

from .logging import SSHLogger, logger

from .mac import get_mac_algs, get_default_mac_algs

from .misc import BytesOrStr, DefTuple, FilePath, HostPort, IPNetwork
from .misc import MaybeAwait, OptExcInfo, Options, SockAddr
from .misc import ChannelListenError, ChannelOpenError, CompressionError
from .misc import DisconnectError, ConnectionLost, HostKeyNotVerifiable
from .misc import KeyExchangeFailed, IllegalUserName, MACError
from .misc import PasswordChangeRequired, PermissionDenied, ProtocolError
from .misc import ProtocolNotSupported, ServiceNotAvailable
from .misc import async_context_manager, construct_disc_error
from .misc import get_symbol_names, ip_address, map_handler_name
from .misc import parse_byte_count, parse_time_interval

from .packet import Boolean, Byte, NameList, String, UInt32, PacketDecodeError
from .packet import SSHPacket, SSHPacketHandler, SSHPacketLogger

from .pattern import WildcardPattern

from .pkcs11 import load_pkcs11_keys

from .process import PIPE, ProcessSource, ProcessTarget
from .process import SSHServerProcessFactory, SSHCompletedProcess
from .process import SSHClientProcess, SSHServerProcess

from .public_key import CERT_TYPE_HOST, CERT_TYPE_USER, KeyImportError
from .public_key import CertListArg, IdentityListArg, KeyListArg, SigningKey
from .public_key import KeyPairListArg, X509CertPurposes, SSHKey, SSHKeyPair
from .public_key import SSHCertificate, SSHOpenSSHCertificate
from .public_key import SSHX509Certificate, SSHX509CertificateChain
from .public_key import decode_ssh_public_key, decode_ssh_certificate
from .public_key import get_public_key_algs, get_default_public_key_algs
from .public_key import get_certificate_algs, get_default_certificate_algs
from .public_key import get_x509_certificate_algs
from .public_key import get_default_x509_certificate_algs
from .public_key import load_keypairs, load_default_keypairs
from .public_key import load_public_keys, load_default_host_public_keys
from .public_key import load_certificates
from .public_key import load_identities, load_default_identities

from .saslprep import saslprep, SASLPrepError

from .server import SSHServer

from .session import DataType, TermModesArg, TermSizeArg
from .session import SSHClientSession, SSHServerSession
from .session import SSHTCPSession, SSHUNIXSession, SSHTunTapSession
from .session import SSHClientSessionFactory, SSHTCPSessionFactory
from .session import SSHUNIXSessionFactory, SSHTunTapSessionFactory

from .sftp import MIN_SFTP_VERSION, SFTPClient, SFTPServer
from .sftp import start_sftp_client

from .stream import SSHReader, SSHWriter, SFTPServerFactory
from .stream import SSHSocketSessionFactory, SSHServerSessionFactory
from .stream import SSHClientStreamSession, SSHServerStreamSession
from .stream import SSHTCPStreamSession, SSHUNIXStreamSession
from .stream import SSHTunTapStreamSession

from .subprocess import SSHSubprocessTransport, SSHSubprocessProtocol
from .subprocess import SubprocessFactory, SSHSubprocessWritePipe

from .tuntap import SSH_TUN_UNIT_ANY, create_tuntap

from .version import __version__

from .x11 import SSHX11ClientForwarder
from .x11 import SSHX11ClientListener, SSHX11ServerListener
from .x11 import create_x11_client_listener, create_x11_server_listener

    # pylint: disable=unused-import
    from .crypto import X509NamePattern

_ClientFactory = Callable[[], SSHClient]
_ServerFactory = Callable[[], SSHServer]
_ProtocolFactory = Union[_ClientFactory, _ServerFactory]

_Conn = TypeVar('_Conn', 'SSHClientConnection', 'SSHServerConnection')
_ConnSelf = TypeVar('_ConnSelf', bound='SSHConnection')
_OptionsSelf = TypeVar('_OptionsSelf', bound='SSHConnectionOptions')

class _TunnelProtocol(Protocol):
    """Base protocol for connections to tunnel SSH over"""

    def close(self) -> None:
        """Close this tunnel"""

class _TunnelConnectorProtocol(_TunnelProtocol, Protocol):
    """Protocol to open a connection to tunnel an SSH connection over"""

    async def create_connection(
            self, session_factory: SSHTCPSessionFactory[bytes],
            remote_host: str, remote_port: int) -> \
                Tuple[SSHTCPChannel[bytes], SSHTCPSession[bytes]]:
        """Create an outbound tunnel connection"""

class _TunnelListenerProtocol(_TunnelProtocol, Protocol):
    """Protocol to open a listener to tunnel SSH connections over"""

    async def create_server(self, session_factory: TCPListenerFactory,
                            listen_host: str, listen_port: int) -> SSHListener:
        """Create an inbound tunnel listener"""

_AcceptHandler = Optional[Callable[['SSHConnection'], MaybeAwait[None]]]
_ErrorHandler = Optional[Callable[['SSHConnection',
                                   Optional[Exception]], None]]

_OpenHandler = Callable[[SSHPacket], Tuple[SSHClientChannel, SSHClientSession]]
_PacketHandler = Callable[[SSHPacket], None]

_AlgsArg = DefTuple[Union[str, Sequence[str]]]
_AuthArg = DefTuple[bool]
_AuthKeysArg = DefTuple[Union[None, str, List[str], SSHAuthorizedKeys]]
_ClientHostKey = Union[SSHKeyPair, SSHKeySignKeyPair]
_ClientKeysArg = Union[KeyListArg, KeyPairListArg]

_Env = Optional[Union[Mapping[str, str], Sequence[str]]]
_SendEnv = Optional[Sequence[str]]

_GlobalRequest = Tuple[Optional[_PacketHandler], SSHPacket, bool]
_GlobalRequestResult = Tuple[int, SSHPacket]
_KeyOrCertOptions = Mapping[str, object]
_ListenerArg = Union[bool, SSHListener]
_ProxyCommand = Optional[Sequence[str]]
_RequestPTY = Union[bool, str]

_TCPServerHandlerFactory = Callable[[str, int], SSHSocketSessionFactory]
_UNIXServerHandlerFactory = Callable[[], SSHSocketSessionFactory]

_TunnelConnector = Union[None, str, _TunnelConnectorProtocol]
_TunnelListener = Union[None, str, _TunnelListenerProtocol]

_VersionArg = DefTuple[BytesOrStr]

SSHAcceptHandler = Callable[[str, int], MaybeAwait[bool]]

# SSH service names
_USERAUTH_SERVICE = b'ssh-userauth'
_CONNECTION_SERVICE = b'ssh-connection'

# Max banner and version line length and count

# Max allowed username length

# Default rekey parameters
_DEFAULT_REKEY_BYTES = 1 << 30      # 1 GiB
_DEFAULT_REKEY_SECONDS = 3600       # 1 hour

# Default login timeout
_DEFAULT_LOGIN_TIMEOUT = 120        # 2 minutes

# Default keepalive interval and count max
_DEFAULT_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL = 0     # disabled by default

# Default channel parameters
_DEFAULT_WINDOW = 2*1024*1024       # 2 MiB
_DEFAULT_MAX_PKTSIZE = 32768        # 32 kiB

# Default line editor parameters
_DEFAULT_LINE_HISTORY = 1000        # 1000 lines
_DEFAULT_MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 1024     # 1024 characters

async def _open_proxy(
        loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, command: Sequence[str],
        conn_factory: Callable[[], _Conn]) -> _Conn:
    """Open a tunnel running a proxy command"""

    class _ProxyCommandTunnel(asyncio.SubprocessProtocol):
        """SSH proxy command tunnel"""

        def __init__(self) -> None:

            self._transport: Optional[asyncio.SubprocessTransport] = None
            self._stdin: Optional[asyncio.WriteTransport] = None
            self._conn = conn_factory()
            self._close_event = asyncio.Event()

        def get_extra_info(self, name: str, default: Any = None) -> Any:
            """Return extra information associated with this tunnel"""

            assert self._transport is not None
            return self._transport.get_extra_info(name, default)

        def get_conn(self) -> _Conn:
            """Return the connection associated with this tunnel"""

            return self._conn

        def connection_made(self, transport: asyncio.BaseTransport) -> None:
            """Handle startup of the subprocess"""

            self._transport = cast(asyncio.SubprocessTransport, transport)
            self._stdin = cast(asyncio.WriteTransport,
            self._conn.connection_made(cast(asyncio.BaseTransport, self))

        def pipe_data_received(self, fd: int, data: bytes) -> None:
            """Handle data received from this tunnel"""

            # pylint: disable=unused-argument


        def pipe_connection_lost(self, fd: int,
                                 exc: Optional[Exception]) -> None:
            """Handle when this tunnel is closed"""

            # pylint: disable=unused-argument


        def write(self, data: bytes) -> None:
            """Write data to this tunnel"""

            assert self._stdin is not None

        def abort(self) -> None:
            """Forcibly close this tunnel"""


        def close(self) -> None:
            """Close this tunnel"""

            if self._transport: # pragma: no cover


    _, tunnel = await loop.subprocess_exec(_ProxyCommandTunnel, *command)

    return cast(_Conn, cast(_ProxyCommandTunnel, tunnel).get_conn())

async def _open_tunnel(tunnels: object, passphrase: Optional[BytesOrStr],
                       config: DefTuple[ConfigPaths]) -> \
    """Parse and open connection to tunnel over"""

    username: DefTuple[str]
    port: DefTuple[int]

    if isinstance(tunnels, str):
        conn: Optional[SSHClientConnection] = None

        for tunnel in tunnels.split(','):
            if '@' in tunnel:
                username, host = tunnel.rsplit('@', 1)
                username, host = (), tunnel

            if ':' in host:
                host, port_str = host.rsplit(':', 1)
                port = int(port_str)
                port = ()

            last_conn = conn
            conn = await connect(host, port, username=username,
                                 passphrase=passphrase, tunnel=conn,

        return conn
        return None

async def _connect(options: '_OptionsSelf', config: DefTuple[ConfigPaths],
                   loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, flags: int,
                   sock: Optional[socket.socket],
                   conn_factory: Callable[[], _Conn], msg: str) -> _Conn:
    """Make outbound TCP or SSH tunneled connection"""

    host =
    port = options.port
    tunnel = options.tunnel
    family =
    local_addr = options.local_addr
    proxy_command = options.proxy_command
    free_conn = True

    options.waiter = loop.create_future()

    new_tunnel = await _open_tunnel(tunnel, options.passphrase, config)
    tunnel: _TunnelConnectorProtocol

        if sock:
  '%s already-connected socket', msg)

            _, session = await loop.create_connection(conn_factory, sock=sock)

            conn = cast(_Conn, session)
        elif new_tunnel:
  '%s %s via %s', msg, (host, port), tunnel)

            # pylint: disable=broad-except
                _, tunnel_session = await new_tunnel.create_connection(
                    cast(SSHTCPSessionFactory[bytes], conn_factory),
                    host, port)
            except Exception:
                await new_tunnel.wait_closed()
                conn = cast(_Conn, tunnel_session)
        elif tunnel:
            tunnel_logger = getattr(tunnel, 'logger', logger)
  '%s %s via SSH tunnel', msg, (host, port))

            _, tunnel_session = await tunnel.create_connection(
                cast(SSHTCPSessionFactory[bytes], conn_factory),
                host, port)

            conn = cast(_Conn, tunnel_session)
        elif proxy_command:
            conn = await _open_proxy(loop, proxy_command, conn_factory)
  '%s %s', msg, (host, port))

            _, session = await loop.create_connection(
                conn_factory, host, port, family=family,
                flags=flags, local_addr=local_addr)

            conn = cast(_Conn, session)
    except asyncio.CancelledError:

        await options.waiter
        free_conn = False
        return conn
        if free_conn:
            await conn.wait_closed()

async def _listen(options: '_OptionsSelf', config: DefTuple[ConfigPaths],
                  loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, flags: int,
                  backlog: int, sock: Optional[socket.socket],
                  reuse_address: bool, reuse_port: bool,
                  conn_factory: Callable[[], _Conn],
                  msg: str) -> 'SSHAcceptor':
    """Make inbound TCP or SSH tunneled listener"""

    def tunnel_factory(_orig_host: str, _orig_port: int) -> SSHTCPSession:
        """Ignore original host and port"""

        return cast(SSHTCPSession, conn_factory())

    host =
    port = options.port
    tunnel = options.tunnel
    family =

    new_tunnel = await _open_tunnel(tunnel, options.passphrase, config)
    tunnel: _TunnelListenerProtocol

    if sock:'%s already-connected socket', msg)

        server: asyncio.AbstractServer = await loop.create_server(
            conn_factory, sock=sock, backlog=backlog,
            reuse_address=reuse_address, reuse_port=reuse_port)
    elif new_tunnel:'%s %s via %s', msg, (host, port), tunnel)

        # pylint: disable=broad-except
            tunnel_server = await new_tunnel.create_server(
                tunnel_factory, host, port)
        except Exception:
            await new_tunnel.wait_closed()
            server = cast(asyncio.AbstractServer, tunnel_server)
    elif tunnel:
        tunnel_logger = getattr(tunnel, 'logger', logger)'%s %s via SSH tunnel', msg, (host, port))

        tunnel_server = await tunnel.create_server(tunnel_factory, host, port)
        server = cast(asyncio.AbstractServer, tunnel_server)
    else:'%s %s', msg, (host, port))

        server = await loop.create_server(
            conn_factory, host, port, family=family, flags=flags,
            backlog=backlog, reuse_address=reuse_address,

    return SSHAcceptor(server, options)

def _validate_version(version: DefTuple[BytesOrStr]) -> bytes:
    """Validate requested SSH version"""

    if version == ():
        version = b'AsyncSSH_' + __version__.encode('ascii')
        if isinstance(version, str):
            version = version.encode('ascii')
            assert isinstance(version, bytes)

        # Version including 'SSH-2.0-' and CRLF must be 255 chars or less
        if len(version) > 245:
            raise ValueError('Version string is too long')

        for b in version:
            if b < 0x20 or b > 0x7e:
                raise ValueError('Version string must be printable ASCII')

    return version

def _expand_algs(alg_type: str, algs: str,
                 possible_algs: List[bytes],
                 default_algs: List[bytes],
                 strict_match: bool) -> Sequence[bytes]:
    """Expand the set of allowed algorithms"""

    if algs[:1] in '^+-':
        prefix = algs[:1]
        algs = algs[1:]
        prefix = ''

    matched: List[bytes] = []

    for pat in algs.split(','):
        pattern = WildcardPattern(pat)

        matches = [alg for alg in possible_algs
                   if pattern.matches(alg.decode('ascii'))]

        if not matches and strict_match:
            raise ValueError('"%s" matches no valid %s algorithms' %
                             (pat, alg_type))


    if prefix == '^':
        return matched + default_algs
    elif prefix == '+':
        return default_algs + matched
    elif prefix == '-':
        return [alg for alg in default_algs if alg not in matched]
        return matched

def _select_algs(alg_type: str, algs: _AlgsArg, config_algs: _AlgsArg,
                 possible_algs: List[bytes], default_algs: List[bytes],
                 none_value: Optional[bytes] = None) -> Sequence[bytes]:
    """Select a set of allowed algorithms"""

    if algs == ():
        algs = config_algs
        strict_match = False
        strict_match = True

    if algs in ((), 'default'):
        return default_algs
    elif algs:
        if isinstance(algs, str):
            expanded_algs = _expand_algs(alg_type, algs, possible_algs,
                                         default_algs, strict_match)
            expanded_algs = [alg.encode('ascii') for alg in algs]

        result: List[bytes] = []

        for alg in expanded_algs:
            if alg not in possible_algs:
                raise ValueError('%s is not a valid %s algorithm' %
                                 (alg.decode('ascii'), alg_type))

            if alg not in result:

        return result
    elif none_value:
        return [none_value]
        raise ValueError('No %s algorithms selected' % alg_type)

def _select_host_key_algs(algs: _AlgsArg, config_algs: _AlgsArg,
                          default_algs: List[bytes]) -> Sequence[bytes]:
    """Select a set of allowed host key algorithms"""

    possible_algs = (get_x509_certificate_algs() + get_certificate_algs() +

    return _select_algs('host key', algs, config_algs,
                        possible_algs, default_algs)

def _validate_algs(config: SSHConfig, kex_algs_arg: _AlgsArg,
                   enc_algs_arg: _AlgsArg, mac_algs_arg: _AlgsArg,
                   cmp_algs_arg: _AlgsArg, sig_algs_arg: _AlgsArg,
                   allow_x509: bool) -> \
        Tuple[Sequence[bytes], Sequence[bytes], Sequence[bytes],
              Sequence[bytes], Sequence[bytes]]:
    """Validate requested algorithms"""

    kex_algs = _select_algs('key exchange', kex_algs_arg,
                            cast(_AlgsArg, config.get('KexAlgorithms', ())),
                            get_kex_algs(), get_default_kex_algs())
    enc_algs = _select_algs('encryption', enc_algs_arg,
                            cast(_AlgsArg, config.get('Ciphers', ())),
    mac_algs = _select_algs('MAC', mac_algs_arg,
                            cast(_AlgsArg, config.get('MACs', ())),
                            get_mac_algs(), get_default_mac_algs())
    cmp_algs = _select_algs('compression', cmp_algs_arg,
                            cast(_AlgsArg, config.get_compression_algs()),
                            get_default_compression_algs(), b'none')

    allowed_sig_algs = get_x509_certificate_algs() if allow_x509 else []
    allowed_sig_algs = allowed_sig_algs + get_public_key_algs()

    default_sig_algs = get_default_x509_certificate_algs() if allow_x509 else []
    default_sig_algs = allowed_sig_algs + get_default_public_key_algs()

    sig_algs = _select_algs('signature', sig_algs_arg,
                                 config.get('CASignatureAlgorithms', ())),
                            allowed_sig_algs, default_sig_algs)

    return kex_algs, enc_algs, mac_algs, cmp_algs, sig_algs

[docs] class SSHAcceptor: """SSH acceptor This class in a wrapper around an :class:`asyncio.Server` listener which provides the ability to update the the set of SSH client or server connection options associated with that listener. This is accomplished by calling the :meth:`update` method, which takes the same keyword arguments as the :class:`SSHClientConnectionOptions` and :class:`SSHServerConnectionOptions` classes. In addition, this class supports all of the methods supported by :class:`asyncio.Server` to control accepting of new connections. """ def __init__(self, server: asyncio.AbstractServer, options: 'SSHConnectionOptions'): self._server = server self._options = options async def __aenter__(self) -> 'SSHAcceptor': return self async def __aexit__(self, _exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], _exc_value: Optional[BaseException], _traceback: Optional[TracebackType]) -> bool: self.close() await self.wait_closed() return False def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: return getattr(self._server, name)
[docs] def get_addresses(self) -> List[Tuple]: """Return socket addresses being listened on This method returns the socket addresses being listened on. It returns tuples of the form returned by :meth:`socket.getsockname`. If the listener was created using a hostname, the host's resolved IPs will be returned. If the requested listening port was `0`, the selected listening ports will be returned. :returns: A list of socket addresses being listened on """ if hasattr(self._server, 'get_addresses'): return self._server.get_addresses() else: return [sock.getsockname() for sock in self.sockets]
[docs] def get_port(self) -> int: """Return the port number being listened on This method returns the port number being listened on. If it is listening on multiple sockets with different port numbers, this function will return `0`. In that case, :meth:`get_addresses` can be used to retrieve the full list of listening addresses and ports. :returns: The port number being listened on, if there's only one """ if hasattr(self._server, 'get_port'): return self._server.get_port() else: ports = set(addr[1] for addr in self.get_addresses()) return ports.pop() if len(ports) == 1 else 0
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Stop listening for new connections This method can be called to stop listening for new SSH connections. Existing connections will remain open. """ self._server.close()
[docs] async def wait_closed(self) -> None: """Wait for this listener to close This method is a coroutine which waits for this listener to be closed. """ await self._server.wait_closed()
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs: object) -> None: """Update options on an SSH listener Acceptors started by :func:`listen` support options defined in :class:`SSHServerConnectionOptions`. Acceptors started by :func:`listen_reverse` support options defined in :class:`SSHClientConnectionOptions`. Changes apply only to SSH client/server connections accepted after the change is made. Previously accepted connections will continue to use the options set when they were accepted. """ self._options.update(kwargs)
class SSHConnection(SSHPacketHandler, asyncio.Protocol): """Parent class for SSH connections""" _handler_names = get_symbol_names(globals(), 'MSG_') next_conn = 0 # Next connection number, for logging @staticmethod def _get_next_conn() -> int: """Return the next available connection number (for logging)""" next_conn = SSHConnection.next_conn SSHConnection.next_conn += 1 return next_conn def __init__(self, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, options: 'SSHConnectionOptions', acceptor: _AcceptHandler, error_handler: _ErrorHandler, wait: Optional[str], server: bool): self._loop = loop self._options = options self._protocol_factory = options.protocol_factory self._acceptor = acceptor self._error_handler = error_handler self._server = server self._wait = wait self._waiter = options.waiter if wait else None self._transport: Optional[asyncio.Transport] = None self._local_addr = '' self._local_port = 0 self._peer_host = '' self._peer_addr = '' self._peer_port = 0 self._tcp_keepalive = options.tcp_keepalive self._owner: Optional[Union[SSHClient, SSHServer]] = None self._extra: Dict[str, object] = {} self._inpbuf = b'' self._packet = b'' self._pktlen = 0 self._banner_lines = 0 self._version = options.version self._client_version = b'' self._server_version = b'' self._client_kexinit = b'' self._server_kexinit = b'' self._session_id = b'' self._send_seq = 0 self._send_encryption: Optional[Encryption] = None self._send_enchdrlen = 5 self._send_blocksize = 8 self._compressor: Optional[Compressor] = None self._compress_after_auth = False self._deferred_packets: List[Tuple[int, Sequence[bytes]]] = [] self._recv_handler = self._recv_version self._recv_seq = 0 self._recv_encryption: Optional[Encryption] = None self._recv_blocksize = 8 self._recv_macsize = 0 self._decompressor: Optional[Decompressor] = None self._decompress_after_auth = False self._next_recv_encryption: Optional[Encryption] = None self._next_recv_blocksize = 0 self._next_recv_macsize = 0 self._next_decompressor: Optional[Decompressor] = None self._next_decompress_after_auth = False self._trusted_host_keys: Optional[Set[SSHKey]] = set() self._trusted_host_key_algs: List[bytes] = [] self._trusted_ca_keys: Optional[Set[SSHKey]] = set() self._revoked_host_keys: Set[SSHKey] = set() self._x509_trusted_certs = options.x509_trusted_certs self._x509_trusted_cert_paths = options.x509_trusted_cert_paths self._x509_revoked_certs: Set[SSHX509Certificate] = set() self._x509_trusted_subjects: Sequence['X509NamePattern'] = [] self._x509_revoked_subjects: Sequence['X509NamePattern'] = [] self._x509_purposes = options.x509_purposes self._kex_algs = options.kex_algs self._enc_algs = options.encryption_algs self._mac_algs = options.mac_algs self._cmp_algs = options.compression_algs self._sig_algs = options.signature_algs self._host_based_auth = options.host_based_auth self._public_key_auth = options.public_key_auth self._kbdint_auth = options.kbdint_auth self._password_auth = options.password_auth self._kex: Optional[Kex] = None self._kexinit_sent = False self._kex_complete = False self._ignore_first_kex = False self._strict_kex = False self._gss: Optional[GSSBase] = None self._gss_kex = False self._gss_auth = False self._gss_kex_auth = False self._gss_mic_auth = False self._preferred_auth: Optional[Sequence[bytes]] = None self._rekey_bytes = options.rekey_bytes self._rekey_seconds = options.rekey_seconds self._rekey_bytes_sent = 0 self._rekey_time = 0. self._keepalive_count = 0 self._keepalive_count_max = options.keepalive_count_max self._keepalive_interval = options.keepalive_interval self._keepalive_timer: Optional[asyncio.TimerHandle] = None self._tunnel: Optional[_TunnelProtocol] = None self._enc_alg_cs = b'' self._enc_alg_sc = b'' self._mac_alg_cs = b'' self._mac_alg_sc = b'' self._cmp_alg_cs = b'' self._cmp_alg_sc = b'' self._can_send_ext_info = False self._extensions_to_send: 'OrderedDict[bytes, bytes]' = OrderedDict() self._can_recv_ext_info = False self._server_sig_algs: Set[bytes] = set() self._next_service: Optional[bytes] = None self._agent: Optional[SSHAgentClient] = None self._auth: Optional[Auth] = None self._auth_in_progress = False self._auth_complete = False self._auth_final = False self._auth_methods = [b'none'] self._auth_was_trivial = True self._username = '' self._channels: Dict[int, SSHChannel] = {} self._next_recv_chan = 0 self._global_request_queue: List[_GlobalRequest] = [] self._global_request_waiters: \ 'List[asyncio.Future[_GlobalRequestResult]]' = [] self._local_listeners: Dict[ListenKey, SSHListener] = {} self._x11_listener: Union[None, SSHX11ClientListener, SSHX11ServerListener] = None self._close_event = asyncio.Event() self._server_host_key_algs: Optional[Sequence[bytes]] = None self._logger = logger.get_child(context='conn=%d' % self._get_next_conn()) self._login_timer: Optional[asyncio.TimerHandle] if options.login_timeout: self._login_timer = self._loop.call_later( options.login_timeout, self._login_timer_callback) else: self._login_timer = None self._disable_trivial_auth = False async def __aenter__(self: _ConnSelf) -> _ConnSelf: """Allow SSHConnection to be used as an async context manager""" return self async def __aexit__(self, _exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], _exc_value: Optional[BaseException], _traceback: Optional[TracebackType]) -> bool: """Wait for connection close when used as an async context manager""" if not self._loop.is_closed(): # pragma: no branch self.close() await self.wait_closed() return False @property def logger(self) -> SSHLogger: """A logger associated with this connection""" return self._logger def _cleanup(self, exc: Optional[Exception]) -> None: """Clean up this connection""" self._cancel_keepalive_timer() for chan in list(self._channels.values()): chan.process_connection_close(exc) for listener in list(self._local_listeners.values()): listener.close() while self._global_request_waiters: self._process_global_response(MSG_REQUEST_FAILURE, 0, SSHPacket(b'')) if self._auth: self._auth.cancel() self._auth = None if self._error_handler: self._error_handler(self, exc) self._acceptor = None self._error_handler = None if self._wait and self._waiter and not self._waiter.cancelled(): if exc: self._waiter.set_exception(exc) else: # pragma: no cover self._waiter.set_result(None) self._wait = None if self._owner: # pragma: no branch self._owner.connection_lost(exc) self._owner = None self._cancel_login_timer() self._close_event.set() self._inpbuf = b'' if self._tunnel: self._tunnel.close() self._tunnel = None def _cancel_login_timer(self) -> None: """Cancel the login timer""" if self._login_timer: self._login_timer.cancel() self._login_timer = None def _login_timer_callback(self) -> None: """Close the connection if authentication hasn't completed yet""" self._login_timer = None self.connection_lost(ConnectionLost('Login timeout expired')) def _cancel_keepalive_timer(self) -> None: """Cancel the keepalive timer""" if self._keepalive_timer: self._keepalive_timer.cancel() self._keepalive_timer = None def _set_keepalive_timer(self) -> None: """Set the keepalive timer""" if self._keepalive_interval: self._keepalive_timer = self._loop.call_later( self._keepalive_interval, self._keepalive_timer_callback) def _reset_keepalive_timer(self) -> None: """Reset the keepalive timer""" if self._auth_complete: self._cancel_keepalive_timer() self._set_keepalive_timer() async def _make_keepalive_request(self) -> None: """Send keepalive request""" self.logger.debug1('Sending keepalive request') await self._make_global_request(b'') if self._keepalive_timer: self.logger.debug1('Got keepalive response') self._keepalive_count = 0 def _keepalive_timer_callback(self) -> None: """Handle keepalive check""" self._keepalive_count += 1 if self._keepalive_count > self._keepalive_count_max: self.connection_lost( ConnectionLost(('Server' if self.is_client() else 'Client') + ' not responding to keepalive')) else: self._set_keepalive_timer() self.create_task(self._make_keepalive_request()) def _force_close(self, exc: Optional[BaseException]) -> None: """Force this connection to close immediately""" if not self._transport: return self._transport.abort() self._transport = None self._loop.call_soon(self._cleanup, exc) def _reap_task(self, task_logger: SSHLogger, task: 'asyncio.Task[None]') -> None: """Collect result of an async task, reporting errors""" # pylint: disable=broad-except try: task.result() except asyncio.CancelledError: pass except DisconnectError as exc: self._send_disconnect(exc.code, exc.reason, exc.lang) self._force_close(exc) except Exception: self.internal_error(error_logger=task_logger) def create_task(self, coro: Awaitable[None], task_logger: Optional[SSHLogger] = None) -> \ 'asyncio.Task[None]': """Create an asynchronous task which catches and reports errors""" task = asyncio.ensure_future(coro) task.add_done_callback(partial(self._reap_task, task_logger)) return task def is_client(self) -> bool: """Return if this is a client connection""" return not self._server def is_server(self) -> bool: """Return if this is a server connection""" return self._server def is_closed(self): """Return whether the connection is closed""" return self._close_event.is_set() def get_owner(self) -> Optional[Union[SSHClient, SSHServer]]: """Return the SSHClient or SSHServer which owns this connection""" return self._owner def get_hash_prefix(self) -> bytes: """Return the bytes used in calculating unique connection hashes This methods returns a packetized version of the client and server version and kexinit strings which is needed to perform key exchange hashes. """ return b''.join((String(self._client_version), String(self._server_version), String(self._client_kexinit), String(self._server_kexinit))) def set_tunnel(self, tunnel: Optional[_TunnelProtocol]) -> None: """Set tunnel used to open this connection""" self._tunnel = tunnel def _match_known_hosts(self, known_hosts: KnownHostsArg, host: str, addr: str, port: Optional[int]) -> None: """Determine the set of trusted host keys and certificates""" trusted_host_keys, trusted_ca_keys, revoked_host_keys, \ trusted_x509_certs, revoked_x509_certs, \ trusted_x509_subjects, revoked_x509_subjects = \ match_known_hosts(known_hosts, host, addr, port) assert self._trusted_host_keys is not None for key in trusted_host_keys: self._trusted_host_keys.add(key) if key.algorithm not in self._trusted_host_key_algs: self._trusted_host_key_algs.extend(key.sig_algorithms) self._trusted_ca_keys = set(trusted_ca_keys) self._revoked_host_keys = set(revoked_host_keys) if self._x509_trusted_certs is not None: self._x509_trusted_certs = list(self._x509_trusted_certs) self._x509_trusted_certs.extend(trusted_x509_certs) self._x509_revoked_certs = set(revoked_x509_certs) self._x509_trusted_subjects = trusted_x509_subjects self._x509_revoked_subjects = revoked_x509_subjects def _validate_openssh_host_certificate( self, host: str, addr: str, port: int, cert: SSHOpenSSHCertificate) -> SSHKey: """Validate an OpenSSH host certificate""" if self._trusted_ca_keys is not None: if cert.signing_key in self._revoked_host_keys: raise ValueError('Host CA key is revoked') if not self._owner: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('Connection closed') if cert.signing_key not in self._trusted_ca_keys and \ not self._owner.validate_host_ca_key(host, addr, port, cert.signing_key): raise ValueError('Host CA key is not trusted') cert.validate(CERT_TYPE_HOST, host) return cert.key def _validate_x509_host_certificate_chain( self, host: str, cert: SSHX509CertificateChain) -> SSHKey: """Validate an X.509 host certificate""" if (self._x509_revoked_subjects and any(pattern.matches(cert.subject) for pattern in self._x509_revoked_subjects)): raise ValueError('X.509 subject name is revoked') if (self._x509_trusted_subjects and not any(pattern.matches(cert.subject) for pattern in self._x509_trusted_subjects)): raise ValueError('X.509 subject name is not trusted') # Only validate hostname against X.509 certificate host # principals when there are no X.509 trusted subject # entries matched in known_hosts. if self._x509_trusted_subjects: host = '' assert self._x509_trusted_certs is not None cert.validate_chain(self._x509_trusted_certs, self._x509_trusted_cert_paths, self._x509_revoked_certs, self._x509_purposes, host_principal=host) return cert.key def _validate_host_key(self, host: str, addr: str, port: int, key_data: bytes) -> SSHKey: """Validate and return a trusted host key""" try: cert = decode_ssh_certificate(key_data) except KeyImportError: pass else: if cert.is_x509_chain: return self._validate_x509_host_certificate_chain( host, cast(SSHX509CertificateChain, cert)) else: return self._validate_openssh_host_certificate( host, addr, port, cast(SSHOpenSSHCertificate, cert)) try: key = decode_ssh_public_key(key_data) except KeyImportError: pass else: if self._trusted_host_keys is not None: if key in self._revoked_host_keys: raise ValueError('Host key is revoked') if not self._owner: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('Connection closed') if key not in self._trusted_host_keys and \ not self._owner.validate_host_public_key(host, addr, port, key): raise ValueError('Host key is not trusted') return key raise ValueError('Unable to decode host key') def connection_made(self, transport: asyncio.BaseTransport) -> None: """Handle a newly opened connection""" self._transport = cast(asyncio.Transport, transport) sock = cast(socket.socket, transport.get_extra_info('socket')) if sock: sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, self._tcp_keepalive) sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) sockname = cast(SockAddr, transport.get_extra_info('sockname')) if sockname: # pragma: no branch self._local_addr, self._local_port = sockname[:2] peername = cast(SockAddr, transport.get_extra_info('peername')) if peername: # pragma: no branch self._peer_addr, self._peer_port = peername[:2] self._owner = self._protocol_factory() # pylint: disable=broad-except try: self._connection_made() self._owner.connection_made(self) # type: ignore self._send_version() except Exception: self._loop.call_soon(self.internal_error, sys.exc_info()) def connection_lost(self, exc: Optional[Exception] = None) -> None: """Handle the closing of a connection""" if exc is None and self._transport: exc = ConnectionLost('Connection lost') self._force_close(exc) def internal_error(self, exc_info: Optional[OptExcInfo] = None, error_logger: Optional[SSHLogger] = None) -> None: """Handle a fatal error in connection processing""" if not exc_info: exc_info = sys.exc_info() if not error_logger: error_logger = self.logger error_logger.debug1('Uncaught exception', exc_info=exc_info) self._force_close(exc_info[1]) def session_started(self) -> None: """Handle session start when opening tunneled SSH connection""" # pylint: disable=arguments-differ def data_received(self, data: bytes, datatype: DataType = None) -> None: """Handle incoming data on the connection""" # pylint: disable=unused-argument self._inpbuf += data self._reset_keepalive_timer() # pylint: disable=broad-except try: while self._inpbuf and self._recv_handler(): pass except DisconnectError as exc: self._send_disconnect(exc.code, exc.reason, exc.lang) self._force_close(exc) except Exception: self.internal_error() # pylint: enable=arguments-differ def eof_received(self) -> None: """Handle an incoming end of file on the connection""" self.connection_lost(None) def pause_writing(self) -> None: """Handle a request from the transport to pause writing data""" # Do nothing with this for now def resume_writing(self) -> None: """Handle a request from the transport to resume writing data""" # Do nothing with this for now def add_channel(self, chan: SSHChannel[AnyStr]) -> int: """Add a new channel, returning its channel number""" if not self._transport: raise ChannelOpenError(OPEN_CONNECT_FAILED, 'SSH connection closed') while self._next_recv_chan in self._channels: # pragma: no cover self._next_recv_chan = (self._next_recv_chan + 1) & 0xffffffff recv_chan = self._next_recv_chan self._next_recv_chan = (self._next_recv_chan + 1) & 0xffffffff self._channels[recv_chan] = chan return recv_chan def remove_channel(self, recv_chan: int) -> None: """Remove the channel with the specified channel number""" del self._channels[recv_chan] def get_gss_context(self) -> GSSBase: """Return the GSS context associated with this connection""" assert self._gss is not None return self._gss def enable_gss_kex_auth(self) -> None: """Enable GSS key exchange authentication""" self._gss_kex_auth = self._gss_auth def _choose_alg(self, alg_type: str, local_algs: Sequence[bytes], remote_algs: Sequence[bytes]) -> bytes: """Choose a common algorithm from the client & server lists This method returns the earliest algorithm on the client's list which is supported by the server. """ if self.is_client(): client_algs, server_algs = local_algs, remote_algs else: client_algs, server_algs = remote_algs, local_algs for alg in client_algs: if alg in server_algs: return alg raise KeyExchangeFailed( 'No matching %s algorithm found, sent %s and received %s' % (alg_type, b','.join(local_algs).decode('ascii'), b','.join(remote_algs).decode('ascii'))) def _get_extra_kex_algs(self) -> List[bytes]: """Return the extra kex algs to add""" if self.is_client(): return [b'ext-info-c', b''] else: return [b'ext-info-s', b''] def _send(self, data: bytes) -> None: """Send data to the SSH connection""" if self._transport: try: self._transport.write(data) except BrokenPipeError: # pragma: no cover pass def _send_version(self) -> None: """Start the SSH handshake""" version = b'SSH-2.0-' + self._version self.logger.debug1('Sending version %s', version) if self.is_client(): self._client_version = version self.set_extra_info(client_version=version.decode('ascii')) else: self._server_version = version self.set_extra_info(server_version=version.decode('ascii')) self._send(version + b'\r\n') def _recv_version(self) -> bool: """Receive and parse the remote SSH version""" idx = self._inpbuf.find(b'\n', 0, _MAX_BANNER_LINE_LEN) if idx < 0: if len(self._inpbuf) >= _MAX_BANNER_LINE_LEN: self._force_close(ProtocolError('Banner line too long')) return False version = self._inpbuf[:idx] if version.endswith(b'\r'): version = version[:-1] self._inpbuf = self._inpbuf[idx+1:] if (version.startswith(b'SSH-2.0-') or (self.is_client() and version.startswith(b'SSH-1.99-'))): if len(version) > _MAX_VERSION_LINE_LEN: self._force_close(ProtocolError('Version too long')) # Accept version 2.0, or 1.99 if we're a client if self.is_server(): self._client_version = version self.set_extra_info(client_version=version.decode('ascii')) else: self._server_version = version self.set_extra_info(server_version=version.decode('ascii')) self.logger.debug1('Received version %s', version) self._send_kexinit() self._kexinit_sent = True self._recv_handler = self._recv_pkthdr elif self.is_client() and not version.startswith(b'SSH-'): # As a client, ignore the line if it doesn't appear to be a version self._banner_lines += 1 if self._banner_lines > _MAX_BANNER_LINES: self._force_close(ProtocolError('Too many banner lines')) return False else: # Otherwise, reject the unknown version self._force_close(ProtocolNotSupported('Unsupported SSH version')) return False return True def _recv_pkthdr(self) -> bool: """Receive and parse an SSH packet header""" if len(self._inpbuf) < self._recv_blocksize: return False self._packet = self._inpbuf[:self._recv_blocksize] self._inpbuf = self._inpbuf[self._recv_blocksize:] if self._recv_encryption: self._packet, pktlen = \ self._recv_encryption.decrypt_header(self._recv_seq, self._packet, 4) else: pktlen = self._packet[:4] self._pktlen = int.from_bytes(pktlen, 'big') self._recv_handler = self._recv_packet return True def _recv_packet(self) -> bool: """Receive the remainder of an SSH packet and process it""" rem = 4 + self._pktlen + self._recv_macsize - self._recv_blocksize if len(self._inpbuf) < rem: return False seq = self._recv_seq rest = self._inpbuf[:rem-self._recv_macsize] mac = self._inpbuf[rem-self._recv_macsize:rem] if self._recv_encryption: packet_data = self._recv_encryption.decrypt_packet( seq, self._packet, rest, 4, mac) if not packet_data: raise MACError('MAC verification failed') else: packet_data = self._packet[4:] + rest self._inpbuf = self._inpbuf[rem:] self._packet = b'' orig_payload = packet_data[1:-packet_data[0]] if self._decompressor and (self._auth_complete or not self._decompress_after_auth): payload = self._decompressor.decompress(orig_payload) if payload is None: raise CompressionError('Decompression failed') else: payload = orig_payload packet = SSHPacket(payload) pkttype = packet.get_byte() handler: SSHPacketHandler = self skip_reason = '' exc_reason = '' if MSG_KEX_FIRST <= pkttype <= MSG_KEX_LAST: if self._kex: if self._ignore_first_kex: # pragma: no cover skip_reason = 'ignored first kex' self._ignore_first_kex = False else: handler = self._kex else: skip_reason = 'kex not in progress' exc_reason = 'Key exchange not in progress' elif self._strict_kex and not self._recv_encryption and \ MSG_IGNORE <= pkttype <= MSG_DEBUG: skip_reason = 'strict kex violation' exc_reason = 'Strict key exchange violation: ' \ 'unexpected packet type %d received' % pkttype elif MSG_USERAUTH_FIRST <= pkttype <= MSG_USERAUTH_LAST: if self._auth: handler = self._auth else: skip_reason = 'auth not in progress' exc_reason = 'Authentication not in progress' elif pkttype > MSG_KEX_LAST and not self._recv_encryption: skip_reason = 'invalid request before kex complete' exc_reason = 'Invalid request before key exchange was complete' elif pkttype > MSG_USERAUTH_LAST and not self._auth_complete: skip_reason = 'invalid request before auth complete' exc_reason = 'Invalid request before authentication was complete' elif MSG_CHANNEL_FIRST <= pkttype <= MSG_CHANNEL_LAST: try: recv_chan = packet.get_uint32() except PacketDecodeError: skip_reason = 'incomplete channel request' exc_reason = 'Incomplete channel request received' else: try: handler = self._channels[recv_chan] except KeyError: skip_reason = 'invalid channel number' exc_reason = 'Invalid channel number %d ' \ 'received' % recv_chan handler.log_received_packet(pkttype, seq, packet, skip_reason) if not skip_reason: try: processed = handler.process_packet(pkttype, seq, packet) except PacketDecodeError as exc: raise ProtocolError(str(exc)) from None if not processed: if self._strict_kex and not self._recv_encryption: exc_reason = 'Strict key exchange violation: ' \ 'unexpected packet type %d received' % pkttype else: self.logger.debug1('Unknown packet type %d received', pkttype) self.send_packet(MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED, UInt32(seq)) if exc_reason: raise ProtocolError(exc_reason) if pkttype > MSG_USERAUTH_LAST: self._auth_final = True if self._transport: self._recv_handler = self._recv_pkthdr if self._recv_seq == 0xffffffff and not self._recv_encryption: raise ProtocolError('Sequence rollover before kex complete') if pkttype == MSG_NEWKEYS and self._strict_kex: self._recv_seq = 0 else: self._recv_seq = (seq + 1) & 0xffffffff return True def send_packet(self, pkttype: int, *args: bytes, handler: Optional[SSHPacketLogger] = None) -> None: """Send an SSH packet""" if (self._auth_complete and self._kex_complete and (self._rekey_bytes_sent >= self._rekey_bytes or (self._rekey_seconds and time.monotonic() >= self._rekey_time))): self._send_kexinit() self._kexinit_sent = True if ((pkttype == MSG_USERAUTH_BANNER and not (self._auth_in_progress or self._auth_complete)) or (pkttype > MSG_USERAUTH_LAST and not self._auth_complete)): self._deferred_packets.append((pkttype, args)) return # If we're encrypting and we have no data outstanding, insert an # ignore packet into the stream if self._send_encryption and pkttype not in (MSG_IGNORE, MSG_EXT_INFO): self.send_packet(MSG_IGNORE, String(b'')) orig_payload = Byte(pkttype) + b''.join(args) if self._compressor and (self._auth_complete or not self._compress_after_auth): payload = self._compressor.compress(orig_payload) if payload is None: # pragma: no cover raise CompressionError('Compression failed') else: payload = orig_payload padlen = -(self._send_enchdrlen + len(payload)) % self._send_blocksize if padlen < 4: padlen += self._send_blocksize packet = Byte(padlen) + payload + os.urandom(padlen) pktlen = len(packet) hdr = UInt32(pktlen) seq = self._send_seq if self._send_encryption: packet, mac = self._send_encryption.encrypt_packet(seq, hdr, packet) else: packet = hdr + packet mac = b'' self._send(packet + mac) if self._send_seq == 0xffffffff and not self._send_encryption: self._send_seq = 0 raise ProtocolError('Sequence rollover before kex complete') if pkttype == MSG_NEWKEYS and self._strict_kex: self._send_seq = 0 else: self._send_seq = (seq + 1) & 0xffffffff if self._kex_complete: self._rekey_bytes_sent += pktlen if not handler: handler = self handler.log_sent_packet(pkttype, seq, orig_payload) def _send_deferred_packets(self) -> None: """Send packets deferred due to key exchange or auth""" deferred_packets = self._deferred_packets self._deferred_packets = [] for pkttype, args in deferred_packets: self.send_packet(pkttype, *args) def _send_disconnect(self, code: int, reason: str, lang: str) -> None: """Send a disconnect packet"""'Sending disconnect: %s (%d)', reason, code) self.send_packet(MSG_DISCONNECT, UInt32(code), String(reason), String(lang)) def _send_kexinit(self) -> None: """Start a key exchange""" self._kex_complete = False self._rekey_bytes_sent = 0 if self._rekey_seconds: self._rekey_time = time.monotonic() + self._rekey_seconds if self._gss_kex: assert self._gss is not None gss_mechs = self._gss.mechs else: gss_mechs = [] kex_algs = expand_kex_algs(self._kex_algs, gss_mechs, bool(self._server_host_key_algs)) + \ self._get_extra_kex_algs() host_key_algs = self._server_host_key_algs or [b'null'] self.logger.debug1('Requesting key exchange') self.logger.debug2(' Key exchange algs: %s', kex_algs) self.logger.debug2(' Host key algs: %s', host_key_algs) self.logger.debug2(' Encryption algs: %s', self._enc_algs) self.logger.debug2(' MAC algs: %s', self._mac_algs) self.logger.debug2(' Compression algs: %s', self._cmp_algs) cookie = os.urandom(16) kex_algs = NameList(kex_algs) host_key_algs = NameList(host_key_algs) enc_algs = NameList(self._enc_algs) mac_algs = NameList(self._mac_algs) cmp_algs = NameList(self._cmp_algs) langs = NameList([]) packet = b''.join((Byte(MSG_KEXINIT), cookie, kex_algs, host_key_algs, enc_algs, enc_algs, mac_algs, mac_algs, cmp_algs, cmp_algs, langs, langs, Boolean(False), UInt32(0))) if self.is_server(): self._server_kexinit = packet else: self._client_kexinit = packet self.send_packet(MSG_KEXINIT, packet[1:]) def _send_ext_info(self) -> None: """Send extension information""" packet = UInt32(len(self._extensions_to_send)) self.logger.debug2('Sending extension info') for name, value in self._extensions_to_send.items(): packet += String(name) + String(value) self.logger.debug2(' %s: %s', name, value) self.send_packet(MSG_EXT_INFO, packet) def send_newkeys(self, k: bytes, h: bytes) -> None: """Finish a key exchange and send a new keys message""" if not self._session_id: first_kex = True self._session_id = h else: first_kex = False enc_keysize_cs, enc_ivsize_cs, enc_blocksize_cs, \ mac_keysize_cs, mac_hashsize_cs, etm_cs = \ get_encryption_params(self._enc_alg_cs, self._mac_alg_cs) enc_keysize_sc, enc_ivsize_sc, enc_blocksize_sc, \ mac_keysize_sc, mac_hashsize_sc, etm_sc = \ get_encryption_params(self._enc_alg_sc, self._mac_alg_sc) if mac_keysize_cs == 0: self._mac_alg_cs = self._enc_alg_cs if mac_keysize_sc == 0: self._mac_alg_sc = self._enc_alg_sc cmp_after_auth_cs = get_compression_params(self._cmp_alg_cs) cmp_after_auth_sc = get_compression_params(self._cmp_alg_sc) self.logger.debug2(' Client to server:') self.logger.debug2(' Encryption alg: %s', self._enc_alg_cs) self.logger.debug2(' MAC alg: %s', self._mac_alg_cs) self.logger.debug2(' Compression alg: %s', self._cmp_alg_cs) self.logger.debug2(' Server to client:') self.logger.debug2(' Encryption alg: %s', self._enc_alg_sc) self.logger.debug2(' MAC alg: %s', self._mac_alg_sc) self.logger.debug2(' Compression alg: %s', self._cmp_alg_sc) assert self._kex is not None iv_cs = self._kex.compute_key(k, h, b'A', self._session_id, enc_ivsize_cs) iv_sc = self._kex.compute_key(k, h, b'B', self._session_id, enc_ivsize_sc) enc_key_cs = self._kex.compute_key(k, h, b'C', self._session_id, enc_keysize_cs) enc_key_sc = self._kex.compute_key(k, h, b'D', self._session_id, enc_keysize_sc) mac_key_cs = self._kex.compute_key(k, h, b'E', self._session_id, mac_keysize_cs) mac_key_sc = self._kex.compute_key(k, h, b'F', self._session_id, mac_keysize_sc) self._kex = None next_enc_cs = get_encryption(self._enc_alg_cs, enc_key_cs, iv_cs, self._mac_alg_cs, mac_key_cs, etm_cs) next_enc_sc = get_encryption(self._enc_alg_sc, enc_key_sc, iv_sc, self._mac_alg_sc, mac_key_sc, etm_sc) self.send_packet(MSG_NEWKEYS) self._extensions_to_send[b'global-requests-ok'] = b'' if self.is_client(): self._send_encryption = next_enc_cs self._send_enchdrlen = 1 if etm_cs else 5 self._send_blocksize = max(8, enc_blocksize_cs) self._compressor = get_compressor(self._cmp_alg_cs) self._compress_after_auth = cmp_after_auth_cs self._next_recv_encryption = next_enc_sc self._next_recv_blocksize = max(8, enc_blocksize_sc) self._next_recv_macsize = mac_hashsize_sc self._next_decompressor = get_decompressor(self._cmp_alg_sc) self._next_decompress_after_auth = cmp_after_auth_sc self.set_extra_info( send_cipher=self._enc_alg_cs.decode('ascii'), send_mac=self._mac_alg_cs.decode('ascii'), send_compression=self._cmp_alg_cs.decode('ascii'), recv_cipher=self._enc_alg_sc.decode('ascii'), recv_mac=self._mac_alg_sc.decode('ascii'), recv_compression=self._cmp_alg_sc.decode('ascii')) if first_kex: if self._wait == 'kex' and self._waiter and \ not self._waiter.cancelled(): self._waiter.set_result(None) self._wait = None return else: self._extensions_to_send[b'server-sig-algs'] = \ b','.join(self._sig_algs) self._send_encryption = next_enc_sc self._send_enchdrlen = 1 if etm_sc else 5 self._send_blocksize = max(8, enc_blocksize_sc) self._compressor = get_compressor(self._cmp_alg_sc) self._compress_after_auth = cmp_after_auth_sc self._next_recv_encryption = next_enc_cs self._next_recv_blocksize = max(8, enc_blocksize_cs) self._next_recv_macsize = mac_hashsize_cs self._next_decompressor = get_decompressor(self._cmp_alg_cs) self._next_decompress_after_auth = cmp_after_auth_cs self.set_extra_info( send_cipher=self._enc_alg_sc.decode('ascii'), send_mac=self._mac_alg_sc.decode('ascii'), send_compression=self._cmp_alg_sc.decode('ascii'), recv_cipher=self._enc_alg_cs.decode('ascii'), recv_mac=self._mac_alg_cs.decode('ascii'), recv_compression=self._cmp_alg_cs.decode('ascii')) if self._can_send_ext_info: self._send_ext_info() self._can_send_ext_info = False self._kex_complete = True if first_kex: if self.is_client(): self.send_service_request(_USERAUTH_SERVICE) else: self._next_service = _USERAUTH_SERVICE self._send_deferred_packets() def send_service_request(self, service: bytes) -> None: """Send a service request""" self.logger.debug2('Requesting service %s', service) self._next_service = service self.send_packet(MSG_SERVICE_REQUEST, String(service)) def _get_userauth_request_packet(self, method: bytes, args: Tuple[bytes, ...]) -> bytes: """Get packet data for a user authentication request""" return b''.join((Byte(MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST), String(self._username), String(_CONNECTION_SERVICE), String(method)) + args) def get_userauth_request_data(self, method: bytes, *args: bytes) -> bytes: """Get signature data for a user authentication request""" return (String(self._session_id) + self._get_userauth_request_packet(method, args)) def send_userauth_packet(self, pkttype: int, *args: bytes, handler: Optional[SSHPacketLogger] = None, trivial: bool = True) -> None: """Send a user authentication packet""" self._auth_was_trivial &= trivial self.send_packet(pkttype, *args, handler=handler) async def send_userauth_request(self, method: bytes, *args: bytes, key: Optional[SigningKey] = None, trivial: bool = True) -> None: """Send a user authentication request""" packet = self._get_userauth_request_packet(method, args) if key: data = String(self._session_id) + packet sign_async: Optional[Callable[[bytes], Awaitable[bytes]]] = \ getattr(key, 'sign_async', None) if sign_async: # pylint: disable=not-callable sig = await sign_async(data) elif getattr(key, 'use_executor', False): sig = await self._loop.run_in_executor(None, key.sign, data) else: sig = key.sign(data) packet += String(sig) self.send_userauth_packet(MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, packet[1:], trivial=trivial) def send_userauth_failure(self, partial_success: bool) -> None: """Send a user authentication failure response""" methods = get_supported_server_auth_methods( cast(SSHServerConnection, self)) self.logger.debug2('Remaining auth methods: %s', methods or 'None') self._auth = None self.send_packet(MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE, NameList(methods), Boolean(partial_success)) def send_userauth_success(self) -> None: """Send a user authentication success response"""'Auth for user %s succeeded', self._username) self.send_packet(MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS) self._auth = None self._auth_in_progress = False self._auth_complete = True self._next_service = None self.set_extra_info(username=self._username) self._send_deferred_packets() self._cancel_login_timer() self._set_keepalive_timer() if self._owner: # pragma: no branch self._owner.auth_completed() if self._acceptor: result = self._acceptor(self) if inspect.isawaitable(result): assert result is not None self.create_task(result) self._acceptor = None self._error_handler = None if self._wait == 'auth' and self._waiter and \ not self._waiter.cancelled(): self._waiter.set_result(None) self._wait = None def send_channel_open_confirmation(self, send_chan: int, recv_chan: int, recv_window: int, recv_pktsize: int, *result_args: bytes) -> None: """Send a channel open confirmation""" self.send_packet(MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION, UInt32(send_chan), UInt32(recv_chan), UInt32(recv_window), UInt32(recv_pktsize), *result_args) def send_channel_open_failure(self, send_chan: int, code: int, reason: str, lang: str) -> None: """Send a channel open failure""" self.send_packet(MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE, UInt32(send_chan), UInt32(code), String(reason), String(lang)) async def _make_global_request(self, request: bytes, *args: bytes) -> Tuple[int, SSHPacket]: """Send a global request and wait for the response""" if not self._transport: return MSG_REQUEST_FAILURE, SSHPacket(b'') waiter: 'asyncio.Future[_GlobalRequestResult]' = \ self._loop.create_future() self._global_request_waiters.append(waiter) self.send_packet(MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST, String(request), Boolean(True), *args) return await waiter def _report_global_response(self, result: Union[bool, bytes]) -> None: """Report back the response to a previously issued global request""" _, _, want_reply = self._global_request_queue.pop(0) if want_reply: # pragma: no branch if result: response = b'' if result is True else cast(bytes, result) self.send_packet(MSG_REQUEST_SUCCESS, response) else: self.send_packet(MSG_REQUEST_FAILURE) if self._global_request_queue: self._service_next_global_request() def _service_next_global_request(self) -> None: """Process next item on global request queue""" handler, packet, _ = self._global_request_queue[0] if callable(handler): handler(packet) else: self._report_global_response(False) def _connection_made(self) -> None: """Handle the opening of a new connection""" raise NotImplementedError def _process_disconnect(self, _pkttype: int, _pktid: int, packet: SSHPacket) -> None: """Process a disconnect message""" code = packet.get_uint32() reason_bytes = packet.get_string() lang_bytes = packet.get_string() packet.check_end() try: reason = reason_bytes.decode('utf-8') lang = lang_bytes.decode('ascii') except UnicodeDecodeError: raise ProtocolError('Invalid disconnect message') from None self.logger.debug1('Received disconnect: %s (%d)', reason, code) if code != DISC_BY_APPLICATION or self._wait: exc: Optional[Exception] = construct_disc_error(code, reason, lang) else: exc = None self._force_close(exc) def _process_ignore(self, _pkttype: int, _pktid: int, packet: SSHPacket) -> None: """Process an ignore message""" # Work around missing payload bytes in an ignore message # in some Cisco SSH servers if b'Cisco' not in self._server_version: # pragma: no branch _ = packet.get_string() # data packet.check_end() def _process_unimplemented(self, _pkttype: int, _pktid: int, packet: SSHPacket) -> None: """Process an unimplemented message response""" # pylint: disable=no-self-use _ = packet.get_uint32() # seq packet.check_end() def _process_debug(self, _pkttype: int, _pktid: int, packet: SSHPacket) -> None: """Process a debug message""" always_display = packet.get_boolean() msg_bytes = packet.get_string() lang_bytes = packet.get_string() packet.check_end() try: msg = msg_bytes.decode('utf-8') lang = lang_bytes.decode('ascii') except UnicodeDecodeError: raise ProtocolError('Invalid debug message') from None self.logger.debug1('Received debug message: %s%s', msg, ' (always display)' if always_display else '') if self._owner: # pragma: no branch self._owner.debug_msg_received(msg, lang, always_display) def _process_service_request(self, _pkttype: int, _pktid: int, packet: SSHPacket) -> None: """Process a service request""" service = packet.get_string() packet.check_end() if self.is_client(): raise ProtocolError('Unexpected service request received') if not self._recv_encryption: raise ProtocolError('Service request received before kex complete') if service != self._next_service: raise ServiceNotAvailable('Unexpected service in service request') self.logger.debug2('Accepting request for service %s', service) self.send_packet(MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT, String(service)) self._next_service = None if service == _USERAUTH_SERVICE: # pragma: no branch self._auth_in_progress = True self._can_recv_ext_info = False self._send_deferred_packets() def _process_service_accept(self, _pkttype: int, _pktid: int, packet: SSHPacket) -> None: """Process a service accept response""" service = packet.get_string() packet.check_end() if self.is_server(): raise ProtocolError('Unexpected service accept received') if not self._recv_encryption: raise ProtocolError('Service accept received before kex complete') if service != self._next_service: raise ServiceNotAvailable('Unexpected service in service accept') self.logger.debug2('Request for service %s accepted', service) self._next_service = None if service == _USERAUTH_SERVICE: # pragma: no branch'Beginning auth for user %s', self._username) self._auth_in_progress = True # This method is only in SSHClientConnection # pylint: disable=no-member cast('SSHClientConnection', self).try_next_auth() def _process_ext_info(self, _pkttype: int, _pktid: int, packet: SSHPacket) -> None: """Process extension information""" if not self._can_recv_ext_info: raise ProtocolError('Unexpected ext_info received') extensions: Dict[bytes, bytes] = {} self.logger.debug2('Received extension info') num_extensions = packet.get_uint32() for _ in range(num_extensions): name = packet.get_string() value = packet.get_string() extensions[name] = value self.logger.debug2(' %s: %s', name, value) packet.check_end() if self.is_client(): self._server_sig_algs = \ set(extensions.get(b'server-sig-algs', b'').split(b',')) def _process_kexinit(self, _pkttype: int, _pktid: int, packet: SSHPacket) -> None: """Process a key exchange request""" if self._kex: raise ProtocolError('Key exchange already in progress') _ = packet.get_bytes(16) # cookie peer_kex_algs = packet.get_namelist() peer_host_key_algs = packet.get_namelist() enc_algs_cs = packet.get_namelist() enc_algs_sc = packet.get_namelist() mac_algs_cs = packet.get_namelist() mac_algs_sc = packet.get_namelist() cmp_algs_cs = packet.get_namelist() cmp_algs_sc = packet.get_namelist() _ = packet.get_namelist() # lang_cs _ = packet.get_namelist() # lang_sc first_kex_follows = packet.get_boolean() _ = packet.get_uint32() # reserved packet.check_end() if self.is_server(): self._client_kexinit = packet.get_consumed_payload() if not self._session_id: if b'ext-info-c' in peer_kex_algs: self._can_send_ext_info = True if b'' in peer_kex_algs: self._strict_kex = True else: self._server_kexinit = packet.get_consumed_payload() if not self._session_id: if b'ext-info-s' in peer_kex_algs: self._can_send_ext_info = True if b'' in peer_kex_algs: self._strict_kex = True if self._strict_kex and not self._recv_encryption and \ self._recv_seq != 0: raise ProtocolError('Strict key exchange violation: ' 'KEXINIT was not the first packet') if self._kexinit_sent: self._kexinit_sent = False else: self._send_kexinit() if self._gss: self._gss.reset() if self._gss_kex: assert self._gss is not None gss_mechs = self._gss.mechs else: gss_mechs = [] kex_algs = expand_kex_algs(self._kex_algs, gss_mechs, bool(self._server_host_key_algs)) self.logger.debug1('Received key exchange request') self.logger.debug2(' Key exchange algs: %s', peer_kex_algs) self.logger.debug2(' Host key algs: %s', peer_host_key_algs) self.logger.debug2(' Client to server:') self.logger.debug2(' Encryption algs: %s', enc_algs_cs) self.logger.debug2(' MAC algs: %s', mac_algs_cs) self.logger.debug2(' Compression algs: %s', cmp_algs_cs) self.logger.debug2(' Server to client:') self.logger.debug2(' Encryption algs: %s', enc_algs_sc) self.logger.debug2(' MAC algs: %s', mac_algs_sc) self.logger.debug2(' Compression algs: %s', cmp_algs_sc) kex_alg = self._choose_alg('key exchange', kex_algs, peer_kex_algs) self._kex = get_kex(self, kex_alg) self._ignore_first_kex = (first_kex_follows and self._kex.algorithm != peer_kex_algs[0]) if self.is_server(): # This method is only in SSHServerConnection # pylint: disable=no-member if (not cast(SSHServerConnection, self).choose_server_host_key( peer_host_key_algs) and not kex_alg.startswith(b'gss-')): raise KeyExchangeFailed('Unable to find compatible ' 'server host key') self._enc_alg_cs = self._choose_alg('encryption', self._enc_algs, enc_algs_cs) self._enc_alg_sc = self._choose_alg('encryption', self._enc_algs, enc_algs_sc) self._mac_alg_cs = self._choose_alg('MAC', self._mac_algs, mac_algs_cs) self._mac_alg_sc = self._choose_alg('MAC', self._mac_algs, mac_algs_sc) self._cmp_alg_cs = self._choose_alg('compression', self._cmp_algs, cmp_algs_cs) self._cmp_alg_sc = self._choose_alg('compression', self._cmp_algs, cmp_algs_sc) self.logger.debug1('Beginning key exchange') self.logger.debug2(' Key exchange alg: %s', self._kex.algorithm) self._kex.start() def _process_newkeys(self, _pkttype: int, _pktid: int, packet: SSHPacket) -> None: """Process a new keys message, finishing a key exchange""" packet.check_end() if self._next_recv_encryption: self._recv_encryption = self._next_recv_encryption self._recv_blocksize = self._next_recv_blocksize self._recv_macsize = self._next_recv_macsize self._decompressor = self._next_decompressor self._decompress_after_auth = self._next_decompress_after_auth self._next_recv_encryption = None self._can_recv_ext_info = True else: raise ProtocolError('New keys not negotiated') self.logger.debug1('Completed key exchange') def _process_userauth_request(self, _pkttype: int, _pktid: int, packet: SSHPacket) -> None: """Process a user authentication request""" username_bytes = packet.get_string() service = packet.get_string() method = packet.get_string() if len(username_bytes) >= _MAX_USERNAME_LEN: raise IllegalUserName('Username too long') if service != _CONNECTION_SERVICE: raise ServiceNotAvailable('Unexpected service in auth request') try: username = saslprep(username_bytes.decode('utf-8')) except (UnicodeDecodeError, SASLPrepError) as exc: raise IllegalUserName(str(exc)) from None if self.is_client(): raise ProtocolError('Unexpected userauth request') elif self._auth_complete: # Silently ignore additional auth requests after auth succeeds, # until the client sends a non-auth message if self._auth_final: raise ProtocolError('Unexpected userauth request') else: if username != self._username:'Beginning auth for user %s', username) self._username = username begin_auth = True else: begin_auth = False self.create_task(self._finish_userauth(begin_auth, method, packet)) async def _finish_userauth(self, begin_auth: bool, method: bytes, packet: SSHPacket) -> None: """Finish processing a user authentication request""" if not self._owner: # pragma: no cover return if begin_auth: # This method is only in SSHServerConnection # pylint: disable=no-member await cast(SSHServerConnection, self).reload_config() result = cast(SSHServer, self._owner).begin_auth(self._username) if inspect.isawaitable(result): result = await cast(Awaitable[bool], result) if not result: self.send_userauth_success() return if not self._owner: # pragma: no cover return if self._auth: self._auth.cancel() self._auth = lookup_server_auth(cast(SSHServerConnection, self), self._username, method, packet) def _process_userauth_failure(self, _pkttype: int, _pktid: int, packet: SSHPacket) -> None: """Process a user authentication failure response""" auth_methods = packet.get_namelist() partial_success = packet.get_boolean() packet.check_end() self.logger.debug2('Remaining auth methods: %s', auth_methods or 'None') if self._wait == 'auth_methods' and self._waiter and \ not self._waiter.cancelled(): self._waiter.set_result(None) self._auth_methods = list(auth_methods) self._wait = None return if self._preferred_auth: self.logger.debug2('Preferred auth methods: %s', self._preferred_auth or 'None') auth_methods = [method for method in self._preferred_auth if method in auth_methods] self._auth_methods = list(auth_methods) if self.is_client() and self._auth: auth = cast(ClientAuth, self._auth) if partial_success: # pragma: no cover # Partial success not implemented yet auth.auth_succeeded() else: auth.auth_failed() # This method is only in SSHClientConnection # pylint: disable=no-member cast(SSHClientConnection, self).try_next_auth() else: raise ProtocolError('Unexpected userauth failure response') def _process_userauth_success(self, _pkttype: int, _pktid: int, packet: SSHPacket) -> None: """Process a user authentication success response""" packet.check_end() if self.is_client() and self._auth: auth = cast(ClientAuth, self._auth) if self._auth_was_trivial and self._disable_trivial_auth: raise PermissionDenied('Trivial auth disabled')'Auth for user %s succeeded', self._username) if self._wait == 'auth_methods' and self._waiter and \ not self._waiter.cancelled(): self._waiter.set_result(None) self._auth_methods = [b'none'] self._wait = None return auth.auth_succeeded() auth.cancel() self._auth = None self._auth_in_progress = False self._auth_complete = True self._can_recv_ext_info = False if self._agent: self._agent.close() self.set_extra_info(username=self._username) self._cancel_login_timer() self._send_deferred_packets() self._set_keepalive_timer() if self._owner: # pragma: no branch self._owner.auth_completed() if self._acceptor: result = self._acceptor(self) if inspect.isawaitable(result): assert result is not None self.create_task(result) self._acceptor = None self._error_handler = None if self._wait == 'auth' and self._waiter and \ not self._waiter.cancelled(): self._waiter.set_result(None) self._wait = None else: raise ProtocolError('Unexpected userauth success response') def _process_userauth_banner(self, _pkttype: int, _pktid: int, packet: SSHPacket) -> None: """Process a user authentication banner message""" msg_bytes = packet.get_string() lang_bytes = packet.get_string() packet.check_end() try: msg = msg_bytes.decode('utf-8') lang = lang_bytes.decode('ascii') except UnicodeDecodeError: raise ProtocolError('Invalid userauth banner') from None self.logger.debug1('Received authentication banner') if self.is_client(): cast(SSHClient, self._owner).auth_banner_received(msg, lang) else: raise ProtocolError('Unexpected userauth banner') def _process_global_request(self, _pkttype: int, _pktid: int, packet: SSHPacket) -> None: """Process a global request""" request_bytes = packet.get_string() want_reply = packet.get_boolean() try: request = request_bytes.decode('ascii') except UnicodeDecodeError: raise ProtocolError('Invalid global request') from None name = '_process_' + map_handler_name(request) + '_global_request' handler = cast(Optional[_PacketHandler], getattr(self, name, None)) if not handler: self.logger.debug1('Received unknown global request: %s', request) self._global_request_queue.append((handler, packet, want_reply)) if len(self._global_request_queue) == 1: self._service_next_global_request() def _process_global_response(self, pkttype: int, _pktid: int, packet: SSHPacket) -> None: """Process a global response""" if self._global_request_waiters: waiter = self._global_request_waiters.pop(0) if not waiter.cancelled(): # pragma: no branch waiter.set_result((pkttype, packet)) else: raise ProtocolError('Unexpected global response') def _process_channel_open(self, _pkttype: int, _pktid: int, packet: SSHPacket) -> None: """Process a channel open request""" chantype_bytes = packet.get_string() send_chan = packet.get_uint32() send_window = packet.get_uint32() send_pktsize = packet.get_uint32() # Work around an off-by-one error in dropbear introduced in # if b'dropbear' in self._client_version and self._compressor: send_pktsize -= 1 try: chantype = chantype_bytes.decode('ascii') except UnicodeDecodeError: raise ProtocolError('Invalid channel open request') from None try: name = '_process_' + map_handler_name(chantype) + '_open' handler = cast(Optional[_OpenHandler], getattr(self, name, None)) if callable(handler): chan, session = handler(packet) chan.process_open(send_chan, send_window, send_pktsize, session) else: raise ChannelOpenError(OPEN_UNKNOWN_CHANNEL_TYPE, 'Unknown channel type') except ChannelOpenError as exc: self.logger.debug1('Open failed for channel type %s: %s', chantype, exc.reason) self.send_channel_open_failure(send_chan, exc.code, exc.reason, exc.lang) def _process_channel_open_confirmation(self, _pkttype: int, _pktid: int, packet: SSHPacket) -> None: """Process a channel open confirmation response""" recv_chan = packet.get_uint32() send_chan = packet.get_uint32() send_window = packet.get_uint32() send_pktsize = packet.get_uint32() # Work around an off-by-one error in dropbear introduced in # if b'dropbear' in self._server_version and self._compressor: send_pktsize -= 1 chan = self._channels.get(recv_chan) if chan: chan.process_open_confirmation(send_chan, send_window, send_pktsize, packet) else: self.logger.debug1('Received open confirmation for unknown ' 'channel %d', recv_chan) raise ProtocolError('Invalid channel number') def _process_channel_open_failure(self, _pkttype: int, _pktid: int, packet: SSHPacket) -> None: """Process a channel open failure response""" recv_chan = packet.get_uint32() code = packet.get_uint32() reason_bytes = packet.get_string() lang_bytes = packet.get_string() packet.check_end() try: reason = reason_bytes.decode('utf-8') lang = lang_bytes.decode('ascii') except UnicodeDecodeError: raise ProtocolError('Invalid channel open failure') from None chan = self._channels.get(recv_chan) if chan: chan.process_open_failure(code, reason, lang) else: self.logger.debug1('Received open failure for unknown ' 'channel %d', recv_chan) raise ProtocolError('Invalid channel number') def _process_keepalive_at_openssh_dot_com_global_request( self, packet: SSHPacket) -> None: """Process an incoming OpenSSH keepalive request""" packet.check_end() self.logger.debug2('Received OpenSSH keepalive request') self._report_global_response(True) _packet_handlers = { MSG_DISCONNECT: _process_disconnect, MSG_IGNORE: _process_ignore, MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED: _process_unimplemented, MSG_DEBUG: _process_debug, MSG_SERVICE_REQUEST: _process_service_request, MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT: _process_service_accept, MSG_EXT_INFO: _process_ext_info, MSG_KEXINIT: _process_kexinit, MSG_NEWKEYS: _process_newkeys, MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST: _process_userauth_request, MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE: _process_userauth_failure, MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS: _process_userauth_success, MSG_USERAUTH_BANNER: _process_userauth_banner, MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST: _process_global_request, MSG_REQUEST_SUCCESS: _process_global_response, MSG_REQUEST_FAILURE: _process_global_response, MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN: _process_channel_open, MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION: _process_channel_open_confirmation, MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE: _process_channel_open_failure } def abort(self) -> None: """Forcibly close the SSH connection This method closes the SSH connection immediately, without waiting for pending operations to complete and without sending an explicit SSH disconnect message. Buffered data waiting to be sent will be lost and no more data will be received. When the the connection is closed, :meth:`connection_lost() <SSHClient.connection_lost>` on the associated :class:`SSHClient` object will be called with the value `None`. """'Aborting connection') self._force_close(None) def close(self) -> None: """Cleanly close the SSH connection This method calls :meth:`disconnect` with the reason set to indicate that the connection was closed explicitly by the application. """'Closing connection') self.disconnect(DISC_BY_APPLICATION, 'Disconnected by application') async def wait_closed(self) -> None: """Wait for this connection to close This method is a coroutine which can be called to block until this connection has finished closing. """ if self._agent: await self._agent.wait_closed() await self._close_event.wait() def disconnect(self, code: int, reason: str, lang: str = DEFAULT_LANG) -> None: """Disconnect the SSH connection This method sends a disconnect message and closes the SSH connection after buffered data waiting to be written has been sent. No more data will be received. When the connection is fully closed, :meth:`connection_lost() <SSHClient.connection_lost>` on the associated :class:`SSHClient` or :class:`SSHServer` object will be called with the value `None`. :param code: The reason for the disconnect, from :ref:`disconnect reason codes <DisconnectReasons>` :param reason: A human readable reason for the disconnect :param lang: The language the reason is in :type code: `int` :type reason: `str` :type lang: `str` """ for chan in list(self._channels.values()): chan.close() self._send_disconnect(code, reason, lang) self._force_close(None) def get_extra_info(self, name: str, default: Any = None) -> Any: """Get additional information about the connection This method returns extra information about the connection once it is established. Supported values include everything supported by a socket transport plus: | username | client_version | server_version | send_cipher | send_mac | send_compression | recv_cipher | recv_mac | recv_compression See :meth:`get_extra_info() <asyncio.BaseTransport.get_extra_info>` in :class:`asyncio.BaseTransport` for more information. Additional information stored on the connection by calling :meth:`set_extra_info` can also be returned here. """ return self._extra.get(name, self._transport.get_extra_info(name, default) if self._transport else default) def set_extra_info(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Store additional information associated with the connection This method allows extra information to be associated with the connection. The information to store should be passed in as keyword parameters and can later be returned by calling :meth:`get_extra_info` with one of the keywords as the name to retrieve. """ self._extra.update(**kwargs) def set_keepalive(self, interval: Union[None, float, str] = None, count_max: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """Set keep-alive timer on this connection This method sets the parameters of the keepalive timer on the connection. If *interval* is set to a non-zero value, keep-alive requests will be sent whenever the connection is idle, and if a response is not received after *count_max* attempts, the connection is closed. :param interval: (optional) The time in seconds to wait before sending a keep-alive message if no data has been received. This defaults to 0, which disables sending these messages. :param count_max: (optional) The maximum number of keepalive messages which will be sent without getting a response before closing the connection. This defaults to 3, but only applies when *interval* is non-zero. :type interval: `int`, `float`, or `str` :type count_max: `int` """ if interval is not None: if isinstance(interval, str): interval = parse_time_interval(interval) if interval < 0: raise ValueError('Keepalive interval cannot be negative') self._keepalive_interval = interval if count_max is not None: if count_max < 0: raise ValueError('Keepalive count max cannot be negative') self._keepalive_count_max = count_max self._reset_keepalive_timer() def send_debug(self, msg: str, lang: str = DEFAULT_LANG, always_display: bool = False) -> None: """Send a debug message on this connection This method can be called to send a debug message to the other end of the connection. :param msg: The debug message to send :param lang: The language the message is in :param always_display: Whether or not to display the message :type msg: `str` :type lang: `str` :type always_display: `bool` """ self.logger.debug1('Sending debug message: %s%s', msg, ' (always display)' if always_display else '') self.send_packet(MSG_DEBUG, Boolean(always_display), String(msg), String(lang)) def create_tcp_channel(self, encoding: Optional[str] = None, errors: str = 'strict', window: int = _DEFAULT_WINDOW, max_pktsize: int = _DEFAULT_MAX_PKTSIZE) -> \ SSHTCPChannel: """Create an SSH TCP channel for a new direct TCP connection This method can be called by :meth:`connection_requested() <SSHServer.connection_requested>` to create an :class:`SSHTCPChannel` with the desired encoding, Unicode error handling strategy, window, and max packet size for a newly created SSH direct connection. :param encoding: (optional) The Unicode encoding to use for data exchanged on the connection. This defaults to `None`, allowing the application to send and receive raw bytes. :param errors: (optional) The error handling strategy to apply on encode/decode errors :param window: (optional) The receive window size for this session :param max_pktsize: (optional) The maximum packet size for this session :type encoding: `str` or `None` :type errors: `str` :type window: `int` :type max_pktsize: `int` :returns: :class:`SSHTCPChannel` """ return SSHTCPChannel(self, self._loop, encoding, errors, window, max_pktsize) def create_unix_channel(self, encoding: Optional[str] = None, errors: str = 'strict', window: int = _DEFAULT_WINDOW, max_pktsize: int = _DEFAULT_MAX_PKTSIZE) -> \ SSHUNIXChannel: """Create an SSH UNIX channel for a new direct UNIX domain connection This method can be called by :meth:`unix_connection_requested() <SSHServer.unix_connection_requested>` to create an :class:`SSHUNIXChannel` with the desired encoding, Unicode error handling strategy, window, and max packet size for a newly created SSH direct UNIX domain socket connection. :param encoding: (optional) The Unicode encoding to use for data exchanged on the connection. This defaults to `None`, allowing the application to send and receive raw bytes. :param errors: (optional) The error handling strategy to apply on encode/decode errors :param window: (optional) The receive window size for this session :param max_pktsize: (optional) The maximum packet size for this session :type encoding: `str` or `None` :type errors: `str` :type window: `int` :type max_pktsize: `int` :returns: :class:`SSHUNIXChannel` """ return SSHUNIXChannel(self, self._loop, encoding, errors, window, max_pktsize) def create_tuntap_channel(self, window: int = _DEFAULT_WINDOW, max_pktsize: int = _DEFAULT_MAX_PKTSIZE) -> \ SSHTunTapChannel: """Create a channel to use for TUN/TAP forwarding This method can be called by :meth:`tun_requested() <SSHServer.tun_requested>` or :meth:`tap_requested() <SSHServer.tap_requested>` to create an :class:`SSHTunTapChannel` with the desired window and max packet size for a newly created TUN/TAP tunnel. :param window: (optional) The receive window size for this session :param max_pktsize: (optional) The maximum packet size for this session :type window: `int` :type max_pktsize: `int` :returns: :class:`SSHTunTapChannel` """ return SSHTunTapChannel(self, self._loop, None, 'strict', window, max_pktsize) def create_x11_channel( self, window: int = _DEFAULT_WINDOW, max_pktsize: int = _DEFAULT_MAX_PKTSIZE) -> SSHX11Channel: """Create an SSH X11 channel to use in X11 forwarding""" return SSHX11Channel(self, self._loop, None, 'strict', window, max_pktsize) def create_agent_channel( self, window: int = _DEFAULT_WINDOW, max_pktsize: int = _DEFAULT_MAX_PKTSIZE) -> SSHAgentChannel: """Create an SSH agent channel to use in agent forwarding""" return SSHAgentChannel(self, self._loop, None, 'strict', window, max_pktsize) async def create_connection( self, session_factory: SSHTCPSessionFactory[AnyStr], remote_host: str, remote_port: int, orig_host: str = '', orig_port: int = 0, *, encoding: Optional[str] = None, errors: str = 'strict', window: int = _DEFAULT_WINDOW, max_pktsize: int = _DEFAULT_MAX_PKTSIZE) -> \ Tuple[SSHTCPChannel[AnyStr], SSHTCPSession[AnyStr]]: """Create an SSH direct or forwarded TCP connection""" raise NotImplementedError async def create_unix_connection( self, session_factory: SSHUNIXSessionFactory[AnyStr], remote_path: str, *, encoding: Optional[str] = None, errors: str = 'strict', window: int = _DEFAULT_WINDOW, max_pktsize: int = _DEFAULT_MAX_PKTSIZE) -> \ Tuple[SSHUNIXChannel[AnyStr], SSHUNIXSession[AnyStr]]: """Create an SSH direct or forwarded UNIX domain socket connection""" raise NotImplementedError async def forward_connection( self, dest_host: str, dest_port: int) -> SSHForwarder: """Forward a tunneled TCP connection This method is a coroutine which can be returned by a `session_factory` to forward connections tunneled over SSH to the specified destination host and port. :param dest_host: The hostname or address to forward the connections to :param dest_port: The port number to forward the connections to :type dest_host: `str` or `None` :type dest_port: `int` :returns: :class:`asyncio.BaseProtocol` """ try: _, peer = await self._loop.create_connection(SSHForwarder, dest_host, dest_port)' Forwarding TCP connection to %s', (dest_host, dest_port)) except OSError as exc: raise ChannelOpenError(OPEN_CONNECT_FAILED, str(exc)) from None return SSHForwarder(cast(SSHForwarder, peer)) async def forward_unix_connection(self, dest_path: str) -> SSHForwarder: """Forward a tunneled UNIX domain socket connection This method is a coroutine which can be returned by a `session_factory` to forward connections tunneled over SSH to the specified destination path. :param dest_path: The path to forward the connection to :type dest_path: `str` :returns: :class:`asyncio.BaseProtocol` """ try: _, peer = \ await self._loop.create_unix_connection(SSHForwarder, dest_path)' Forwarding UNIX connection to %s', dest_path) except OSError as exc: raise ChannelOpenError(OPEN_CONNECT_FAILED, str(exc)) from None return SSHForwarder(cast(SSHForwarder, peer)) @async_context_manager async def forward_local_port( self, listen_host: str, listen_port: int, dest_host: str, dest_port: int, accept_handler: Optional[SSHAcceptHandler] = None) -> SSHListener: """Set up local port forwarding This method is a coroutine which attempts to set up port forwarding from a local listening port to a remote host and port via the SSH connection. If the request is successful, the return value is an :class:`SSHListener` object which can be used later to shut down the port forwarding. :param listen_host: The hostname or address on the local host to listen on :param listen_port: The port number on the local host to listen on :param dest_host: The hostname or address to forward the connections to :param dest_port: The port number to forward the connections to :param accept_handler: A `callable` or coroutine which takes arguments of the original host and port of the client and decides whether or not to allow connection forwarding, returning `True` to accept the connection and begin forwarding or `False` to reject and close it. :type listen_host: `str` :type listen_port: `int` :type dest_host: `str` :type dest_port: `int` :type accept_handler: `callable` or coroutine :returns: :class:`SSHListener` :raises: :exc:`OSError` if the listener can't be opened """ async def tunnel_connection( session_factory: SSHTCPSessionFactory[bytes], orig_host: str, orig_port: int) -> \ Tuple[SSHTCPChannel[bytes], SSHTCPSession[bytes]]: """Forward a local connection over SSH""" if accept_handler: result = accept_handler(orig_host, orig_port) if inspect.isawaitable(result): result = await cast(Awaitable[bool], result) if not result:'Request for TCP forwarding from ' '%s to %s denied by application', (orig_host, orig_port), (dest_host, dest_port)) raise ChannelOpenError(OPEN_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED, 'Connection forwarding denied') return (await self.create_connection(session_factory, dest_host, dest_port, orig_host, orig_port)) if (listen_host, listen_port) == (dest_host, dest_port):'Creating local TCP forwarder on %s', (listen_host, listen_port)) else:'Creating local TCP forwarder from %s to %s', (listen_host, listen_port), (dest_host, dest_port)) try: listener = await create_tcp_forward_listener(self, self._loop, tunnel_connection, listen_host, listen_port) except OSError as exc: self.logger.debug1('Failed to create local TCP listener: %s', exc) raise if listen_port == 0: listen_port = listener.get_port() if dest_port == 0: dest_port = listen_port self._local_listeners[listen_host, listen_port] = listener return listener @async_context_manager async def forward_local_path(self, listen_path: str, dest_path: str) -> SSHListener: """Set up local UNIX domain socket forwarding This method is a coroutine which attempts to set up UNIX domain socket forwarding from a local listening path to a remote path via the SSH connection. If the request is successful, the return value is an :class:`SSHListener` object which can be used later to shut down the UNIX domain socket forwarding. :param listen_path: The path on the local host to listen on :param dest_path: The path on the remote host to forward the connections to :type listen_path: `str` :type dest_path: `str` :returns: :class:`SSHListener` :raises: :exc:`OSError` if the listener can't be opened """ async def tunnel_connection( session_factory: SSHUNIXSessionFactory[bytes]) -> \ Tuple[SSHUNIXChannel[bytes], SSHUNIXSession[bytes]]: """Forward a local connection over SSH""" return await self.create_unix_connection(session_factory, dest_path)'Creating local UNIX forwarder from %s to %s', listen_path, dest_path) try: listener = await create_unix_forward_listener(self, self._loop, tunnel_connection, listen_path) except OSError as exc: self.logger.debug1('Failed to create local UNIX listener: %s', exc) raise self._local_listeners[listen_path] = listener return listener def forward_tuntap(self, mode: int, unit: Optional[int]) -> SSHForwarder: """Set up TUN/TAP forwarding""" try: transport, peer = create_tuntap(SSHForwarder, mode, unit) interface = transport.get_extra_info('interface')' Forwarding layer %d traffic to %s', 3 if mode == SSH_TUN_MODE_POINTTOPOINT else 2, interface) except OSError as exc: raise ChannelOpenError(OPEN_CONNECT_FAILED, str(exc)) from None return SSHForwarder(cast(SSHForwarder, peer), extra={'interface': interface}) def close_forward_listener(self, listen_key: ListenKey) -> None: """Mark a local forwarding listener as closed""" self._local_listeners.pop(listen_key, None) def detach_x11_listener(self, chan: SSHChannel[AnyStr]) -> None: """Detach a session from a local X11 listener""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class SSHClientConnection(SSHConnection): """SSH client connection This class represents an SSH client connection. Once authentication is successful on a connection, new client sessions can be opened by calling :meth:`create_session`. Direct TCP connections can be opened by calling :meth:`create_connection`. Remote listeners for forwarded TCP connections can be opened by calling :meth:`create_server`. Direct UNIX domain socket connections can be opened by calling :meth:`create_unix_connection`. Remote listeners for forwarded UNIX domain socket connections can be opened by calling :meth:`create_unix_server`. TCP port forwarding can be set up by calling :meth:`forward_local_port` or :meth:`forward_remote_port`. UNIX domain socket forwarding can be set up by calling :meth:`forward_local_path` or :meth:`forward_remote_path`. Mixed forwarding from a TCP port to a UNIX domain socket or vice-versa can be set up by calling :meth:`forward_local_port_to_path`, :meth:`forward_local_path_to_port`, :meth:`forward_remote_port_to_path`, or :meth:`forward_remote_path_to_port`. """ _options: 'SSHClientConnectionOptions' _owner: SSHClient _x11_listener: Optional[SSHX11ClientListener] def __init__(self, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, options: 'SSHClientConnectionOptions', acceptor: _AcceptHandler = None, error_handler: _ErrorHandler = None, wait: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__(loop, options, acceptor, error_handler, wait, server=False) self._host = self._port = options.port self._known_hosts = options.known_hosts self._host_key_alias = options.host_key_alias self._server_host_key_algs: Optional[Sequence[bytes]] = None self._server_host_key: Optional[SSHKey] = None self._username = options.username self._password = options.password self._client_host_keys: List[_ClientHostKey] = [] self._client_keys: List[SSHKeyPair] = \ list(options.client_keys) if options.client_keys else [] self._saved_rsa_key: Optional[_ClientHostKey] = None if options.preferred_auth != (): self._preferred_auth = [method.encode('ascii') for method in options.preferred_auth] else: self._preferred_auth = get_supported_client_auth_methods() self._disable_trivial_auth = options.disable_trivial_auth if options.agent_path is not None: self._agent = SSHAgentClient(options.agent_path) self._agent_identities = options.agent_identities self._agent_forward_path = options.agent_forward_path self._get_agent_keys = bool(self._agent) self._pkcs11_provider = options.pkcs11_provider self._pkcs11_pin = options.pkcs11_pin self._get_pkcs11_keys = bool(self._pkcs11_provider) gss_host = options.gss_host if options.gss_host != () else if gss_host: try: self._gss = GSSClient(gss_host, options.gss_delegate_creds) self._gss_kex = options.gss_kex self._gss_auth = options.gss_auth self._gss_mic_auth = self._gss_auth except GSSError: pass self._kbdint_password_auth = False self._remote_listeners: \ Dict[ListenKey, Union[SSHTCPClientListener, SSHUNIXClientListener]] = {} self._dynamic_remote_listeners: Dict[str, SSHTCPClientListener] = {} def _connection_made(self) -> None: """Handle the opening of a new connection""" assert self._transport is not None if not self._host: if self._peer_addr: self._host = self._peer_addr self._port = self._peer_port else: remote_peer = self.get_extra_info('remote_peername') self._host, self._port = cast(HostPort, remote_peer) if self._options.client_host_keysign: sock = cast(socket.socket, self._transport.get_extra_info('socket')) self._client_host_keys = list(get_keysign_keys( self._options.client_host_keysign, sock.fileno(), self._options.client_host_pubkeys)) elif self._options.client_host_keypairs: self._client_host_keys = list(self._options.client_host_keypairs) else: self._client_host_keys = [] if self._known_hosts is None: self._trusted_host_keys = None self._trusted_ca_keys = None else: if not self._known_hosts: default_known_hosts = Path('~', '.ssh', 'known_hosts').expanduser() if (default_known_hosts.is_file() and os.access(default_known_hosts, os.R_OK)): self._known_hosts = str(default_known_hosts) else: self._known_hosts = b'' port = self._port if self._port != DEFAULT_PORT else None self._match_known_hosts(cast(KnownHostsArg, self._known_hosts), self._host_key_alias or self._host, self._peer_addr, port) default_host_key_algs = [] if self._options.server_host_key_algs != 'default': if self._trusted_host_key_algs: default_host_key_algs = self._trusted_host_key_algs if self._trusted_ca_keys: default_host_key_algs = \ get_default_certificate_algs() + default_host_key_algs if not default_host_key_algs: default_host_key_algs = \ get_default_certificate_algs() + get_default_public_key_algs() if self._x509_trusted_certs is not None: if self._x509_trusted_certs or self._x509_trusted_cert_paths: default_host_key_algs = \ get_default_x509_certificate_algs() + default_host_key_algs self._server_host_key_algs = _select_host_key_algs( self._options.server_host_key_algs, cast(DefTuple[str], self._options.config.get( 'HostKeyAlgorithms', ())), default_host_key_algs)'Connected to SSH server at %s', (self._host, self._port)) if self._options.proxy_command: proxy_command = ' '.join(shlex.quote(arg) for arg in self._options.proxy_command)' Proxy command: %s', proxy_command) else:' Local address: %s', (self._local_addr, self._local_port))' Peer address: %s', (self._peer_addr, self._peer_port)) def _cleanup(self, exc: Optional[Exception]) -> None: """Clean up this client connection""" if self._agent: self._agent.close() if self._remote_listeners: for tcp_listener in list(self._remote_listeners.values()): tcp_listener.close() self._remote_listeners = {} self._dynamic_remote_listeners = {} if exc is None:'Connection closed') elif isinstance(exc, ConnectionLost): else:'Connection failure: ' + str(exc)) super()._cleanup(exc) def _choose_signature_alg(self, keypair: _ClientHostKey) -> bool: """Choose signature algorithm to use for key-based authentication""" if self._server_sig_algs: for alg in keypair.sig_algorithms: if alg in self._sig_algs and alg in self._server_sig_algs: keypair.set_sig_algorithm(alg) return True return keypair.sig_algorithms[-1] in self._sig_algs def validate_server_host_key(self, key_data: bytes) -> SSHKey: """Validate and return the server's host key""" try: host_key = self._validate_host_key( self._host_key_alias or self._host, self._peer_addr, self._port, key_data) except ValueError as exc: host = self._host if self._host_key_alias: host += f' with alias {self._host_key_alias}' raise HostKeyNotVerifiable(f'{exc} for host {host}') from None self._server_host_key = host_key return host_key
[docs] def get_server_host_key(self) -> Optional[SSHKey]: """Return the server host key used in the key exchange This method returns the server host key used to complete the key exchange with the server. If GSS key exchange is used, `None` is returned. :returns: An :class:`SSHKey` public key or `None` """ return self._server_host_key
def get_server_auth_methods(self) -> Sequence[str]: """Return the server host key used in the key exchange This method returns the auth methods available to authenticate to the server. :returns: `list` of `str` """ return [method.decode('ascii') for method in self._auth_methods] def try_next_auth(self) -> None: """Attempt client authentication using the next compatible method""" if self._auth: self._auth.cancel() self._auth = None while self._auth_methods: method = self._auth_methods.pop(0) self._auth = lookup_client_auth(self, method) if self._auth: return'Auth failed for user %s', self._username) self._force_close(PermissionDenied('Permission denied for user ' f'{self._username} on host ' f'{self._host}')) def gss_kex_auth_requested(self) -> bool: """Return whether to allow GSS key exchange authentication or not""" if self._gss_kex_auth: self._gss_kex_auth = False return True else: return False def gss_mic_auth_requested(self) -> bool: """Return whether to allow GSS MIC authentication or not""" if self._gss_mic_auth: self._gss_mic_auth = False return True else: return False async def host_based_auth_requested(self) -> \ Tuple[Optional[_ClientHostKey], str, str]: """Return a host key, host, and user to authenticate with""" if not self._host_based_auth: return None, '', '' key: Optional[_ClientHostKey] while True: if self._saved_rsa_key: key = self._saved_rsa_key key.algorithm = key.sig_algorithm + b'' self._saved_rsa_key = None else: try: key = self._client_host_keys.pop(0) except IndexError: key = None break assert key is not None if self._choose_signature_alg(key): if key.algorithm == b'' and \ key.sig_algorithm != b'ssh-rsa': self._saved_rsa_key = key break client_host = self._options.client_host if client_host is None: sockname = self.get_extra_info('sockname') if sockname: client_host, _ = await self._loop.getnameinfo( cast(SockAddr, sockname), socket.NI_NUMERICSERV) else: client_host = '' # Add a trailing '.' to the client host to be compatible with # ssh-keysign from OpenSSH if self._options.client_host_keysign and client_host[-1:] != '.': client_host += '.' return key, client_host, self._options.client_username async def public_key_auth_requested(self) -> Optional[SSHKeyPair]: """Return a client key pair to authenticate with""" if not self._public_key_auth: return None if self._get_agent_keys: assert self._agent is not None try: agent_keys = await self._agent.get_keys(self._agent_identities) self._client_keys[:0] = list(agent_keys) except ValueError: pass self._get_agent_keys = False if self._get_pkcs11_keys: pkcs11_keys = await self._loop.run_in_executor( None, load_pkcs11_keys, self._pkcs11_provider, self._pkcs11_pin) self._client_keys[:0] = list(pkcs11_keys) self._get_pkcs11_keys = False while True: if not self._client_keys: result = self._owner.public_key_auth_requested() if inspect.isawaitable(result): result = await cast(Awaitable[KeyPairListArg], result) if not result: return None result: KeyPairListArg self._client_keys = list(load_keypairs(result)) # OpenSSH versions before 7.8 didn't support RSA SHA-2 # signature names in certificate key types, requiring the # use of as the key type even # when using SHA-2 signatures. However, OpenSSL 8.8 and # later reject as a key type # by default, requiring that the RSA SHA-2 version of the key # type be used. This makes it difficult to use RSA keys with # certificates without knowing the version of the remote # server and which key types it will accept. # # The code below works around this by trying multiple key # types during public key and host-based authentication when # using SHA-2 signatures with RSA keys signed by certificates. if self._saved_rsa_key: key = self._saved_rsa_key key.algorithm = key.sig_algorithm + b'' self._saved_rsa_key = None else: key = self._client_keys.pop(0) if self._choose_signature_alg(key): if key.algorithm == b'' and \ key.sig_algorithm != b'ssh-rsa': self._saved_rsa_key = key return key async def password_auth_requested(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return a password to authenticate with""" if not self._password_auth and not self._kbdint_password_auth: return None if self._password is not None: password: Optional[str] = self._password if callable(password): password = cast(Callable[[], Optional[str]], password)() if inspect.isawaitable(password): password = await cast(Awaitable[Optional[str]], password) else: password = cast(Optional[str], password) self._password = None else: result = self._owner.password_auth_requested() if inspect.isawaitable(result): password = await cast(Awaitable[Optional[str]], result) else: password = cast(Optional[str], result) return password async def password_change_requested(self, prompt: str, lang: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Return a password to authenticate with and what to change it to""" result = self._owner.password_change_requested(prompt, lang) if inspect.isawaitable(result): result = await cast(Awaitable[PasswordChangeResponse], result) return cast(PasswordChangeResponse, result) def password_changed(self) -> None: """Report a successful password change""" self._owner.password_changed() def password_change_failed(self) -> None: """Report a failed password change""" self._owner.password_change_failed() async def kbdint_auth_requested(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the list of supported keyboard-interactive auth methods If keyboard-interactive auth is not supported in the client but a password was provided when the connection was opened, this will allow sending the password via keyboard-interactive auth. """ if not self._kbdint_auth: return None result = self._owner.kbdint_auth_requested() if inspect.isawaitable(result): result = await cast(Awaitable[Optional[str]], result) if result is NotImplemented: if self._password is not None and not self._kbdint_password_auth: self._kbdint_password_auth = True result = '' else: result = None return cast(Optional[str], result) async def kbdint_challenge_received( self, name: str, instructions: str, lang: str, prompts: KbdIntPrompts) -> Optional[KbdIntResponse]: """Return responses to a keyboard-interactive auth challenge""" if self._kbdint_password_auth: if not prompts: # Silently drop any empty challenges used to print messages response: Optional[KbdIntResponse] = [] elif len(prompts) == 1: prompt = prompts[0][0].lower() if 'password' in prompt or 'passcode' in prompt: password = await self.password_auth_requested() response = [password] if password is not None else None else: response = None else: response = None else: result = self._owner.kbdint_challenge_received(name, instructions, lang, prompts) if inspect.isawaitable(result): response = await cast(Awaitable[KbdIntResponse], result) else: response = cast(KbdIntResponse, result) return response def _process_session_open(self, _packet: SSHPacket) -> \ Tuple[SSHServerChannel, SSHServerSession]: """Process an inbound session open request These requests are disallowed on an SSH client. """ # pylint: disable=no-self-use raise ChannelOpenError(OPEN_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED, 'Session open forbidden on client') def _process_direct_tcpip_open(self, _packet: SSHPacket) -> \ Tuple[SSHTCPChannel[bytes], SSHTCPSession[bytes]]: """Process an inbound direct TCP/IP channel open request These requests are disallowed on an SSH client. """ # pylint: disable=no-self-use raise ChannelOpenError(OPEN_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED, 'Direct TCP/IP open forbidden on client') def _process_forwarded_tcpip_open(self, packet: SSHPacket) -> \ Tuple[SSHTCPChannel, MaybeAwait[SSHTCPSession]]: """Process an inbound forwarded TCP/IP channel open request""" dest_host_bytes = packet.get_string() dest_port = packet.get_uint32() orig_host_bytes = packet.get_string() orig_port = packet.get_uint32() packet.check_end() try: dest_host = dest_host_bytes.decode('utf-8') orig_host = orig_host_bytes.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: raise ProtocolError('Invalid forwarded TCP/IP channel ' 'open request') from None # Some buggy servers send back a port of `0` instead of the actual # listening port when reporting connections which arrive on a listener # set up on a dynamic port. This lookup attempts to work around that. listener = cast(SSHTCPClientListener[bytes], self._remote_listeners.get((dest_host, dest_port)) or self._dynamic_remote_listeners.get(dest_host)) if listener: chan, session = listener.process_connection(orig_host, orig_port)'Accepted forwarded TCP connection on %s', (dest_host, dest_port))' Client address: %s', (orig_host, orig_port)) return chan, session else: raise ChannelOpenError(OPEN_CONNECT_FAILED, 'No such listener') async def close_client_tcp_listener(self, listen_host: str, listen_port: int) -> None: """Close a remote TCP/IP listener""" await self._make_global_request( b'cancel-tcpip-forward', String(listen_host), UInt32(listen_port))'Closed remote TCP listener on %s', (listen_host, listen_port)) listener = self._remote_listeners.get((listen_host, listen_port)) if listener: if self._dynamic_remote_listeners.get(listen_host) == listener: del self._dynamic_remote_listeners[listen_host] del self._remote_listeners[listen_host, listen_port] def _process_direct_streamlocal_at_openssh_dot_com_open( self, _packet: SSHPacket) -> \ Tuple[SSHUNIXChannel, SSHUNIXSession]: """Process an inbound direct UNIX domain channel open request These requests are disallowed on an SSH client. """ # pylint: disable=no-self-use raise ChannelOpenError(OPEN_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED, 'Direct UNIX domain socket open ' 'forbidden on client') def _process_tun_at_openssh_dot_com_open( self, _packet: SSHPacket) -> \ Tuple[SSHTunTapChannel, SSHTunTapSession]: """Process an inbound TUN/TAP open request These requests are disallowed on an SSH client. """ # pylint: disable=no-self-use raise ChannelOpenError(OPEN_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED, 'TUN/TAP request forbidden on client') def _process_forwarded_streamlocal_at_openssh_dot_com_open( self, packet: SSHPacket) -> \ Tuple[SSHUNIXChannel, MaybeAwait[SSHUNIXSession]]: """Process an inbound forwarded UNIX domain channel open request""" dest_path_bytes = packet.get_string() _ = packet.get_string() # reserved packet.check_end() try: dest_path = dest_path_bytes.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: raise ProtocolError('Invalid forwarded UNIX domain channel ' 'open request') from None listener = cast(SSHUNIXClientListener[bytes], self._remote_listeners.get(dest_path)) if listener: chan, session = listener.process_connection()'Accepted remote UNIX connection on %s', dest_path) return chan, session else: raise ChannelOpenError(OPEN_CONNECT_FAILED, 'No such listener') async def close_client_unix_listener(self, listen_path: str) -> None: """Close a remote UNIX domain socket listener""" await self._make_global_request( b'', String(listen_path))'Closed UNIX listener on %s', listen_path) if listen_path in self._remote_listeners: del self._remote_listeners[listen_path] def _process_x11_open(self, packet: SSHPacket) -> \ Tuple[SSHX11Channel, Awaitable[SSHX11ClientForwarder]]: """Process an inbound X11 channel open request""" orig_host_bytes = packet.get_string() orig_port = packet.get_uint32() packet.check_end() try: orig_host = orig_host_bytes.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: raise ProtocolError('Invalid forwarded X11 channel ' 'open request') from None if self._x11_listener:'Accepted X11 connection')' Client address: %s', (orig_host, orig_port)) chan = self.create_x11_channel() chan.set_inbound_peer_names(orig_host, orig_port) return chan, self._x11_listener.forward_connection() else: raise ChannelOpenError(OPEN_CONNECT_FAILED, 'X11 forwarding disabled') def _process_auth_agent_at_openssh_dot_com_open( self, packet: SSHPacket) -> \ Tuple[SSHUNIXChannel, Awaitable[SSHForwarder]]: """Process an inbound auth agent channel open request""" packet.check_end() if self._agent_forward_path:'Accepted SSH agent connection') return (self.create_unix_channel(), self.forward_unix_connection(self._agent_forward_path)) else: raise ChannelOpenError(OPEN_CONNECT_FAILED, 'Auth agent forwarding disabled') async def attach_x11_listener(self, chan: SSHClientChannel[AnyStr], display: Optional[str], auth_path: Optional[str], single_connection: bool) -> \ Tuple[bytes, bytes, int]: """Attach a channel to a local X11 display""" if not display: display = os.environ.get('DISPLAY') if not display: raise ValueError('X11 display not set') if not self._x11_listener: self._x11_listener = await create_x11_client_listener( self._loop, display, auth_path) return self._x11_listener.attach(display, chan, single_connection) def detach_x11_listener(self, chan: SSHChannel[AnyStr]) -> None: """Detach a session from a local X11 listener""" if self._x11_listener: if self._x11_listener.detach(chan): self._x11_listener = None
[docs] async def create_session(self, session_factory: SSHClientSessionFactory, command: DefTuple[Optional[str]] = (), *, subsystem: DefTuple[Optional[str]]= (), env: DefTuple[_Env] = (), send_env: DefTuple[_SendEnv] = (), request_pty: DefTuple[Union[bool, str]] = (), term_type: DefTuple[Optional[str]] = (), term_size: DefTuple[TermSizeArg] = (), term_modes: DefTuple[TermModesArg] = (), x11_forwarding: DefTuple[Union[int, str]] = (), x11_display: DefTuple[Optional[str]] = (), x11_auth_path: DefTuple[Optional[str]] = (), x11_single_connection: DefTuple[bool] = (), encoding: DefTuple[Optional[str]] = (), errors: DefTuple[str] = (), window: DefTuple[int] = (), max_pktsize: DefTuple[int] = ()) -> \ Tuple[SSHClientChannel, SSHClientSession]: """Create an SSH client session This method is a coroutine which can be called to create an SSH client session used to execute a command, start a subsystem such as sftp, or if no command or subsystem is specified run an interactive shell. Optional arguments allow terminal and environment information to be provided. By default, this class expects string data in its send and receive functions, which it encodes on the SSH connection in UTF-8 (ISO 10646) format. An optional encoding argument can be passed in to select a different encoding, or `None` can be passed in if the application wishes to send and receive raw bytes. When an encoding is set, an optional errors argument can be passed in to select what Unicode error handling strategy to use. Other optional arguments include the SSH receive window size and max packet size which default to 2 MB and 32 KB, respectively. :param session_factory: A `callable` which returns an :class:`SSHClientSession` object that will be created to handle activity on this session :param command: (optional) The remote command to execute. By default, an interactive shell is started if no command or subsystem is provided. :param subsystem: (optional) The name of a remote subsystem to start up. :param env: (optional) The environment variables to set for this session. Keys and values passed in here will be converted to Unicode strings encoded as UTF-8 (ISO 10646) for transmission. .. note:: Many SSH servers restrict which environment variables a client is allowed to set. The server's configuration may need to be edited before environment variables can be successfully set in the remote environment. :param send_env: (optional) A list of environment variable names to pull from `os.environ` and set for this session. Wildcards patterns using `'*'` and `'?'` are allowed, and all variables with matching names will be sent with whatever value is set in the local environment. If a variable is present in both env and send_env, the value from env will be used. :param request_pty: (optional) Whether or not to request a pseudo-terminal (PTY) for this session. This defaults to `True`, which means to request a PTY whenever the `term_type` is set. Other possible values include `False` to never request a PTY, `'force'` to always request a PTY even without `term_type` being set, or `'auto'` to request a TTY when `term_type` is set but only when starting an interactive shell. :param term_type: (optional) The terminal type to set for this session. :param term_size: (optional) The terminal width and height in characters and optionally the width and height in pixels. :param term_modes: (optional) POSIX terminal modes to set for this session, where keys are taken from :ref:`POSIX terminal modes <PTYModes>` with values defined in section 8 of :rfc:`RFC 4254 <4254#section-8>`. :param x11_forwarding: (optional) Whether or not to request X11 forwarding for this session, defaulting to `False`. If set to `True`, X11 forwarding will be requested and a failure will raise :exc:`ChannelOpenError`. It can also be set to `'ignore_failure'` to attempt X11 forwarding but ignore failures. :param x11_display: (optional) The display that X11 connections should be forwarded to, defaulting to the value in the environment variable `DISPLAY`. :param x11_auth_path: (optional) The path to the Xauthority file to read X11 authentication data from, defaulting to the value in the environment variable `XAUTHORITY` or the file :file:`.Xauthority` in the user's home directory if that's not set. :param x11_single_connection: (optional) Whether or not to limit X11 forwarding to a single connection, defaulting to `False`. :param encoding: (optional) The Unicode encoding to use for data exchanged on this session. :param errors: (optional) The error handling strategy to apply on Unicode encode/decode errors. :param window: (optional) The receive window size for this session. :param max_pktsize: (optional) The maximum packet size for this session. :type session_factory: `callable` :type command: `str` :type subsystem: `str` :type env: `dict` with `str` keys and values :type send_env: `list` of `str` :type request_pty: `bool`, `'force'`, or `'auto'` :type term_type: `str` :type term_size: `tuple` of 2 or 4 `int` values :type term_modes: `dict` with `int` keys and values :type x11_forwarding: `bool` or `'ignore_failure'` :type x11_display: `str` :type x11_auth_path: `str` :type x11_single_connection: `bool` :type encoding: `str` or `None` :type errors: `str` :type window: `int` :type max_pktsize: `int` :returns: an :class:`SSHClientChannel` and :class:`SSHClientSession` :raises: :exc:`ChannelOpenError` if the session can't be opened """ if command == (): command = self._options.command if subsystem == (): subsystem = self._options.subsystem if env == (): env = self._options.env if send_env == (): send_env = self._options.send_env if request_pty == (): request_pty = self._options.request_pty if term_type == (): term_type = self._options.term_type if term_size == (): term_size = self._options.term_size if term_modes == (): term_modes = self._options.term_modes if x11_forwarding == (): x11_forwarding = self._options.x11_forwarding if x11_display == (): x11_display = self._options.x11_display if x11_auth_path == (): x11_auth_path = self._options.x11_auth_path if x11_single_connection == (): x11_single_connection = self._options.x11_single_connection if encoding == (): encoding = self._options.encoding if errors == (): errors = self._options.errors if window == (): window = self._options.window if max_pktsize == (): max_pktsize = self._options.max_pktsize new_env: Dict[str, str] = {} if send_env: for key in send_env: pattern = WildcardPattern(key) new_env.update((key, value) for key, value in os.environ.items() if pattern.matches(key)) if env: try: if isinstance(env, list): new_env.update((item.split('=', 2) for item in env)) else: new_env.update(cast(Mapping[str, str], env)) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Invalid environment value') from None if request_pty == 'force': request_pty = True elif request_pty == 'auto': request_pty = bool(term_type and not (command or subsystem)) elif request_pty: request_pty = bool(term_type) command: Optional[str] subsystem: Optional[str] request_pty: bool term_type: Optional[str] term_size: TermSizeArg term_modes: TermModesArg x11_forwarding: Union[bool, str] x11_display: Optional[str] x11_auth_path: Optional[str] x11_single_connection: bool encoding: Optional[str] errors: str window: int max_pktsize: int chan = SSHClientChannel(self, self._loop, encoding, errors, window, max_pktsize) session = await chan.create(session_factory, command, subsystem, new_env, request_pty, term_type, term_size, term_modes or {}, x11_forwarding, x11_display, x11_auth_path, x11_single_connection, bool(self._agent_forward_path)) return chan, session
[docs] async def open_session(self, *args: object, **kwargs: object) -> \ Tuple[SSHWriter, SSHReader, SSHReader]: """Open an SSH client session This method is a coroutine wrapper around :meth:`create_session` designed to provide a "high-level" stream interface for creating an SSH client session. Instead of taking a `session_factory` argument for constructing an object which will handle activity on the session via callbacks, it returns an :class:`SSHWriter` and two :class:`SSHReader` objects representing stdin, stdout, and stderr which can be used to perform I/O on the session. With the exception of `session_factory`, all of the arguments to :meth:`create_session` are supported and have the same meaning. """ chan, session = await self.create_session( SSHClientStreamSession, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore session: SSHClientStreamSession return (SSHWriter(session, chan), SSHReader(session, chan), SSHReader(session, chan, EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR))
# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
[docs] @async_context_manager # type: ignore async def create_process(self, *args: object, input: Optional[AnyStr] = None, stdin: ProcessSource = PIPE, stdout: ProcessTarget = PIPE, stderr: ProcessTarget = PIPE, bufsize: int = io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, send_eof: bool = True, recv_eof: bool = True, **kwargs: object) -> SSHClientProcess[AnyStr]: """Create a process on the remote system This method is a coroutine wrapper around :meth:`create_session` which can be used to execute a command, start a subsystem, or start an interactive shell, optionally redirecting stdin, stdout, and stderr to and from files or pipes attached to other local and remote processes. By default, the stdin, stdout, and stderr arguments default to the special value `PIPE` which means that they can be read and written interactively via stream objects which are members of the :class:`SSHClientProcess` object this method returns. If other file-like objects are provided as arguments, input or output will automatically be redirected to them. The special value `DEVNULL` can be used to provide no input or discard all output, and the special value `STDOUT` can be provided as `stderr` to send its output to the same stream as `stdout`. In addition to the arguments below, all arguments to :meth:`create_session` except for `session_factory` are supported and have the same meaning. :param input: (optional) Input data to feed to standard input of the remote process. If specified, this argument takes precedence over stdin. Data should be a `str` if encoding is set, or `bytes` if not. :param stdin: (optional) A filename, file-like object, file descriptor, socket, or :class:`SSHReader` to feed to standard input of the remote process, or `DEVNULL` to provide no input. :param stdout: (optional) A filename, file-like object, file descriptor, socket, or :class:`SSHWriter` to feed standard output of the remote process to, or `DEVNULL` to discard this output. :param stderr: (optional) A filename, file-like object, file descriptor, socket, or :class:`SSHWriter` to feed standard error of the remote process to, `DEVNULL` to discard this output, or `STDOUT` to feed standard error to the same place as stdout. :param bufsize: (optional) Buffer size to use when feeding data from a file to stdin :param send_eof: Whether or not to send EOF to the channel when EOF is received from stdin, defaulting to `True`. If set to `False`, the channel will remain open after EOF is received on stdin, and multiple sources can be redirected to the channel. :param recv_eof: Whether or not to send EOF to stdout and stderr when EOF is received from the channel, defaulting to `True`. If set to `False`, the redirect targets of stdout and stderr will remain open after EOF is received on the channel and can be used for multiple redirects. :type input: `str` or `bytes` :type bufsize: `int` :type send_eof: `bool` :type recv_eof: `bool` :returns: :class:`SSHClientProcess` :raises: :exc:`ChannelOpenError` if the channel can't be opened """ chan, process = await self.create_session( SSHClientProcess, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore new_stdin: Optional[ProcessSource] = stdin process: SSHClientProcess if input: chan.write(input) chan.write_eof() new_stdin = None await process.redirect(new_stdin, stdout, stderr, bufsize, send_eof, recv_eof) return process
[docs] async def create_subprocess(self, protocol_factory: SubprocessFactory, command: DefTuple[Optional[str]] = (), bufsize: int = io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, input: Optional[AnyStr] = None, stdin: ProcessSource = PIPE, stdout: ProcessTarget = PIPE, stderr: ProcessTarget = PIPE, encoding: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: object) -> \ Tuple[SSHSubprocessTransport, SSHSubprocessProtocol]: """Create a subprocess on the remote system This method is a coroutine wrapper around :meth:`create_session` which can be used to execute a command, start a subsystem, or start an interactive shell, optionally redirecting stdin, stdout, and stderr to and from files or pipes attached to other local and remote processes similar to :meth:`create_process`. However, instead of performing interactive I/O using :class:`SSHReader` and :class:`SSHWriter` objects, the caller provides a function which returns an object which conforms to the :class:`asyncio.SubprocessProtocol` and this call returns that and an :class:`SSHSubprocessTransport` object which conforms to :class:`asyncio.SubprocessTransport`. With the exception of the addition of `protocol_factory`, all of the arguments are the same as :meth:`create_process`. :param protocol_factory: A `callable` which returns an :class:`SSHSubprocessProtocol` object that will be created to handle activity on this session. :type protocol_factory: `callable` :returns: an :class:`SSHSubprocessTransport` and :class:`SSHSubprocessProtocol` :raises: :exc:`ChannelOpenError` if the channel can't be opened """ def transport_factory() -> SSHSubprocessTransport: """Return a subprocess transport""" return SSHSubprocessTransport(protocol_factory) _, transport = await self.create_session(transport_factory, command, encoding=encoding, **kwargs) # type: ignore new_stdin: Optional[ProcessSource] = stdin transport: SSHSubprocessTransport if input: stdin_pipe = cast(SSHSubprocessWritePipe, transport.get_pipe_transport(0)) stdin_pipe.write(input) stdin_pipe.write_eof() new_stdin = None await transport.redirect(new_stdin, stdout, stderr, bufsize) return transport, transport.get_protocol()
# pylint: enable=redefined-builtin
[docs] async def run(self, *args: object, check: bool = False, timeout: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs: object) -> SSHCompletedProcess: """Run a command on the remote system and collect its output This method is a coroutine wrapper around :meth:`create_process` which can be used to run a process to completion when no interactivity is needed. All of the arguments to :meth:`create_process` can be passed in to provide input or redirect stdin, stdout, and stderr, but this method waits until the process exits and returns an :class:`SSHCompletedProcess` object with the exit status or signal information and the output to stdout and stderr (if not redirected). If the check argument is set to `True`, a non-zero exit status from the remote process will trigger the :exc:`ProcessError` exception to be raised. In addition to the argument below, all arguments to :meth:`create_process` are supported and have the same meaning. If a timeout is specified and it expires before the process exits, the :exc:`TimeoutError` exception will be raised. By default, no timeout is set and this call will wait indefinitely. :param check: (optional) Whether or not to raise :exc:`ProcessError` when a non-zero exit status is returned :param timeout: Amount of time in seconds to wait for process to exit or `None` to wait indefinitely :type check: `bool` :type timeout: `int`, `float`, or `None` :returns: :class:`SSHCompletedProcess` :raises: | :exc:`ChannelOpenError` if the session can't be opened | :exc:`ProcessError` if checking non-zero exit status | :exc:`TimeoutError` if the timeout expires before exit """ process = await self.create_process(*args, **kwargs) # type: ignore return await process.wait(check, timeout)
[docs] async def create_connection( self, session_factory: SSHTCPSessionFactory[AnyStr], remote_host: str, remote_port: int, orig_host: str = '', orig_port: int = 0, *, encoding: Optional[str] = None, errors: str = 'strict', window: int = _DEFAULT_WINDOW, max_pktsize: int = _DEFAULT_MAX_PKTSIZE) -> \ Tuple[SSHTCPChannel[AnyStr], SSHTCPSession[AnyStr]]: """Create an SSH TCP direct connection This method is a coroutine which can be called to request that the server open a new outbound TCP connection to the specified destination host and port. If the connection is successfully opened, a new SSH channel will be opened with data being handled by a :class:`SSHTCPSession` object created by `session_factory`. Optional arguments include the host and port of the original client opening the connection when performing TCP port forwarding. By default, this class expects data to be sent and received as raw bytes. However, an optional encoding argument can be passed in to select the encoding to use, allowing the application send and receive string data. When encoding is set, an optional errors argument can be passed in to select what Unicode error handling strategy to use. Other optional arguments include the SSH receive window size and max packet size which default to 2 MB and 32 KB, respectively. :param session_factory: A `callable` which returns an :class:`SSHTCPSession` object that will be created to handle activity on this session :param remote_host: The remote hostname or address to connect to :param remote_port: The remote port number to connect to :param orig_host: (optional) The hostname or address of the client requesting the connection :param orig_port: (optional) The port number of the client requesting the connection :param encoding: (optional) The Unicode encoding to use for data exchanged on the connection :param errors: (optional) The error handling strategy to apply on encode/decode errors :param window: (optional) The receive window size for this session :param max_pktsize: (optional) The maximum packet size for this session :type session_factory: `callable` :type remote_host: `str` :type remote_port: `int` :type orig_host: `str` :type orig_port: `int` :type encoding: `str` or `None` :type errors: `str` :type window: `int` :type max_pktsize: `int` :returns: an :class:`SSHTCPChannel` and :class:`SSHTCPSession` :raises: :exc:`ChannelOpenError` if the connection can't be opened """'Opening direct TCP connection to %s', (remote_host, remote_port))' Client address: %s', (orig_host, orig_port)) chan = self.create_tcp_channel(encoding, errors, window, max_pktsize) session = await chan.connect(session_factory, remote_host, remote_port, orig_host, orig_port) return chan, session
[docs] async def open_connection(self, *args: object, **kwargs: object) -> \ Tuple[SSHReader, SSHWriter]: """Open an SSH TCP direct connection This method is a coroutine wrapper around :meth:`create_connection` designed to provide a "high-level" stream interface for creating an SSH TCP direct connection. Instead of taking a `session_factory` argument for constructing an object which will handle activity on the session via callbacks, it returns :class:`SSHReader` and :class:`SSHWriter` objects which can be used to perform I/O on the connection. With the exception of `session_factory`, all of the arguments to :meth:`create_connection` are supported and have the same meaning here. :returns: an :class:`SSHReader` and :class:`SSHWriter` :raises: :exc:`ChannelOpenError` if the connection can't be opened """ chan, session = await self.create_connection( SSHTCPStreamSession, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore session: SSHTCPStreamSession return SSHReader(session, chan), SSHWriter(session, chan)
[docs] @async_context_manager async def create_server( self, session_factory: TCPListenerFactory[AnyStr], listen_host: str, listen_port: int, *, encoding: Optional[str] = None, errors: str = 'strict', window: int = _DEFAULT_WINDOW, max_pktsize: int = _DEFAULT_MAX_PKTSIZE) -> SSHListener: """Create a remote SSH TCP listener This method is a coroutine which can be called to request that the server listen on the specified remote address and port for incoming TCP connections. If the request is successful, the return value is an :class:`SSHListener` object which can be used later to shut down the listener. If the request fails, `None` is returned. :param session_factory: A `callable` or coroutine which takes arguments of the original host and port of the client and decides whether to accept the connection or not, either returning an :class:`SSHTCPSession` object used to handle activity on that connection or raising :exc:`ChannelOpenError` to indicate that the connection should not be accepted :param listen_host: The hostname or address on the remote host to listen on :param listen_port: The port number on the remote host to listen on :param encoding: (optional) The Unicode encoding to use for data exchanged on the connection :param errors: (optional) The error handling strategy to apply on encode/decode errors :param window: (optional) The receive window size for this session :param max_pktsize: (optional) The maximum packet size for this session :type session_factory: `callable` or coroutine :type listen_host: `str` :type listen_port: `int` :type encoding: `str` or `None` :type errors: `str` :type window: `int` :type max_pktsize: `int` :returns: :class:`SSHListener` :raises: :class:`ChannelListenError` if the listener can't be opened """ listen_host = listen_host.lower()'Creating remote TCP listener on %s', (listen_host, listen_port)) pkttype, packet = await self._make_global_request( b'tcpip-forward', String(listen_host), UInt32(listen_port)) if pkttype == MSG_REQUEST_SUCCESS: if listen_port == 0: listen_port = packet.get_uint32() dynamic = True else: # OpenSSH 6.8 introduced a bug which causes the reply # to contain an extra uint32 value of 0 when non-dynamic # ports are requested, causing the check_end() call below # to fail. This check works around this problem. if len(packet.get_remaining_payload()) == 4: # pragma: no cover packet.get_uint32() dynamic = False packet.check_end() listener = SSHTCPClientListener[AnyStr](self, session_factory, listen_host, listen_port, encoding, errors, window, max_pktsize) if dynamic: self.logger.debug1('Assigning dynamic port %d', listen_port) self._dynamic_remote_listeners[listen_host] = listener self._remote_listeners[listen_host, listen_port] = listener return listener else: packet.check_end() self.logger.debug1('Failed to create remote TCP listener') raise ChannelListenError('Failed to create remote TCP listener')
[docs] @async_context_manager async def start_server(self, handler_factory: _TCPServerHandlerFactory, *args: object, **kwargs: object) -> SSHListener: """Start a remote SSH TCP listener This method is a coroutine wrapper around :meth:`create_server` designed to provide a "high-level" stream interface for creating remote SSH TCP listeners. Instead of taking a `session_factory` argument for constructing an object which will handle activity on the session via callbacks, it takes a `handler_factory` which returns a `callable` or coroutine that will be passed :class:`SSHReader` and :class:`SSHWriter` objects which can be used to perform I/O on each new connection which arrives. Like :meth:`create_server`, `handler_factory` can also raise :exc:`ChannelOpenError` if the connection should not be accepted. With the exception of `handler_factory` replacing `session_factory`, all of the arguments to :meth:`create_server` are supported and have the same meaning here. :param handler_factory: A `callable` or coroutine which takes arguments of the original host and port of the client and decides whether to accept the connection or not, either returning a callback or coroutine used to handle activity on that connection or raising :exc:`ChannelOpenError` to indicate that the connection should not be accepted :type handler_factory: `callable` or coroutine :returns: :class:`SSHListener` :raises: :class:`ChannelListenError` if the listener can't be opened """ def session_factory(orig_host: str, orig_port: int) -> SSHTCPSession: """Return a TCP stream session handler""" return SSHTCPStreamSession(handler_factory(orig_host, orig_port)) return await self.create_server(session_factory, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore
[docs] async def create_unix_connection( self, session_factory: SSHUNIXSessionFactory[AnyStr], remote_path: str, *, encoding: Optional[str] = None, errors: str = 'strict', window: int = _DEFAULT_WINDOW, max_pktsize: int = _DEFAULT_MAX_PKTSIZE) -> \ Tuple[SSHUNIXChannel[AnyStr], SSHUNIXSession[AnyStr]]: """Create an SSH UNIX domain socket direct connection This method is a coroutine which can be called to request that the server open a new outbound UNIX domain socket connection to the specified destination path. If the connection is successfully opened, a new SSH channel will be opened with data being handled by a :class:`SSHUNIXSession` object created by `session_factory`. By default, this class expects data to be sent and received as raw bytes. However, an optional encoding argument can be passed in to select the encoding to use, allowing the application to send and receive string data. When encoding is set, an optional errors argument can be passed in to select what Unicode error handling strategy to use. Other optional arguments include the SSH receive window size and max packet size which default to 2 MB and 32 KB, respectively. :param session_factory: A `callable` which returns an :class:`SSHUNIXSession` object that will be created to handle activity on this session :param remote_path: The remote path to connect to :param encoding: (optional) The Unicode encoding to use for data exchanged on the connection :param errors: (optional) The error handling strategy to apply on encode/decode errors :param window: (optional) The receive window size for this session :param max_pktsize: (optional) The maximum packet size for this session :type session_factory: `callable` :type remote_path: `str` :type encoding: `str` or `None` :type errors: `str` :type window: `int` :type max_pktsize: `int` :returns: an :class:`SSHUNIXChannel` and :class:`SSHUNIXSession` :raises: :exc:`ChannelOpenError` if the connection can't be opened """'Opening direct UNIX connection to %s', remote_path) chan = self.create_unix_channel(encoding, errors, window, max_pktsize) session = await chan.connect(session_factory, remote_path) return chan, session
[docs] async def open_unix_connection(self, *args: object, **kwargs: object) -> \ Tuple[SSHReader, SSHWriter]: """Open an SSH UNIX domain socket direct connection This method is a coroutine wrapper around :meth:`create_unix_connection` designed to provide a "high-level" stream interface for creating an SSH UNIX domain socket direct connection. Instead of taking a `session_factory` argument for constructing an object which will handle activity on the session via callbacks, it returns :class:`SSHReader` and :class:`SSHWriter` objects which can be used to perform I/O on the connection. With the exception of `session_factory`, all of the arguments to :meth:`create_unix_connection` are supported and have the same meaning here. :returns: an :class:`SSHReader` and :class:`SSHWriter` :raises: :exc:`ChannelOpenError` if the connection can't be opened """ chan, session = \ await self.create_unix_connection(SSHUNIXStreamSession, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore session: SSHUNIXStreamSession return SSHReader(session, chan), SSHWriter(session, chan)
[docs] @async_context_manager async def create_unix_server( self, session_factory: UNIXListenerFactory[AnyStr], listen_path: str, *, encoding: Optional[str] = None, errors: str = 'strict', window: int = _DEFAULT_WINDOW, max_pktsize: int = _DEFAULT_MAX_PKTSIZE) -> SSHListener: """Create a remote SSH UNIX domain socket listener This method is a coroutine which can be called to request that the server listen on the specified remote path for incoming UNIX domain socket connections. If the request is successful, the return value is an :class:`SSHListener` object which can be used later to shut down the listener. If the request fails, `None` is returned. :param session_factory: A `callable` or coroutine which decides whether to accept the connection or not, either returning an :class:`SSHUNIXSession` object used to handle activity on that connection or raising :exc:`ChannelOpenError` to indicate that the connection should not be accepted :param listen_path: The path on the remote host to listen on :param encoding: (optional) The Unicode encoding to use for data exchanged on the connection :param errors: (optional) The error handling strategy to apply on encode/decode errors :param window: (optional) The receive window size for this session :param max_pktsize: (optional) The maximum packet size for this session :type session_factory: `callable` :type listen_path: `str` :type encoding: `str` or `None` :type errors: `str` :type window: `int` :type max_pktsize: `int` :returns: :class:`SSHListener` :raises: :class:`ChannelListenError` if the listener can't be opened """'Creating remote UNIX listener on %s', listen_path) pkttype, packet = await self._make_global_request( b'', String(listen_path)) packet.check_end() if pkttype == MSG_REQUEST_SUCCESS: listener = SSHUNIXClientListener[AnyStr](self, session_factory, listen_path, encoding, errors, window, max_pktsize) self._remote_listeners[listen_path] = listener return listener else: self.logger.debug1('Failed to create remote UNIX listener') raise ChannelListenError('Failed to create remote UNIX listener')
[docs] @async_context_manager async def start_unix_server( self, handler_factory: _UNIXServerHandlerFactory, *args: object, **kwargs: object) -> SSHListener: """Start a remote SSH UNIX domain socket listener This method is a coroutine wrapper around :meth:`create_unix_server` designed to provide a "high-level" stream interface for creating remote SSH UNIX domain socket listeners. Instead of taking a `session_factory` argument for constructing an object which will handle activity on the session via callbacks, it takes a `handler_factory` which returns a `callable` or coroutine that will be passed :class:`SSHReader` and :class:`SSHWriter` objects which can be used to perform I/O on each new connection which arrives. Like :meth:`create_unix_server`, `handler_factory` can also raise :exc:`ChannelOpenError` if the connection should not be accepted. With the exception of `handler_factory` replacing `session_factory`, all of the arguments to :meth:`create_unix_server` are supported and have the same meaning here. :param handler_factory: A `callable` or coroutine which decides whether to accept the UNIX domain socket connection or not, either returning a callback or coroutine used to handle activity on that connection or raising :exc:`ChannelOpenError` to indicate that the connection should not be accepted :type handler_factory: `callable` or coroutine :returns: :class:`SSHListener` :raises: :class:`ChannelListenError` if the listener can't be opened """ def session_factory() -> SSHUNIXStreamSession: """Return a UNIX domain socket stream session handler""" return SSHUNIXStreamSession(handler_factory()) return await self.create_unix_server(session_factory, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore
[docs] async def create_ssh_connection(self, client_factory: _ClientFactory, host: str, port: DefTuple[int] = (), **kwargs: object) -> \ Tuple['SSHClientConnection', SSHClient]: """Create a tunneled SSH client connection This method is a coroutine which can be called to open an SSH client connection to the requested host and port tunneled inside this already established connection. It takes all the same arguments as :func:`create_connection` but requests that the upstream SSH server open the connection rather than connecting directly. """ return (await create_connection(client_factory, host, port, tunnel=self, **kwargs)) # type: ignore
[docs] @async_context_manager async def connect_ssh(self, host: str, port: DefTuple[int] = (), **kwargs: object) -> 'SSHClientConnection': """Make a tunneled SSH client connection This method is a coroutine which can be called to open an SSH client connection to the requested host and port tunneled inside this already established connection. It takes all the same arguments as :func:`connect` but requests that the upstream SSH server open the connection rather than connecting directly. """ return await connect(host, port, tunnel=self, **kwargs) # type: ignore
[docs] @async_context_manager async def connect_reverse_ssh(self, host: str, port: DefTuple[int] = (), **kwargs: object) -> 'SSHServerConnection': """Make a tunneled reverse direction SSH connection This method is a coroutine which can be called to open an SSH client connection to the requested host and port tunneled inside this already established connection. It takes all the same arguments as :func:`connect` but requests that the upstream SSH server open the connection rather than connecting directly. """ return await connect_reverse(host, port, tunnel=self, **kwargs) # type: ignore
[docs] @async_context_manager async def listen_ssh(self, host: str = '', port: DefTuple[int] = (), **kwargs: object) -> SSHAcceptor: """Create a tunneled SSH listener This method is a coroutine which can be called to open a remote SSH listener on the requested host and port tunneled inside this already established connection. It takes all the same arguments as :func:`listen` but requests that the upstream SSH server open the listener rather than listening directly via TCP/IP. """ return await listen(host, port, tunnel=self, **kwargs) # type: ignore
[docs] @async_context_manager async def listen_reverse_ssh(self, host: str = '', port: DefTuple[int] = (), **kwargs: object) -> SSHAcceptor: """Create a tunneled reverse direction SSH listener This method is a coroutine which can be called to open a remote SSH listener on the requested host and port tunneled inside this already established connection. It takes all the same arguments as :func:`listen_reverse` but requests that the upstream SSH server open the listener rather than listening directly via TCP/IP. """ return await listen_reverse(host, port, tunnel=self, **kwargs) # type: ignore
[docs] async def create_tun( self, session_factory: SSHTunTapSessionFactory, remote_unit: Optional[int] = None, *, window: int = _DEFAULT_WINDOW, max_pktsize: int = _DEFAULT_MAX_PKTSIZE) -> \ Tuple[SSHTunTapChannel, SSHTunTapSession]: """Create an SSH layer 3 tunnel This method is a coroutine which can be called to request that the server open a new outbound layer 3 tunnel to the specified remote TUN device. If the tunnel is successfully opened, a new SSH channel will be opened with data being handled by a :class:`SSHTunTapSession` object created by `session_factory`. Optional arguments include the SSH receive window size and max packet size which default to 2 MB and 32 KB, respectively. :param session_factory: A `callable` which returns an :class:`SSHUNIXSession` object that will be created to handle activity on this session :param remote_unit: The remote TUN device to connect to :param window: (optional) The receive window size for this session :param max_pktsize: (optional) The maximum packet size for this session :type session_factory: `callable` :type remote_unit: `int` or `None` :type window: `int` :type max_pktsize: `int` :returns: an :class:`SSHTunTapChannel` and :class:`SSHTunTapSession` :raises: :exc:`ChannelOpenError` if the connection can't be opened """'Opening layer 3 tunnel to remote unit %s', 'any' if remote_unit is None else str(remote_unit)) chan = self.create_tuntap_channel(window, max_pktsize) session = await, SSH_TUN_MODE_POINTTOPOINT, remote_unit) return chan, session
[docs] async def create_tap( self, session_factory: SSHTunTapSessionFactory, remote_unit: Optional[int] = None, *, window: int = _DEFAULT_WINDOW, max_pktsize: int = _DEFAULT_MAX_PKTSIZE) -> \ Tuple[SSHTunTapChannel, SSHTunTapSession]: """Create an SSH layer 2 tunnel This method is a coroutine which can be called to request that the server open a new outbound layer 2 tunnel to the specified remote TAP device. If the tunnel is successfully opened, a new SSH channel will be opened with data being handled by a :class:`SSHTunTapSession` object created by `session_factory`. Optional arguments include the SSH receive window size and max packet size which default to 2 MB and 32 KB, respectively. :param session_factory: A `callable` which returns an :class:`SSHUNIXSession` object that will be created to handle activity on this session :param remote_unit: The remote TAP device to connect to :param window: (optional) The receive window size for this session :param max_pktsize: (optional) The maximum packet size for this session :type session_factory: `callable` :type remote_unit: `int` or `None` :type window: `int` :type max_pktsize: `int` :returns: an :class:`SSHTunTapChannel` and :class:`SSHTunTapSession` :raises: :exc:`ChannelOpenError` if the connection can't be opened """'Opening layer 2 tunnel to remote unit %s', 'any' if remote_unit is None else str(remote_unit)) chan = self.create_tuntap_channel(window, max_pktsize) session = await, SSH_TUN_MODE_ETHERNET, remote_unit) return chan, session
[docs] async def open_tun(self, *args: object, **kwargs: object) -> \ Tuple[SSHReader, SSHWriter]: """Open an SSH layer 3 tunnel This method is a coroutine wrapper around :meth:`create_tun` designed to provide a "high-level" stream interface for creating an SSH layer 3 tunnel. Instead of taking a `session_factory` argument for constructing an object which will handle activity on the session via callbacks, it returns :class:`SSHReader` and :class:`SSHWriter` objects which can be used to perform I/O on the tunnel. With the exception of `session_factory`, all of the arguments to :meth:`create_tun` are supported and have the same meaning here. :returns: an :class:`SSHReader` and :class:`SSHWriter` :raises: :exc:`ChannelOpenError` if the connection can't be opened """ chan, session = await self.create_tun(SSHTunTapStreamSession, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore session: SSHTunTapStreamSession return SSHReader(session, chan), SSHWriter(session, chan)
[docs] async def open_tap(self, *args: object, **kwargs: object) -> \ Tuple[SSHReader, SSHWriter]: """Open an SSH layer 2 tunnel This method is a coroutine wrapper around :meth:`create_tap` designed to provide a "high-level" stream interface for creating an SSH layer 2 tunnel. Instead of taking a `session_factory` argument for constructing an object which will handle activity on the session via callbacks, it returns :class:`SSHReader` and :class:`SSHWriter` objects which can be used to perform I/O on the tunnel. With the exception of `session_factory`, all of the arguments to :meth:`create_tap` are supported and have the same meaning here. :returns: an :class:`SSHReader` and :class:`SSHWriter` :raises: :exc:`ChannelOpenError` if the connection can't be opened """ chan, session = await self.create_tap(SSHTunTapStreamSession, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore session: SSHTunTapStreamSession return SSHReader(session, chan), SSHWriter(session, chan)
[docs] @async_context_manager async def forward_local_port_to_path( self, listen_host: str, listen_port: int, dest_path: str, accept_handler: Optional[SSHAcceptHandler] = None) -> SSHListener: """Set up local TCP port forwarding to a remote UNIX domain socket This method is a coroutine which attempts to set up port forwarding from a local TCP listening port to a remote UNIX domain path via the SSH connection. If the request is successful, the return value is an :class:`SSHListener` object which can be used later to shut down the port forwarding. :param listen_host: The hostname or address on the local host to listen on :param listen_port: The port number on the local host to listen on :param dest_path: The path on the remote host to forward the connections to :param accept_handler: A `callable` or coroutine which takes arguments of the original host and port of the client and decides whether or not to allow connection forwarding, returning `True` to accept the connection and begin forwarding or `False` to reject and close it. :type listen_host: `str` :type listen_port: `int` :type dest_path: `str` :type accept_handler: `callable` or coroutine :returns: :class:`SSHListener` :raises: :exc:`OSError` if the listener can't be opened """ async def tunnel_connection( session_factory: SSHUNIXSessionFactory[bytes], orig_host: str, orig_port: int) -> \ Tuple[SSHUNIXChannel[bytes], SSHUNIXSession[bytes]]: """Forward a local connection over SSH""" if accept_handler: result = accept_handler(orig_host, orig_port) if inspect.isawaitable(result): result = await cast(Awaitable[bool], result) if not result:'Request for TCP forwarding from ' '%s to %s denied by application', (orig_host, orig_port), dest_path) raise ChannelOpenError(OPEN_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED, 'Connection forwarding denied') return (await self.create_unix_connection(session_factory, dest_path))'Creating local TCP forwarder from %s to %s', (listen_host, listen_port), dest_path) try: listener = await create_tcp_forward_listener(self, self._loop, tunnel_connection, listen_host, listen_port) except OSError as exc: self.logger.debug1('Failed to create local TCP listener: %s', exc) raise if listen_port == 0: listen_port = listener.get_port() self._local_listeners[listen_host, listen_port] = listener return listener
[docs] @async_context_manager async def forward_local_path_to_port(self, listen_path: str, dest_host: str, dest_port: int) -> SSHListener: """Set up local UNIX domain socket forwarding to a remote TCP port This method is a coroutine which attempts to set up UNIX domain socket forwarding from a local listening path to a remote host and port via the SSH connection. If the request is successful, the return value is an :class:`SSHListener` object which can be used later to shut down the UNIX domain socket forwarding. :param listen_path: The path on the local host to listen on :param dest_host: The hostname or address to forward the connections to :param dest_port: The port number to forward the connections to :type listen_path: `str` :type dest_host: `str` :type dest_port: `int` :returns: :class:`SSHListener` :raises: :exc:`OSError` if the listener can't be opened """ async def tunnel_connection( session_factory: SSHTCPSessionFactory[bytes]) -> \ Tuple[SSHTCPChannel[bytes], SSHTCPSession[bytes]]: """Forward a local connection over SSH""" return await self.create_connection(session_factory, dest_host, dest_port, '', 0)'Creating local UNIX forwarder from %s to %s', listen_path, (dest_host, dest_port)) try: listener = await create_unix_forward_listener(self, self._loop, tunnel_connection, listen_path) except OSError as exc: self.logger.debug1('Failed to create local UNIX listener: %s', exc) raise self._local_listeners[listen_path] = listener return listener
[docs] @async_context_manager async def forward_remote_port(self, listen_host: str, listen_port: int, dest_host: str, dest_port: int) -> SSHListener: """Set up remote port forwarding This method is a coroutine which attempts to set up port forwarding from a remote listening port to a local host and port via the SSH connection. If the request is successful, the return value is an :class:`SSHListener` object which can be used later to shut down the port forwarding. If the request fails, `None` is returned. :param listen_host: The hostname or address on the remote host to listen on :param listen_port: The port number on the remote host to listen on :param dest_host: The hostname or address to forward connections to :param dest_port: The port number to forward connections to :type listen_host: `str` :type listen_port: `int` :type dest_host: `str` :type dest_port: `int` :returns: :class:`SSHListener` :raises: :class:`ChannelListenError` if the listener can't be opened """ def session_factory(_orig_host: str, _orig_port: int) -> Awaitable[SSHTCPSession]: """Return an SSHTCPSession used to do remote port forwarding""" return cast(Awaitable[SSHTCPSession], self.forward_connection(dest_host, dest_port))'Creating remote TCP forwarder from %s to %s', (listen_host, listen_port), (dest_host, dest_port)) return await self.create_server(session_factory, listen_host, listen_port)
[docs] @async_context_manager async def forward_remote_path(self, listen_path: str, dest_path: str) -> SSHListener: """Set up remote UNIX domain socket forwarding This method is a coroutine which attempts to set up UNIX domain socket forwarding from a remote listening path to a local path via the SSH connection. If the request is successful, the return value is an :class:`SSHListener` object which can be used later to shut down the port forwarding. If the request fails, `None` is returned. :param listen_path: The path on the remote host to listen on :param dest_path: The path on the local host to forward connections to :type listen_path: `str` :type dest_path: `str` :returns: :class:`SSHListener` :raises: :class:`ChannelListenError` if the listener can't be opened """ def session_factory() -> Awaitable[SSHUNIXSession[bytes]]: """Return an SSHUNIXSession used to do remote path forwarding""" return cast(Awaitable[SSHUNIXSession[bytes]], self.forward_unix_connection(dest_path))'Creating remote UNIX forwarder from %s to %s', listen_path, dest_path) return await self.create_unix_server(session_factory, listen_path)
[docs] @async_context_manager async def forward_remote_port_to_path(self, listen_host: str, listen_port: int, dest_path: str) -> SSHListener: """Set up remote TCP port forwarding to a local UNIX domain socket This method is a coroutine which attempts to set up port forwarding from a remote TCP listening port to a local UNIX domain socket path via the SSH connection. If the request is successful, the return value is an :class:`SSHListener` object which can be used later to shut down the port forwarding. If the request fails, `None` is returned. :param listen_host: The hostname or address on the remote host to listen on :param listen_port: The port number on the remote host to listen on :param dest_path: The path on the local host to forward connections to :type listen_host: `str` :type listen_port: `int` :type dest_path: `str` :returns: :class:`SSHListener` :raises: :class:`ChannelListenError` if the listener can't be opened """ def session_factory(_orig_host: str, _orig_port: int) -> Awaitable[SSHUNIXSession]: """Return an SSHTCPSession used to do remote port forwarding""" return cast(Awaitable[SSHUNIXSession], self.forward_unix_connection(dest_path))'Creating remote TCP forwarder from %s to %s', (listen_host, listen_port), dest_path) return await self.create_server(session_factory, listen_host, listen_port)
[docs] @async_context_manager async def forward_remote_path_to_port(self, listen_path: str, dest_host: str, dest_port: int) -> SSHListener: """Set up remote UNIX domain socket forwarding to a local TCP port This method is a coroutine which attempts to set up UNIX domain socket forwarding from a remote listening path to a local TCP host and port via the SSH connection. If the request is successful, the return value is an :class:`SSHListener` object which can be used later to shut down the port forwarding. If the request fails, `None` is returned. :param listen_path: The path on the remote host to listen on :param dest_host: The hostname or address to forward connections to :param dest_port: The port number to forward connections to :type listen_path: `str` :type dest_host: `str` :type dest_port: `int` :returns: :class:`SSHListener` :raises: :class:`ChannelListenError` if the listener can't be opened """ def session_factory() -> Awaitable[SSHTCPSession[bytes]]: """Return an SSHUNIXSession used to do remote path forwarding""" return cast(Awaitable[SSHTCPSession[bytes]], self.forward_connection(dest_host, dest_port))'Creating remote UNIX forwarder from %s to %s', listen_path, (dest_host, dest_port)) return await self.create_unix_server(session_factory, listen_path)
[docs] @async_context_manager async def forward_socks(self, listen_host: str, listen_port: int) -> SSHListener: """Set up local port forwarding via SOCKS This method is a coroutine which attempts to set up dynamic port forwarding via SOCKS on the specified local host and port. Each SOCKS request contains the destination host and port to connect to and triggers a request to tunnel traffic to the requested host and port via the SSH connection. If the request is successful, the return value is an :class:`SSHListener` object which can be used later to shut down the port forwarding. :param listen_host: The hostname or address on the local host to listen on :param listen_port: The port number on the local host to listen on :type listen_host: `str` :type listen_port: `int` :returns: :class:`SSHListener` :raises: :exc:`OSError` if the listener can't be opened """ async def tunnel_socks(session_factory: SSHTCPSessionFactory[bytes], dest_host: str, dest_port: int, orig_host: str, orig_port: int) -> \ Tuple[SSHTCPChannel[bytes], SSHTCPSession[bytes]]: """Forward a local SOCKS connection over SSH""" return await self.create_connection(session_factory, dest_host, dest_port, orig_host, orig_port)'Creating local SOCKS forwarder on %s', (listen_host, listen_port)) try: listener = await create_socks_listener(self, self._loop, tunnel_socks, listen_host, listen_port) except OSError as exc: self.logger.debug1('Failed to create local SOCKS listener: %s', exc) raise if listen_port == 0: listen_port = listener.get_port() self._local_listeners[listen_host, listen_port] = listener return listener
[docs] @async_context_manager async def forward_tun(self, local_unit: Optional[int] = None, remote_unit: Optional[int] = None) -> SSHForwarder: """Set up layer 3 forwarding This method is a coroutine which attempts to set up layer 3 packet forwarding between local and remote TUN devices. If the request is successful, the return value is an :class:`SSHForwarder` object which can be used later to shut down the forwarding. :param local_unit: The unit number of the local TUN device to use :param remote_unit: The unit number of the remote TUN device to use :type local_unit: `int` or `None` :type remote_unit: `int` or `None` :returns: :class:`SSHForwarder` :raises: | :exc:`OSError` if the local TUN device can't be opened | :exc:`ChannelOpenError` if the SSH channel can't be opened """ def session_factory() -> SSHTunTapSession: """Return an SSHTunTapSession used to do layer 3 forwarding""" return cast(SSHTunTapSession, self.forward_tuntap(SSH_TUN_MODE_POINTTOPOINT, local_unit)) _, peer = await self.create_tun(session_factory, remote_unit) return cast(SSHForwarder, peer)
[docs] @async_context_manager async def forward_tap(self, local_unit: Optional[int] = None, remote_unit: Optional[int] = None) -> SSHForwarder: """Set up layer 2 forwarding This method is a coroutine which attempts to set up layer 2 packet forwarding between local and remote TAP devices. If the request is successful, the return value is an :class:`SSHForwarder` object which can be used later to shut down the forwarding. :param local_unit: The unit number of the local TAP device to use :param remote_unit: The unit number of the remote TAP device to use :type local_unit: `int` or `None` :type remote_unit: `int` or `None` :returns: :class:`SSHForwarder` :raises: | :exc:`OSError` if the local TUN device can't be opened | :exc:`ChannelOpenError` if the SSH channel can't be opened """ def session_factory() -> SSHTunTapSession: """Return an SSHTunTapSession used to do layer 2 forwarding""" return cast(SSHTunTapSession, self.forward_tuntap(SSH_TUN_MODE_ETHERNET, local_unit)) _, peer = await self.create_tap(session_factory, remote_unit) return cast(SSHForwarder, peer)
[docs] @async_context_manager async def start_sftp_client(self, env: DefTuple[_Env] = (), send_env: DefTuple[_SendEnv] = (), path_encoding: Optional[str] = 'utf-8', path_errors = 'strict', sftp_version = MIN_SFTP_VERSION) -> SFTPClient: """Start an SFTP client This method is a coroutine which attempts to start a secure file transfer session. If it succeeds, it returns an :class:`SFTPClient` object which can be used to copy and access files on the remote host. An optional Unicode encoding can be specified for sending and receiving pathnames, defaulting to UTF-8 with strict error checking. If an encoding of `None` is specified, pathnames will be left as bytes rather than being converted to & from strings. :param env: (optional) The environment variables to set for this SFTP session. Keys and values passed in here will be converted to Unicode strings encoded as UTF-8 (ISO 10646) for transmission. .. note:: Many SSH servers restrict which environment variables a client is allowed to set. The server's configuration may need to be edited before environment variables can be successfully set in the remote environment. :param send_env: (optional) A list of environment variable names to pull from `os.environ` and set for this SFTP session. Wildcards patterns using `'*'` and `'?'` are allowed, and all variables with matching names will be sent with whatever value is set in the local environment. If a variable is present in both env and send_env, the value from env will be used. :param path_encoding: The Unicode encoding to apply when sending and receiving remote pathnames :param path_errors: The error handling strategy to apply on encode/decode errors :param sftp_version: (optional) The maximum version of the SFTP protocol to support, currently either 3 or 4, defaulting to 3. :type env: `dict` with `str` keys and values :type send_env: `list` of `str` :type path_encoding: `str` or `None` :type path_errors: `str` :type sftp_version: `int` :returns: :class:`SFTPClient` :raises: :exc:`SFTPError` if the session can't be opened """ writer, reader, _ = await self.open_session(subsystem='sftp', env=env, send_env=send_env, encoding=None) return await start_sftp_client(self, self._loop, reader, writer, path_encoding, path_errors, sftp_version)
[docs] class SSHServerConnection(SSHConnection): """SSH server connection This class represents an SSH server connection. During authentication, :meth:`send_auth_banner` can be called to send an authentication banner to the client. Once authenticated, :class:`SSHServer` objects wishing to create session objects with non-default channel properties can call :meth:`create_server_channel` from their :meth:`session_requested() <SSHServer.session_requested>` method and return a tuple of the :class:`SSHServerChannel` object returned from that and either an :class:`SSHServerSession` object or a coroutine which returns an :class:`SSHServerSession`. Similarly, :class:`SSHServer` objects wishing to create TCP connection objects with non-default channel properties can call :meth:`create_tcp_channel` from their :meth:`connection_requested() <SSHServer.connection_requested>` method and return a tuple of the :class:`SSHTCPChannel` object returned from that and either an :class:`SSHTCPSession` object or a coroutine which returns an :class:`SSHTCPSession`. :class:`SSHServer` objects wishing to create UNIX domain socket connection objects with non-default channel properties can call :meth:`create_unix_channel` from the :meth:`unix_connection_requested() <SSHServer.unix_connection_requested>` method and return a tuple of the :class:`SSHUNIXChannel` object returned from that and either an :class:`SSHUNIXSession` object or a coroutine which returns an :class:`SSHUNIXSession`. """ _options: 'SSHServerConnectionOptions' _owner: SSHServer _x11_listener: Optional[SSHX11ServerListener] def __init__(self, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, options: 'SSHServerConnectionOptions', acceptor: _AcceptHandler = None, error_handler: _ErrorHandler = None, wait: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__(loop, options, acceptor, error_handler, wait, server=True) self._options = options self._server_host_keys = options.server_host_keys self._server_host_key_algs = list(options.server_host_keys.keys()) self._known_client_hosts = options.known_client_hosts self._trust_client_host = options.trust_client_host self._authorized_client_keys = options.authorized_client_keys self._allow_pty = options.allow_pty self._line_editor = options.line_editor self._line_echo = options.line_echo self._line_history = options.line_history self._max_line_length = options.max_line_length self._rdns_lookup = options.rdns_lookup self._x11_forwarding = options.x11_forwarding self._x11_auth_path = options.x11_auth_path self._agent_forwarding = options.agent_forwarding self._process_factory = options.process_factory self._session_factory = options.session_factory self._encoding = options.encoding self._errors = options.errors self._sftp_factory = options.sftp_factory self._sftp_version = options.sftp_version self._allow_scp = options.allow_scp self._window = options.window self._max_pktsize = options.max_pktsize if options.gss_host: try: self._gss = GSSServer(options.gss_host) self._gss_kex = options.gss_kex self._gss_auth = options.gss_auth self._gss_mic_auth = self._gss_auth except GSSError: pass self._server_host_key: Optional[SSHKeyPair] = None self._key_options: _KeyOrCertOptions = {} self._cert_options: Optional[_KeyOrCertOptions] = None self._kbdint_password_auth = False self._agent_listener: Optional[SSHAgentListener] = None def _cleanup(self, exc: Optional[Exception]) -> None: """Clean up this server connection""" if self._agent_listener: self._agent_listener.close() self._agent_listener = None super()._cleanup(exc) def _connection_made(self) -> None: """Handle the opening of a new connection"""'Accepted SSH client connection') if self._options.proxy_command: proxy_command = ' '.join(shlex.quote(arg) for arg in self._options.proxy_command)' Proxy command: %s', proxy_command) else:' Local address: %s', (self._local_addr, self._local_port))' Peer address: %s', (self._peer_addr, self._peer_port)) async def reload_config(self) -> None: """Re-evaluate config with updated match options""" if self._rdns_lookup: self._peer_host, _ = await self._loop.getnameinfo( (self._peer_addr, self._peer_port), socket.NI_NUMERICSERV) options = await SSHServerConnectionOptions.construct( options=self._options, reload=True, accept_addr=self._local_addr, accept_port=self._local_port, username=self._username, client_host=self._peer_host, client_addr=self._peer_addr) self._options = options self._host_based_auth = options.host_based_auth self._public_key_auth = options.public_key_auth self._kbdint_auth = options.kbdint_auth self._password_auth = options.password_auth self._authorized_client_keys = options.authorized_client_keys self._allow_pty = options.allow_pty self._x11_forwarding = options.x11_forwarding self._agent_forwarding = options.agent_forwarding self._rekey_bytes = options.rekey_bytes self._rekey_seconds = options.rekey_seconds self._keepalive_count_max = options.keepalive_count_max self._keepalive_interval = options.keepalive_interval def choose_server_host_key(self, peer_host_key_algs: Sequence[bytes]) -> bool: """Choose the server host key to use Given a list of host key algorithms supported by the client, select the first compatible server host key we have and return whether or not we were able to find a match. """ for alg in peer_host_key_algs: keypair = self._server_host_keys.get(alg) if keypair: if alg != keypair.algorithm: keypair.set_sig_algorithm(alg) self._server_host_key = keypair return True return False def get_server_host_key(self) -> Optional[SSHKeyPair]: """Return the chosen server host key This method returns a keypair object containing the chosen server host key and a corresponding public key or certificate. """ return self._server_host_key def gss_kex_auth_supported(self) -> bool: """Return whether GSS key exchange authentication is supported""" if self._gss_kex_auth: assert self._gss is not None return self._gss.complete else: return False def gss_mic_auth_supported(self) -> bool: """Return whether GSS MIC authentication is supported""" return self._gss_mic_auth async def validate_gss_principal(self, username: str, user_principal: str, host_principal: str) -> bool: """Validate the GSS principal name for the specified user Return whether the user principal acquired during GSS authentication is valid for the specified user. """ result = self._owner.validate_gss_principal(username, user_principal, host_principal) if inspect.isawaitable(result): result = await cast(Awaitable[bool], result) return cast(bool, result) def host_based_auth_supported(self) -> bool: """Return whether or not host based authentication is supported""" return (self._host_based_auth and (bool(self._known_client_hosts) or self._owner.host_based_auth_supported())) async def validate_host_based_auth(self, username: str, key_data: bytes, client_host: str, client_username: str, msg: bytes, signature: bytes) -> bool: """Validate host based authentication for the specified host and user""" # Remove a trailing '.' from the client host if present if client_host[-1:] == '.': client_host = client_host[:-1] if self._trust_client_host: resolved_host = client_host else: resolved_host, _ = await self._loop.getnameinfo( cast(SockAddr, self.get_extra_info('peername')), socket.NI_NUMERICSERV) if resolved_host != client_host:'Client host mismatch: received %s, ' 'resolved %s', client_host, resolved_host) if self._known_client_hosts: self._match_known_hosts(self._known_client_hosts, resolved_host, self._peer_addr, None) try: key = self._validate_host_key(resolved_host, self._peer_addr, self._peer_port, key_data) except ValueError as exc: self.logger.debug1('Invalid host key: %s', exc) return False if not key.verify(String(self._session_id) + msg, signature): self.logger.debug1('Invalid host-based auth signature') return False result = self._owner.validate_host_based_user(username, client_host, client_username) if inspect.isawaitable(result): result = await cast(Awaitable[bool], result) return cast(bool, result) async def _validate_openssh_certificate( self, username: str, cert: SSHOpenSSHCertificate) -> \ Optional[SSHKey]: """Validate an OpenSSH client certificate for the specified user""" options: Optional[_KeyOrCertOptions] = None if self._authorized_client_keys: options = self._authorized_client_keys.validate( cert.signing_key, self._peer_host, self._peer_addr, cert.principals, ca=True) if options is None: result = self._owner.validate_ca_key(username, cert.signing_key) if inspect.isawaitable(result): result = await cast(Awaitable[bool], result) if not result: return None options = {} self._key_options = options if self.get_key_option('principals'): username = '' try: cert.validate(CERT_TYPE_USER, username) except ValueError: return None allowed_addresses = cast(Sequence[IPNetwork], cert.options.get('source-address')) if allowed_addresses: ip = ip_address(self._peer_addr) if not any(ip in network for network in allowed_addresses): return None self._cert_options = cert.options cert.key.set_touch_required( not (self.get_key_option('no-touch-required', False) and self.get_certificate_option('no-touch-required', False))) return cert.key async def _validate_x509_certificate_chain( self, username: str, cert: SSHX509CertificateChain) -> \ Optional[SSHKey]: """Validate an X.509 client certificate for the specified user""" if not self._authorized_client_keys: return None options, trusted_cert = \ self._authorized_client_keys.validate_x509( cert, self._peer_host, self._peer_addr) if options is None: return None self._key_options = options if self.get_key_option('principals'): username = '' assert self._x509_trusted_certs is not None trusted_certs = list(self._x509_trusted_certs) if trusted_cert: trusted_certs += [trusted_cert] try: cert.validate_chain(trusted_certs, self._x509_trusted_cert_paths, set(), self._x509_purposes, user_principal=username) except ValueError: return None return cert.key async def _validate_client_certificate( self, username: str, key_data: bytes) -> Optional[SSHKey]: """Validate a client certificate for the specified user""" try: cert = decode_ssh_certificate(key_data) except KeyImportError: return None if cert.is_x509_chain: return await self._validate_x509_certificate_chain( username, cast(SSHX509CertificateChain, cert)) else: return await self._validate_openssh_certificate( username, cast(SSHOpenSSHCertificate, cert)) async def _validate_client_public_key(self, username: str, key_data: bytes) -> Optional[SSHKey]: """Validate a client public key for the specified user""" try: key = decode_ssh_public_key(key_data) except KeyImportError: return None options: Optional[_KeyOrCertOptions] = None if self._authorized_client_keys: options = self._authorized_client_keys.validate( key, self._peer_host, self._peer_addr) if options is None: result = self._owner.validate_public_key(username, key) if inspect.isawaitable(result): result = await cast(Awaitable[bool], result) if not result: return None options = {} self._key_options = options key.set_touch_required( not self.get_key_option('no-touch-required', False)) return key def public_key_auth_supported(self) -> bool: """Return whether or not public key authentication is supported""" return (self._public_key_auth and (bool(self._authorized_client_keys) or self._owner.public_key_auth_supported())) async def validate_public_key(self, username: str, key_data: bytes, msg: bytes, signature: bytes) -> bool: """Validate the public key or certificate for the specified user This method validates that the public key or certificate provided is allowed for the specified user. If msg and signature are provided, the key is used to also validate the message signature. It returns `True` when the key is allowed and the signature (if present) is valid. Otherwise, it returns `False`. """ key = ((await self._validate_client_certificate(username, key_data)) or (await self._validate_client_public_key(username, key_data))) if key is None: return False elif msg: return key.verify(String(self._session_id) + msg, signature) else: return True def password_auth_supported(self) -> bool: """Return whether or not password authentication is supported""" return self._password_auth and self._owner.password_auth_supported() async def validate_password(self, username: str, password: str) -> bool: """Return whether password is valid for this user""" result = self._owner.validate_password(username, password) if inspect.isawaitable(result): result = await cast(Awaitable[bool], result) return cast(bool, result) async def change_password(self, username: str, old_password: str, new_password: str) -> bool: """Handle a password change request for a user""" result = self._owner.change_password(username, old_password, new_password) if inspect.isawaitable(result): result = await cast(Awaitable[bool], result) return cast(bool, result) def kbdint_auth_supported(self) -> bool: """Return whether or not keyboard-interactive authentication is supported""" result = self._kbdint_auth and self._owner.kbdint_auth_supported() if result is True: return True elif (result is NotImplemented and self._owner.password_auth_supported()): self._kbdint_password_auth = True return True else: return False async def get_kbdint_challenge(self, username: str, lang: str, submethods: str) -> KbdIntChallenge: """Return a keyboard-interactive auth challenge""" if self._kbdint_password_auth: challenge: KbdIntChallenge = ('', '', DEFAULT_LANG, (('Password:', False),)) else: result = self._owner.get_kbdint_challenge(username, lang, submethods) if inspect.isawaitable(result): challenge = await cast(Awaitable[KbdIntChallenge], result) else: challenge = cast(KbdIntChallenge, result) return challenge async def validate_kbdint_response(self, username: str, responses: KbdIntResponse) -> \ KbdIntChallenge: """Return whether the keyboard-interactive response is valid for this user""" next_challenge: KbdIntChallenge if self._kbdint_password_auth: if len(responses) != 1: return False try: pw_result = self._owner.validate_password( username, responses[0]) if inspect.isawaitable(pw_result): next_challenge = await cast(Awaitable[bool], pw_result) else: next_challenge = cast(bool, pw_result) except PasswordChangeRequired: # Don't support password change requests for now in # keyboard-interactive auth next_challenge = False else: result = self._owner.validate_kbdint_response(username, responses) if inspect.isawaitable(result): next_challenge = await cast(Awaitable[KbdIntChallenge], result) else: next_challenge = cast(KbdIntChallenge, result) return next_challenge def _process_session_open(self, packet: SSHPacket) -> \ Tuple[SSHServerChannel, SSHServerSession]: """Process an incoming session open request""" packet.check_end() chan: SSHServerChannel session: SSHServerSession if self._process_factory or self._session_factory or self._sftp_factory: chan = self.create_server_channel(self._encoding, self._errors, self._window, self._max_pktsize) if self._process_factory: session = SSHServerProcess(self._process_factory, self._sftp_factory, self._sftp_version, self._allow_scp) else: session = SSHServerStreamSession(self._session_factory, self._sftp_factory, self._sftp_version, self._allow_scp) else: result = self._owner.session_requested() if not result: raise ChannelOpenError(OPEN_CONNECT_FAILED, 'Session refused') if isinstance(result, tuple): chan, result = result else: chan = self.create_server_channel(self._encoding, self._errors, self._window, self._max_pktsize) if callable(result): session = SSHServerStreamSession(result) else: session = cast(SSHServerSession, result) return chan, session def _process_direct_tcpip_open(self, packet: SSHPacket) -> \ Tuple[SSHTCPChannel[bytes], SSHTCPSession[bytes]]: """Process an incoming direct TCP/IP open request""" dest_host_bytes = packet.get_string() dest_port = packet.get_uint32() orig_host_bytes = packet.get_string() orig_port = packet.get_uint32() packet.check_end() try: dest_host = dest_host_bytes.decode('utf-8') orig_host = orig_host_bytes.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: raise ProtocolError('Invalid direct TCP/IP channel ' 'open request') from None if not self.check_key_permission('port-forwarding') or \ not self.check_certificate_permission('port-forwarding'): raise ChannelOpenError(OPEN_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED, 'Port forwarding not permitted') permitted_opens = cast(Set[Tuple[str, int]], self.get_key_option('permitopen')) if permitted_opens and \ (dest_host, dest_port) not in permitted_opens and \ (dest_host, None) not in permitted_opens: raise ChannelOpenError(OPEN_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED, 'Port forwarding not permitted to %s ' 'port %s' % (dest_host, dest_port)) result = self._owner.connection_requested(dest_host, dest_port, orig_host, orig_port) if not result: raise ChannelOpenError(OPEN_CONNECT_FAILED, 'Connection refused') if result is True: result = cast(SSHTCPSession[bytes], self.forward_connection(dest_host, dest_port)) if isinstance(result, tuple): chan, result = result else: chan = self.create_tcp_channel() session: SSHTCPSession[bytes] if callable(result): session = SSHTCPStreamSession[bytes](result) else: session = cast(SSHTCPSession[bytes], result)'Accepted direct TCP connection request to %s', (dest_host, dest_port))' Client address: %s', (orig_host, orig_port)) chan.set_inbound_peer_names(dest_host, dest_port, orig_host, orig_port) return chan, session def _process_tcpip_forward_global_request(self, packet: SSHPacket) -> None: """Process an incoming TCP/IP port forwarding request""" listen_host_bytes = packet.get_string() listen_port = packet.get_uint32() packet.check_end() try: listen_host = listen_host_bytes.decode('utf-8').lower() except UnicodeDecodeError: raise ProtocolError('Invalid TCP/IP forward request') from None if not self.check_key_permission('port-forwarding') or \ not self.check_certificate_permission('port-forwarding'):'Request for TCP listener on %s denied: port ' 'forwarding not permitted', (listen_host, listen_port)) self._report_global_response(False) return self.create_task(self._finish_port_forward(listen_host, listen_port)) async def _finish_port_forward(self, listen_host: str, listen_port: int) -> None: """Finish processing a TCP/IP port forwarding request""" listener = self._owner.server_requested(listen_host, listen_port) try: if inspect.isawaitable(listener): listener = await cast(Awaitable[_ListenerArg], listener) if listener is True: listener = await self.forward_local_port( listen_host, listen_port, listen_host, listen_port) elif callable(listener): listener = await self.forward_local_port( listen_host, listen_port, listen_host, listen_port, listener) except OSError: self.logger.debug1('Failed to create TCP listener') self._report_global_response(False) return if not listener:'Request for TCP listener on %s denied by ' 'application', (listen_host, listen_port)) self._report_global_response(False) return listener: SSHListener result: Union[bool, bytes] if listen_port == 0: listen_port = listener.get_port() result = UInt32(listen_port) else: result = True'Created TCP listener on %s', (listen_host, listen_port)) self._local_listeners[listen_host, listen_port] = listener self._report_global_response(result) def _process_cancel_tcpip_forward_global_request( self, packet: SSHPacket) -> None: """Process a request to cancel TCP/IP port forwarding""" listen_host_bytes = packet.get_string() listen_port = packet.get_uint32() packet.check_end() try: listen_host = listen_host_bytes.decode('utf-8').lower() except UnicodeDecodeError: raise ProtocolError('Invalid TCP/IP cancel ' 'forward request') from None try: listener = self._local_listeners.pop((listen_host, listen_port)) except KeyError: raise ProtocolError('TCP/IP listener not found') from None'Closed TCP listener on %s', (listen_host, listen_port)) listener.close() self._report_global_response(True) def _process_direct_streamlocal_at_openssh_dot_com_open( self, packet: SSHPacket) -> \ Tuple[SSHUNIXChannel[bytes], SSHUNIXSession[bytes]]: """Process an incoming direct UNIX domain socket open request""" dest_path_bytes = packet.get_string() # OpenSSH appears to have a bug which sends this extra data _ = packet.get_string() # originator _ = packet.get_uint32() # originator_port packet.check_end() try: dest_path = dest_path_bytes.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: raise ProtocolError('Invalid direct UNIX domain channel ' 'open request') from None if not self.check_key_permission('port-forwarding') or \ not self.check_certificate_permission('port-forwarding'): raise ChannelOpenError(OPEN_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED, 'Port forwarding not permitted') result = self._owner.unix_connection_requested(dest_path) if not result: raise ChannelOpenError(OPEN_CONNECT_FAILED, 'Connection refused') if result is True: result = cast(SSHUNIXSession[bytes], self.forward_unix_connection(dest_path)) if isinstance(result, tuple): chan, result = result else: chan = self.create_unix_channel() session: SSHUNIXSession[bytes] if callable(result): session = SSHUNIXStreamSession[bytes](result) else: session = cast(SSHUNIXSession[bytes], result)'Accepted direct UNIX connection on %s', dest_path) chan.set_inbound_peer_names(dest_path) return chan, session def _process_streamlocal_forward_at_openssh_dot_com_global_request( self, packet: SSHPacket) -> None: """Process an incoming UNIX domain socket forwarding request""" listen_path_bytes = packet.get_string() packet.check_end() try: listen_path = listen_path_bytes.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: raise ProtocolError('Invalid UNIX domain socket ' 'forward request') from None if not self.check_key_permission('port-forwarding') or \ not self.check_certificate_permission('port-forwarding'):'Request for UNIX listener on %s denied: port ' 'forwarding not permitted', listen_path) self._report_global_response(False) return self.create_task(self._finish_path_forward(listen_path)) async def _finish_path_forward(self, listen_path: str) -> None: """Finish processing a UNIX domain socket forwarding request""" listener = self._owner.unix_server_requested(listen_path) try: if inspect.isawaitable(listener): listener = await cast(Awaitable[_ListenerArg], listener) if listener is True: listener = await self.forward_local_path(listen_path, listen_path) except OSError: self.logger.debug1('Failed to create UNIX listener') self._report_global_response(False) return if not listener:'Request for UNIX listener on %s denied by ' 'application', listen_path) self._report_global_response(False) return'Created UNIX listener on %s', listen_path) self._local_listeners[listen_path] = cast(SSHListener, listener) self._report_global_response(True) def _process_cancel_streamlocal_forward_at_openssh_dot_com_global_request( self, packet: SSHPacket) -> None: """Process a request to cancel UNIX domain socket forwarding""" listen_path_bytes = packet.get_string() packet.check_end() try: listen_path = listen_path_bytes.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: raise ProtocolError('Invalid UNIX domain cancel ' 'forward request') from None try: listener = self._local_listeners.pop(listen_path) except KeyError: raise ProtocolError('UNIX domain listener not found') from None'Closed UNIX listener on %s', listen_path) listener.close() self._report_global_response(True) def _process_tun_at_openssh_dot_com_open( self, packet: SSHPacket) -> \ Tuple[SSHTunTapChannel, SSHTunTapSession]: """Process an incoming TUN/TAP open request""" mode = packet.get_uint32() unit: Optional[int] = packet.get_uint32() packet.check_end() if unit == SSH_TUN_UNIT_ANY: unit = None if mode == SSH_TUN_MODE_POINTTOPOINT: result = self._owner.tun_requested(unit) elif mode == SSH_TUN_MODE_ETHERNET: result = self._owner.tap_requested(unit) else: result = False if not result: raise ChannelOpenError(OPEN_CONNECT_FAILED, 'Connection refused') if result is True: result = cast(SSHTunTapSession, self.forward_tuntap(mode, unit)) if isinstance(result, tuple): chan, result = result else: chan = self.create_tuntap_channel() session: SSHTunTapSession if callable(result): session = SSHTunTapStreamSession(result) else: session = cast(SSHTunTapSession, result)'Accepted layer %d tunnel request to unit %s', 3 if mode == SSH_TUN_MODE_POINTTOPOINT else 2, 'any' if unit == SSH_TUN_UNIT_ANY else str(unit)) chan.set_mode(mode) return chan, session async def attach_x11_listener(self, chan: SSHServerChannel[AnyStr], auth_proto: bytes, auth_data: bytes, screen: int) -> Optional[str]: """Attach a channel to a remote X11 display""" if (not self._x11_forwarding or not self.check_key_permission('X11-forwarding') or not self.check_certificate_permission('X11-forwarding')):'X11 forwarding request denied: X11 ' 'forwarding not permitted') return None if not self._x11_listener: self._x11_listener = await create_x11_server_listener( self, self._loop, self._x11_auth_path, auth_proto, auth_data) if self._x11_listener: return self._x11_listener.attach(chan, screen) else: return None def detach_x11_listener(self, chan: SSHChannel[AnyStr]) -> None: """Detach a session from a remote X11 listener""" if self._x11_listener: if self._x11_listener.detach(chan): self._x11_listener = None async def create_agent_listener(self) -> bool: """Create a listener for forwarding ssh-agent connections""" if (not self._agent_forwarding or not self.check_key_permission('agent-forwarding') or not self.check_certificate_permission('agent-forwarding')):'Agent forwarding request denied: Agent ' 'forwarding not permitted') return False if self._agent_listener: return True try: tempdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='asyncssh-') path = str(Path(, 'agent')) unix_listener = await create_unix_forward_listener( self, self._loop, self.create_agent_connection, path) self._agent_listener = SSHAgentListener(tempdir, path, unix_listener) return True except OSError: return False def get_agent_path(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the path of the ssh-agent listener, if one exists""" if self._agent_listener: return self._agent_listener.get_path() else: return None
[docs] def send_auth_banner(self, msg: str, lang: str = DEFAULT_LANG) -> None: """Send an authentication banner to the client This method can be called to send an authentication banner to the client, displaying information while authentication is in progress. It is an error to call this method after the authentication is complete. :param msg: The message to display :param lang: The language the message is in :type msg: `str` :type lang: `str` :raises: :exc:`OSError` if authentication is already completed """ if self._auth_complete: raise OSError('Authentication already completed') self.logger.debug1('Sending authentication banner') self.send_packet(MSG_USERAUTH_BANNER, String(msg), String(lang))
[docs] def set_authorized_keys(self, authorized_keys: _AuthKeysArg) -> None: """Set the keys trusted for client public key authentication This method can be called to set the trusted user and CA keys for client public key authentication. It should generally be called from the :meth:`begin_auth <SSHServer.begin_auth>` method of :class:`SSHServer` to set the appropriate keys for the user attempting to authenticate. :param authorized_keys: The keys to trust for client public key authentication :type authorized_keys: *see* :ref:`SpecifyingAuthorizedKeys` """ if isinstance(authorized_keys, (str, list)): authorized_keys = read_authorized_keys(authorized_keys) self._authorized_client_keys = authorized_keys
[docs] def get_key_option(self, option: str, default: object = None) -> object: """Return option from authorized_keys If a client key or certificate was presented during authentication, this method returns the value of the requested option in the corresponding authorized_keys entry if it was set. Otherwise, it returns the default value provided. The following standard options are supported: | command (string) | environment (dictionary of name/value pairs) | from (list of host patterns) | no-touch-required (boolean) | permitopen (list of host/port tuples) | principals (list of usernames) Non-standard options are also supported and will return the value `True` if the option is present without a value or return a list of strings containing the values associated with each occurrence of that option name. If the option is not present, the specified default value is returned. :param option: The name of the option to look up. :param default: The default value to return if the option is not present. :type option: `str` :returns: The value of the option in authorized_keys, if set """ return self._key_options.get(option, default)
[docs] def check_key_permission(self, permission: str) -> bool: """Check permissions in authorized_keys If a client key or certificate was presented during authentication, this method returns whether the specified permission is allowed by the corresponding authorized_keys entry. By default, all permissions are granted, but they can be revoked by specifying an option starting with 'no-' without a value. The following standard options are supported: | X11-forwarding | agent-forwarding | port-forwarding | pty | user-rc AsyncSSH internally enforces X11-forwarding, agent-forwarding, port-forwarding and pty permissions but ignores user-rc since it does not implement that feature. Non-standard permissions can also be checked, as long as the option follows the convention of starting with 'no-'. :param permission: The name of the permission to check (without the 'no-'). :type permission: `str` :returns: A `bool` indicating if the permission is granted. """ return not self._key_options.get('no-' + permission, False)
[docs] def get_certificate_option(self, option: str, default: object = None) -> object: """Return option from user certificate If a user certificate was presented during authentication, this method returns the value of the requested option in the certificate if it was set. Otherwise, it returns the default value provided. The following options are supported: | force-command (string) | no-touch-required (boolean) | source-address (list of CIDR-style IP network addresses) :param option: The name of the option to look up. :param default: The default value to return if the option is not present. :type option: `str` :returns: The value of the option in the user certificate, if set """ if self._cert_options is not None: return self._cert_options.get(option, default) else: return default
[docs] def check_certificate_permission(self, permission: str) -> bool: """Check permissions in user certificate If a user certificate was presented during authentication, this method returns whether the specified permission was granted in the certificate. Otherwise, it acts as if all permissions are granted and returns `True`. The following permissions are supported: | X11-forwarding | agent-forwarding | port-forwarding | pty | user-rc AsyncSSH internally enforces agent-forwarding, port-forwarding and pty permissions but ignores the other values since it does not implement those features. :param permission: The name of the permission to check (without the 'permit-'). :type permission: `str` :returns: A `bool` indicating if the permission is granted. """ if self._cert_options is not None: return cast(bool, self._cert_options.get('permit-' + permission, False)) else: return True
[docs] def create_server_channel(self, encoding: Optional[str] = '', errors: str = '', window: int = 0, max_pktsize: int = 0) -> SSHServerChannel: """Create an SSH server channel for a new SSH session This method can be called by :meth:`session_requested() <SSHServer.session_requested>` to create an :class:`SSHServerChannel` with the desired encoding, Unicode error handling strategy, window, and max packet size for a newly created SSH server session. :param encoding: (optional) The Unicode encoding to use for data exchanged on the session, defaulting to UTF-8 (ISO 10646) format. If `None` is passed in, the application can send and receive raw bytes. :param errors: (optional) The error handling strategy to apply on encode/decode errors :param window: (optional) The receive window size for this session :param max_pktsize: (optional) The maximum packet size for this session :type encoding: `str` or `None` :type errors: `str` :type window: `int` :type max_pktsize: `int` :returns: :class:`SSHServerChannel` """ return SSHServerChannel(self, self._loop, self._allow_pty, self._line_editor, self._line_echo, self._line_history, self._max_line_length, self._encoding if encoding == '' else encoding, self._errors if errors == '' else errors, window or self._window, max_pktsize or self._max_pktsize)
[docs] async def create_connection( self, session_factory: SSHTCPSessionFactory[AnyStr], remote_host: str, remote_port: int, orig_host: str = '', orig_port: int = 0, *, encoding: Optional[str] = None, errors: str = 'strict', window: int = _DEFAULT_WINDOW, max_pktsize: int = _DEFAULT_MAX_PKTSIZE) -> \ Tuple[SSHTCPChannel[AnyStr], SSHTCPSession[AnyStr]]: """Create an SSH TCP forwarded connection This method is a coroutine which can be called to notify the client about a new inbound TCP connection arriving on the specified remote host and port. If the connection is successfully opened, a new SSH channel will be opened with data being handled by a :class:`SSHTCPSession` object created by `session_factory`. Optional arguments include the host and port of the original client opening the connection when performing TCP port forwarding. By default, this class expects data to be sent and received as raw bytes. However, an optional encoding argument can be passed in to select the encoding to use, allowing the application to send and receive string data. When encoding is set, an optional errors argument can be passed in to select what Unicode error handling strategy to use. Other optional arguments include the SSH receive window size and max packet size which default to 2 MB and 32 KB, respectively. :param session_factory: A `callable` which returns an :class:`SSHTCPSession` object that will be created to handle activity on this session :param remote_host: The hostname or address the connection was received on :param remote_port: The port number the connection was received on :param orig_host: (optional) The hostname or address of the client requesting the connection :param orig_port: (optional) The port number of the client requesting the connection :param encoding: (optional) The Unicode encoding to use for data exchanged on the connection :param errors: (optional) The error handling strategy to apply on encode/decode errors :param window: (optional) The receive window size for this session :param max_pktsize: (optional) The maximum packet size for this session :type session_factory: `callable` :type remote_host: `str` :type remote_port: `int` :type orig_host: `str` :type orig_port: `int` :type encoding: `str` or `None` :type errors: `str` :type window: `int` :type max_pktsize: `int` :returns: an :class:`SSHTCPChannel` and :class:`SSHTCPSession` """'Opening forwarded TCP connection to %s', (remote_host, remote_port))' Client address: %s', (orig_host, orig_port)) chan = self.create_tcp_channel(encoding, errors, window, max_pktsize) session = await chan.accept(session_factory, remote_host, remote_port, orig_host, orig_port) return chan, session
[docs] async def open_connection(self, *args: object, **kwargs: object) -> \ Tuple[SSHReader, SSHWriter]: """Open an SSH TCP forwarded connection This method is a coroutine wrapper around :meth:`create_connection` designed to provide a "high-level" stream interface for creating an SSH TCP forwarded connection. Instead of taking a `session_factory` argument for constructing an object which will handle activity on the session via callbacks, it returns :class:`SSHReader` and :class:`SSHWriter` objects which can be used to perform I/O on the connection. With the exception of `session_factory`, all of the arguments to :meth:`create_connection` are supported and have the same meaning here. :returns: an :class:`SSHReader` and :class:`SSHWriter` """ chan, session = await self.create_connection( SSHTCPStreamSession, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore session: SSHTCPStreamSession return SSHReader(session, chan), SSHWriter(session, chan)
[docs] async def create_unix_connection( self, session_factory: SSHUNIXSessionFactory[AnyStr], remote_path: str, *, encoding: Optional[str] = None, errors: str = 'strict', window: int = _DEFAULT_WINDOW, max_pktsize: int = _DEFAULT_MAX_PKTSIZE) -> \ Tuple[SSHUNIXChannel[AnyStr], SSHUNIXSession[AnyStr]]: """Create an SSH UNIX domain socket forwarded connection This method is a coroutine which can be called to notify the client about a new inbound UNIX domain socket connection arriving on the specified remote path. If the connection is successfully opened, a new SSH channel will be opened with data being handled by a :class:`SSHUNIXSession` object created by `session_factory`. By default, this class expects data to be sent and received as raw bytes. However, an optional encoding argument can be passed in to select the encoding to use, allowing the application to send and receive string data. When encoding is set, an optional errors argument can be passed in to select what Unicode error handling strategy to use. Other optional arguments include the SSH receive window size and max packet size which default to 2 MB and 32 KB, respectively. :param session_factory: A `callable` which returns an :class:`SSHUNIXSession` object that will be created to handle activity on this session :param remote_path: The path the connection was received on :param encoding: (optional) The Unicode encoding to use for data exchanged on the connection :param errors: (optional) The error handling strategy to apply on encode/decode errors :param window: (optional) The receive window size for this session :param max_pktsize: (optional) The maximum packet size for this session :type session_factory: `callable` :type remote_path: `str` :type encoding: `str` or `None` :type errors: `str` :type window: `int` :type max_pktsize: `int` :returns: an :class:`SSHTCPChannel` and :class:`SSHUNIXSession` """'Opening forwarded UNIX connection to %s', remote_path) chan = self.create_unix_channel(encoding, errors, window, max_pktsize) session = await chan.accept(session_factory, remote_path) return chan, session
[docs] async def open_unix_connection(self, *args: object, **kwargs: object) -> \ Tuple[SSHReader, SSHWriter]: """Open an SSH UNIX domain socket forwarded connection This method is a coroutine wrapper around :meth:`create_unix_connection` designed to provide a "high-level" stream interface for creating an SSH UNIX domain socket forwarded connection. Instead of taking a `session_factory` argument for constructing an object which will handle activity on the session via callbacks, it returns :class:`SSHReader` and :class:`SSHWriter` objects which can be used to perform I/O on the connection. With the exception of `session_factory`, all of the arguments to :meth:`create_unix_connection` are supported and have the same meaning here. :returns: an :class:`SSHReader` and :class:`SSHWriter` """ chan, session = \ await self.create_unix_connection( SSHUNIXStreamSession, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore session: SSHUNIXStreamSession return SSHReader(session, chan), SSHWriter(session, chan)
async def create_x11_connection( self, session_factory: SSHTCPSessionFactory[bytes], orig_host: str = '', orig_port: int = 0, *, window: int = _DEFAULT_WINDOW, max_pktsize: int = _DEFAULT_MAX_PKTSIZE) -> \ Tuple[SSHX11Channel, SSHTCPSession[bytes]]: """Create an SSH X11 forwarded connection"""'Opening forwarded X11 connection') chan = self.create_x11_channel(window, max_pktsize) session = await, orig_host, orig_port) return chan, session async def create_agent_connection( self, session_factory: SSHUNIXSessionFactory[bytes], *, window:int = _DEFAULT_WINDOW, max_pktsize: int = _DEFAULT_MAX_PKTSIZE) -> \ Tuple[SSHAgentChannel, SSHUNIXSession[bytes]]: """Create a forwarded ssh-agent connection back to the client""" if not self._agent_listener: raise ChannelOpenError(OPEN_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED, 'Agent forwarding not permitted')'Opening forwarded agent connection') chan = self.create_agent_channel(window, max_pktsize) session = await return chan, session async def open_agent_connection(self) -> \ Tuple[SSHReader[bytes], SSHWriter[bytes]]: """Open a forwarded ssh-agent connection back to the client""" chan, session = \ await self.create_agent_connection(SSHUNIXStreamSession) session: SSHUNIXStreamSession[bytes] return SSHReader[bytes](session, chan), SSHWriter[bytes](session, chan)
class SSHConnectionOptions(Options): """SSH connection options""" config: SSHConfig waiter: Optional[asyncio.Future] protocol_factory: _ProtocolFactory version: bytes host: str port: int tunnel: object proxy_command: Optional[Sequence[str]] family: int local_addr: HostPort tcp_keepalive: bool kex_algs: Sequence[bytes] encryption_algs: Sequence[bytes] mac_algs: Sequence[bytes] compression_algs: Sequence[bytes] signature_algs: Sequence[bytes] host_based_auth: bool public_key_auth: bool kbdint_auth: bool password_auth: bool x509_trusted_certs: Optional[Sequence[SSHX509Certificate]] x509_trusted_cert_paths: Sequence[FilePath] x509_purposes: Union[None, str, Sequence[str]] rekey_bytes: int rekey_seconds: float connect_timeout: Optional[float] login_timeout: float keepalive_internal: float keepalive_count_max: int def __init__(self, options: Optional['_OptionsSelf'] = None, **kwargs: object): last_config = options.config if options else None super().__init__(options=options, last_config=last_config, **kwargs) @classmethod async def construct(cls, options: Optional['_OptionsSelf'] = None, **kwargs: object) -> _OptionsSelf: """Construct a new options object from within an async task""" loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() return cast(_OptionsSelf, await loop.run_in_executor( None, functools.partial(cls, options, loop=loop, **kwargs))) # pylint: disable=arguments-differ def prepare(self, config: SSHConfig, # type: ignore protocol_factory: _ProtocolFactory, version: _VersionArg, host: str, port: DefTuple[int], tunnel: object, passphrase: Optional[BytesOrStr], proxy_command: DefTuple[_ProxyCommand], family: DefTuple[int], local_addr: DefTuple[HostPort], tcp_keepalive: DefTuple[bool], kex_algs: _AlgsArg, encryption_algs: _AlgsArg, mac_algs: _AlgsArg, compression_algs: _AlgsArg, signature_algs: _AlgsArg, host_based_auth: _AuthArg, public_key_auth: _AuthArg, kbdint_auth: _AuthArg, password_auth: _AuthArg, x509_trusted_certs: CertListArg, x509_trusted_cert_paths: Sequence[FilePath], x509_purposes: X509CertPurposes, rekey_bytes: DefTuple[Union[int, str]], rekey_seconds: DefTuple[Union[float, str]], connect_timeout: Optional[Union[float, str]], login_timeout: Union[float, str], keepalive_interval: Union[float, str], keepalive_count_max: int) -> None: """Prepare common connection configuration options""" self.config = config self.protocol_factory = protocol_factory self.version = _validate_version(version) = cast(str, config.get('Hostname', host)) self.port = cast(int, port if port != () else config.get('Port', DEFAULT_PORT)) self.tunnel = tunnel if tunnel != () else config.get('ProxyJump') self.passphrase = passphrase if isinstance(proxy_command, str): proxy_command = shlex.split(proxy_command) self.proxy_command = proxy_command if proxy_command != () else \ cast(Sequence[str], config.get('ProxyCommand')) = cast(int, family if family != () else config.get('AddressFamily', socket.AF_UNSPEC)) bind_addr = config.get('BindAddress') self.local_addr = cast(HostPort, local_addr if local_addr != () else (bind_addr, 0) if bind_addr else None) self.tcp_keepalive = cast(bool, tcp_keepalive if tcp_keepalive != () else config.get('TCPKeepAlive', True)) self.kex_algs, self.encryption_algs, self.mac_algs, \ self.compression_algs, self.signature_algs = \ _validate_algs(config, kex_algs, encryption_algs, mac_algs, compression_algs, signature_algs, x509_trusted_certs is not None) self.host_based_auth = \ cast(bool, host_based_auth if host_based_auth != () else config.get('HostbasedAuthentication', True)) self.public_key_auth = \ cast(bool, public_key_auth if public_key_auth != () else config.get('PubkeyAuthentication', True)) self.kbdint_auth = \ cast(bool, kbdint_auth if kbdint_auth != () else config.get('KbdInteractiveAuthentication', config.get('ChallengeResponseAuthentication', True))) self.password_auth = \ cast(bool, password_auth if password_auth != () else config.get('PasswordAuthentication', True)) if x509_trusted_certs is not None: certs = load_certificates(x509_trusted_certs) for cert in certs: if not cert.is_x509: raise ValueError('OpenSSH certificates not allowed ' 'in X.509 trusted certs') x509_trusted_certs = cast(Sequence[SSHX509Certificate], certs) if x509_trusted_cert_paths: for path in x509_trusted_cert_paths: if not Path(path).is_dir(): raise ValueError('X.509 trusted certificate path not ' f'a directory: {path}') self.x509_trusted_certs = x509_trusted_certs self.x509_trusted_cert_paths = x509_trusted_cert_paths self.x509_purposes = x509_purposes config_rekey_bytes, config_rekey_seconds = \ cast(Tuple[DefTuple[int], DefTuple[int]], config.get('RekeyLimit', ((), ()))) if rekey_bytes == (): rekey_bytes = config_rekey_bytes if rekey_bytes == (): rekey_bytes = _DEFAULT_REKEY_BYTES elif isinstance(rekey_bytes, str): rekey_bytes = parse_byte_count(rekey_bytes) rekey_bytes: int if rekey_bytes <= 0: raise ValueError('Rekey bytes cannot be negative or zero') if rekey_seconds == (): rekey_seconds = config_rekey_seconds if rekey_seconds == (): rekey_seconds = _DEFAULT_REKEY_SECONDS elif isinstance(rekey_seconds, str): rekey_seconds = parse_time_interval(rekey_seconds) rekey_seconds: float if rekey_seconds and rekey_seconds <= 0: raise ValueError('Rekey seconds cannot be negative or zero') if isinstance(connect_timeout, str): connect_timeout = parse_time_interval(connect_timeout) if connect_timeout and connect_timeout < 0: raise ValueError('Connect timeout cannot be negative') if isinstance(login_timeout, str): login_timeout = parse_time_interval(login_timeout) if login_timeout and login_timeout < 0: raise ValueError('Login timeout cannot be negative') if isinstance(keepalive_interval, str): keepalive_interval = parse_time_interval(keepalive_interval) if keepalive_interval and keepalive_interval < 0: raise ValueError('Keepalive interval cannot be negative') if keepalive_count_max <= 0: raise ValueError('Keepalive count max cannot be negative or zero') self.rekey_bytes = rekey_bytes self.rekey_seconds = rekey_seconds self.connect_timeout = connect_timeout or None self.login_timeout = login_timeout self.keepalive_interval = keepalive_interval self.keepalive_count_max = keepalive_count_max
[docs] class SSHClientConnectionOptions(SSHConnectionOptions): """SSH client connection options The following options are available to control the establishment of SSH client connections: :param client_factory: (optional) A `callable` which returns an :class:`SSHClient` object that will be created for each new connection. :param proxy_command: (optional) A string or list of strings specifying a command and arguments to run to make a connection to the SSH server. Data will be forwarded to this process over stdin/stdout instead of opening a TCP connection. If specified as a string, standard shell quoting will be applied when splitting the command and its arguments. :param known_hosts: (optional) The list of keys which will be used to validate the server host key presented during the SSH handshake. If this is not specified, the keys will be looked up in the file :file:`.ssh/known_hosts`. If this is explicitly set to `None`, server host key validation will be disabled. :param host_key_alias: (optional) An alias to use instead of the real host name when looking up a host key in known_hosts and when validating host certificates. :param server_host_key_algs: (optional) A list of server host key algorithms to use instead of the default of those present in known_hosts when performing the SSH handshake, taken from :ref:`server host key algorithms <PublicKeyAlgs>`. This is useful when using the validate_host_public_key callback to validate server host keys, since AsyncSSH can not determine which server host key algorithms are preferred. This argument can also be set to 'default' to specify that the client should always send its default list of supported algorithms to avoid leaking information about what algorithms are present for the server in known_hosts. .. note:: The 'default' keyword should be used with caution, as it can result in a host key mismatch if the client trusts only a subset of the host keys the server might return. :param x509_trusted_certs: (optional) A list of certificates which should be trusted for X.509 server certificate authentication. If no trusted certificates are specified, an attempt will be made to load them from the file :file:`.ssh/ca-bundle.crt`. If this argument is explicitly set to `None`, X.509 server certificate authentication will not be performed. .. note:: X.509 certificates to trust can also be provided through a :ref:`known_hosts <KnownHosts>` file if they are converted into OpenSSH format. This allows their trust to be limited to only specific host names. :param x509_trusted_cert_paths: (optional) A list of path names to "hash directories" containing certificates which should be trusted for X.509 server certificate authentication. Each certificate should be in a separate file with a name of the form *hash.number*, where *hash* is the OpenSSL hash value of the certificate subject name and *number* is an integer counting up from zero if multiple certificates have the same hash. If no paths are specified, an attempt with be made to use the directory :file:`.ssh/crt` as a certificate hash directory. :param x509_purposes: (optional) A list of purposes allowed in the ExtendedKeyUsage of a certificate used for X.509 server certificate authentication, defulting to 'secureShellServer'. If this argument is explicitly set to `None`, the server certificate's ExtendedKeyUsage will not be checked. :param username: (optional) Username to authenticate as on the server. If not specified, the currently logged in user on the local machine will be used. :param password: (optional) The password to use for client password authentication or keyboard-interactive authentication which prompts for a password, or a `callable` or coroutine which returns the password to use. If this is not specified or set to `None`, client password authentication will not be performed. :param client_host_keysign: (optional) Whether or not to use `ssh-keysign` to sign host-based authentication requests. If set to `True`, an attempt will be made to find `ssh-keysign` in its typical locations. If set to a string, that will be used as the `ssh-keysign` path. When set, client_host_keys should be a list of public keys. Otherwise, client_host_keys should be a list of private keys with optional paired certificates. :param client_host_keys: (optional) A list of keys to use to authenticate this client via host-based authentication. If `client_host_keysign` is set and no host keys or certificates are specified, an attempt will be made to find them in their typical locations. If `client_host_keysign` is not set, host private keys must be specified explicitly or host-based authentication will not be performed. :param client_host_certs: (optional) A list of optional certificates which can be paired with the provided client host keys. :param client_host: (optional) The local hostname to use when performing host-based authentication. If not specified, the hostname associated with the local IP address of the SSH connection will be used. :param client_username: (optional) The local username to use when performing host-based authentication. If not specified, the username of the currently logged in user will be used. :param client_keys: (optional) A list of keys which will be used to authenticate this client via public key authentication. These keys will be used after trying keys from a PKCS11 provider or an ssh-agent, if either of those are configured. If no client keys are specified, an attempt will be made to load them from the files :file:`.ssh/id_ed25519_sk`, :file:`.ssh/id_ecdsa_sk`, :file:`.ssh/id_ed448`, :file:`.ssh/id_ed25519`, :file:`.ssh/id_ecdsa`, :file:`.ssh/id_rsa`, and :file:`.ssh/id_dsa` in the user's home directory, with optional certificates loaded from the files :file:`.ssh/`, :file:`.ssh/`, :file:`.ssh/`, :file:`.ssh/`, :file:`.ssh/`, :file:`.ssh/`, and :file:`.ssh/`. If this argument is explicitly set to `None`, client public key authentication will not be performed. :param client_certs: (optional) A list of optional certificates which can be paired with the provided client keys. :param passphrase: (optional) The passphrase to use to decrypt client keys if they are encrypted, or a `callable` or coroutine which takes a filename as a parameter and returns the passphrase to use to decrypt that file. If not specified, only unencrypted client keys can be loaded. If the keys passed into client_keys are already loaded, this argument is ignored. .. note:: A callable or coroutine passed in as a passphrase will be called on all filenames configured as client keys or client host keys each time an SSHClientConnectionOptions object is instantiated, even if the keys aren't encrypted or aren't ever used for authentication. :param ignore_encrypted: (optional) Whether or not to ignore encrypted keys when no passphrase is specified. This defaults to `True` when keys are specified via the IdentityFile config option, causing encrypted keys in the config to be ignored when no passphrase is specified. Note that encrypted keys loaded into an SSH agent can still be used when this option is set. :param host_based_auth: (optional) Whether or not to allow host-based authentication. By default, host-based authentication is enabled if client host keys are made available. :param public_key_auth: (optional) Whether or not to allow public key authentication. By default, public key authentication is enabled if client keys are made available. :param kbdint_auth: (optional) Whether or not to allow keyboard-interactive authentication. By default, keyboard-interactive authentication is enabled if a password is specified or if callbacks to respond to challenges are made available. :param password_auth: (optional) Whether or not to allow password authentication. By default, password authentication is enabled if a password is specified or if callbacks to provide a password are made available. :param gss_host: (optional) The principal name to use for the host in GSS key exchange and authentication. If not specified, this value will be the same as the `host` argument. If this argument is explicitly set to `None`, GSS key exchange and authentication will not be performed. :param gss_kex: (optional) Whether or not to allow GSS key exchange. By default, GSS key exchange is enabled. :param gss_auth: (optional) Whether or not to allow GSS authentication. By default, GSS authentication is enabled. :param gss_delegate_creds: (optional) Whether or not to forward GSS credentials to the server being accessed. By default, GSS credential delegation is disabled. :param preferred_auth: A list of authentication methods the client should attempt to use in order of preference. By default, the preferred list is gssapi-keyex, gssapi-with-mic, hostbased, publickey, keyboard-interactive, and then password. This list may be limited by which auth methods are implemented by the client and which methods the server accepts. :param disable_trivial_auth: (optional) Whether or not to allow "trivial" forms of auth where the client is not actually challenged for credentials. Setting this will cause the connection to fail if a server does not perform some non-trivial form of auth during the initial SSH handshake. If not specified, all forms of auth supported by the server are allowed, including none. :param agent_path: (optional) The path of a UNIX domain socket to use to contact an ssh-agent process which will perform the operations needed for client public key authentication, or the :class:`SSHServerConnection` to use to forward ssh-agent requests over. If this is not specified and the environment variable `SSH_AUTH_SOCK` is set, its value will be used as the path. If this argument is explicitly set to `None`, an ssh-agent will not be used. :param agent_identities: (optional) A list of identities used to restrict which SSH agent keys may be used. These may be specified as byte strings in binary SSH format or as public keys or certificates (*see* :ref:`SpecifyingPublicKeys` and :ref:`SpecifyingCertificates`). If set to `None`, all keys loaded into the SSH agent will be made available for use. This is the default. :param agent_forwarding: (optional) Whether or not to allow forwarding of ssh-agent requests from processes running on the server. By default, ssh-agent forwarding requests from the server are not allowed. :param pkcs11_provider: (optional) The path of a shared library which should be used as a PKCS#11 provider for accessing keys on PIV security tokens. By default, no local security tokens will be accessed. :param pkcs11_pin: (optional) The PIN to use when accessing security tokens via PKCS#11. .. note:: If your application opens multiple SSH connections using PKCS#11 keys, you should consider calling :func:`load_pkcs11_keys` explicitly instead of using these arguments. This allows you to pay the cost of loading the key information from the security tokens only once. You can then pass the returned keys via the `client_keys` argument to any calls that need them. Calling :func:`load_pkcs11_keys` explicitly also gives you the ability to load keys from multiple tokens with different PINs and to select which tokens to load keys from and which keys on those tokens to load. :param client_version: (optional) An ASCII string to advertise to the SSH server as the version of this client, defaulting to `'AsyncSSH'` and its version number. :param kex_algs: (optional) A list of allowed key exchange algorithms in the SSH handshake, taken from :ref:`key exchange algorithms <KexAlgs>`. :param encryption_algs: (optional) A list of encryption algorithms to use during the SSH handshake, taken from :ref:`encryption algorithms <EncryptionAlgs>`. :param mac_algs: (optional) A list of MAC algorithms to use during the SSH handshake, taken from :ref:`MAC algorithms <MACAlgs>`. :param compression_algs: (optional) A list of compression algorithms to use during the SSH handshake, taken from :ref:`compression algorithms <CompressionAlgs>`, or `None` to disable compression. :param signature_algs: (optional) A list of public key signature algorithms to use during the SSH handshake, taken from :ref:`signature algorithms <SignatureAlgs>`. :param rekey_bytes: (optional) The number of bytes which can be sent before the SSH session key is renegotiated. This defaults to 1 GB. :param rekey_seconds: (optional) The maximum time in seconds before the SSH session key is renegotiated. This defaults to 1 hour. :param connect_timeout: (optional) The maximum time in seconds allowed to complete an outbound SSH connection. This includes the time to establish the TCP connection and the time to perform the initial SSH protocol handshake, key exchange, and authentication. This is disabled by default, relying on the system's default TCP connect timeout and AsyncSSH's login timeout. :param login_timeout: (optional) The maximum time in seconds allowed for authentication to complete, defaulting to 2 minutes. Setting this to 0 will disable the login timeout. .. note:: This timeout only applies after the SSH TCP connection is established. To set a timeout which includes establishing the TCP connection, use the `connect_timeout` argument above. :param keepalive_interval: (optional) The time in seconds to wait before sending a keepalive message if no data has been received from the server. This defaults to 0, which disables sending these messages. :param keepalive_count_max: (optional) The maximum number of keepalive messages which will be sent without getting a response before disconnecting from the server. This defaults to 3, but only applies when keepalive_interval is non-zero. :param command: (optional) The default remote command to execute on client sessions. An interactive shell is started if no command or subsystem is specified. :param subsystem: (optional) The default remote subsystem to start on client sessions. :param env: (optional) The default environment variables to set for client sessions. Keys and values passed in here will be converted to Unicode strings encoded as UTF-8 (ISO 10646) for transmission. .. note:: Many SSH servers restrict which environment variables a client is allowed to set. The server's configuration may need to be edited before environment variables can be successfully set in the remote environment. :param send_env: (optional) A list of environment variable names to pull from `os.environ` and set by default for client sessions. Wildcards patterns using `'*'` and `'?'` are allowed, and all variables with matching names will be sent with whatever value is set in the local environment. If a variable is present in both env and send_env, the value from env will be used. :param request_pty: (optional) Whether or not to request a pseudo-terminal (PTY) by default for client sessions. This defaults to `True`, which means to request a PTY whenever the `term_type` is set. Other possible values include `False` to never request a PTY, `'force'` to always request a PTY even without `term_type` being set, or `'auto'` to request a TTY when `term_type` is set but only when starting an interactive shell. :param term_type: (optional) The default terminal type to set for client sessions. :param term_size: (optional) The terminal width and height in characters and optionally the width and height in pixels to set for client sessions. :param term_modes: (optional) POSIX terminal modes to set for client sessions, where keys are taken from :ref:`POSIX terminal modes <PTYModes>` with values defined in section 8 of :rfc:`RFC 4254 <4254#section-8>`. :param x11_forwarding: (optional) Whether or not to request X11 forwarding for client sessions, defaulting to `False`. If set to `True`, X11 forwarding will be requested and a failure will raise :exc:`ChannelOpenError`. It can also be set to `'ignore_failure'` to attempt X11 forwarding but ignore failures. :param x11_display: (optional) The display that X11 connections should be forwarded to, defaulting to the value in the environment variable `DISPLAY`. :param x11_auth_path: (optional) The path to the Xauthority file to read X11 authentication data from, defaulting to the value in the environment variable `XAUTHORITY` or the file :file:`.Xauthority` in the user's home directory if that's not set. :param x11_single_connection: (optional) Whether or not to limit X11 forwarding to a single connection, defaulting to `False`. :param encoding: (optional) The default Unicode encoding to use for data exchanged on client sessions. :param errors: (optional) The default error handling strategy to apply on Unicode encode/decode errors. :param window: (optional) The default receive window size to set for client sessions. :param max_pktsize: (optional) The default maximum packet size to set for client sessions. :param config: (optional) Paths to OpenSSH client configuration files to load. This configuration will be used as a fallback to override the defaults for settings which are not explicitly specified using AsyncSSH's configuration options. .. note:: Specifying configuration files when creating an :class:`SSHClientConnectionOptions` object will cause the config file to be read and parsed at the time of creation of the object, including evaluation of any conditional blocks. If you want the config to be parsed for every new connection, this argument should be added to the connect or listen calls instead. However, if you want to save the parsing overhead and your configuration doesn't depend on conditions that would change between calls, this argument may be an option. :param options: (optional) A previous set of options to use as the base to incrementally build up a configuration. When an option is not explicitly specified, its value will be pulled from this options object (if present) before falling back to the default value. :type client_factory: `callable` returning :class:`SSHClient` :type proxy_command: `str` or `list` of `str` :type known_hosts: *see* :ref:`SpecifyingKnownHosts` :type host_key_alias: `str` :type server_host_key_algs: `str` or `list` of `str` :type x509_trusted_certs: *see* :ref:`SpecifyingCertificates` :type x509_trusted_cert_paths: `list` of `str` :type x509_purposes: *see* :ref:`SpecifyingX509Purposes` :type username: `str` :type password: `str` :type client_host_keysign: `bool` or `str` :type client_host_keys: *see* :ref:`SpecifyingPrivateKeys` or :ref:`SpecifyingPublicKeys` :type client_host_certs: *see* :ref:`SpecifyingCertificates` :type client_host: `str` :type client_username: `str` :type client_keys: *see* :ref:`SpecifyingPrivateKeys` :type client_certs: *see* :ref:`SpecifyingCertificates` :type passphrase: `str` or `bytes` :type ignore_encrypted: `bool` :type host_based_auth: `bool` :type public_key_auth: `bool` :type kbdint_auth: `bool` :type password_auth: `bool` :type gss_host: `str` :type gss_kex: `bool` :type gss_auth: `bool` :type gss_delegate_creds: `bool` :type preferred_auth: `str` or `list` of `str` :type disable_trivial_auth: `bool` :type agent_path: `str` :type agent_identities: *see* :ref:`SpecifyingPublicKeys` and :ref:`SpecifyingCertificates` :type agent_forwarding: `bool` :type pkcs11_provider: `str` :type pkcs11_pin: `str` :type client_version: `str` :type kex_algs: `str` or `list` of `str` :type encryption_algs: `str` or `list` of `str` :type mac_algs: `str` or `list` of `str` :type compression_algs: `str` or `list` of `str` :type signature_algs: `str` or `list` of `str` :type rekey_bytes: *see* :ref:`SpecifyingByteCounts` :type rekey_seconds: *see* :ref:`SpecifyingTimeIntervals` :type connect_timeout: *see* :ref:`SpecifyingTimeIntervals` :type login_timeout: *see* :ref:`SpecifyingTimeIntervals` :type keepalive_interval: *see* :ref:`SpecifyingTimeIntervals` :type keepalive_count_max: `int` :type command: `str` :type subsystem: `str` :type env: `dict` with `str` keys and values :type send_env: `list` of `str` :type request_pty: `bool`, `'force'`, or `'auto'` :type term_type: `str` :type term_size: `tuple` of 2 or 4 `int` values :type term_modes: `dict` with `int` keys and values :type x11_forwarding: `bool` or `'ignore_failure'` :type x11_display: `str` :type x11_auth_path: `str` :type x11_single_connection: `bool` :type encoding: `str` or `None` :type errors: `str` :type window: `int` :type max_pktsize: `int` :type config: `list` of `str` :type options: :class:`SSHClientConnectionOptions` """ config: SSHClientConfig client_factory: _ClientFactory client_version: bytes known_hosts: KnownHostsArg host_key_alias: Optional[str] server_host_key_algs: Union[str, Sequence[str]] username: str password: Optional[str] client_host_keysign: Optional[str] client_host_keypairs: Sequence[SSHKeyPair] client_host_pubkeys: Sequence[Union[SSHKey, SSHCertificate]] client_host: Optional[str] client_username: str client_keys: Optional[Sequence[SSHKeyPair]] client_certs: Sequence[FilePath] ignore_encrypted: bool gss_host: DefTuple[Optional[str]] gss_kex: bool gss_auth: bool gss_delegate_creds: bool preferred_auth: Sequence[str] disable_trivial_auth: bool agent_path: Optional[str] agent_identities: Optional[Sequence[bytes]] agent_forward_path: Optional[str] pkcs11_provider: Optional[FilePath] pkcs11_pin: Optional[str] command: Optional[str] subsystem: Optional[str] env: _Env send_env: _SendEnv request_pty: _RequestPTY term_type: Optional[str] term_size: TermSizeArg term_modes: TermModesArg x11_forwarding: Union[bool, str] x11_display: Optional[str] x11_auth_path: Optional[str] x11_single_connection: bool encoding: Optional[str] errors: str window: int max_pktsize: int # pylint: disable=arguments-differ def prepare(self, # type: ignore loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None, last_config: Optional[SSHConfig] = None, config: DefTuple[ConfigPaths] = None, reload: bool = False, client_factory: Optional[_ClientFactory] = None, client_version: _VersionArg = (), host: str = '', port: DefTuple[int] = (), tunnel: object = (), proxy_command: DefTuple[_ProxyCommand] = (), family: DefTuple[int] = (), local_addr: DefTuple[HostPort] = (), tcp_keepalive: DefTuple[bool] = (), kex_algs: _AlgsArg = (), encryption_algs: _AlgsArg = (), mac_algs: _AlgsArg = (), compression_algs: _AlgsArg = (), signature_algs: _AlgsArg = (), host_based_auth: _AuthArg = (), public_key_auth: _AuthArg = (), kbdint_auth: _AuthArg = (), password_auth: _AuthArg = (), x509_trusted_certs: CertListArg = (), x509_trusted_cert_paths: Sequence[FilePath] = (), x509_purposes: X509CertPurposes = 'secureShellServer', rekey_bytes: DefTuple[Union[int, str]] = (), rekey_seconds: DefTuple[Union[float, str]] = (), connect_timeout: DefTuple[Optional[Union[float, str]]] = (), login_timeout: Union[float, str] = _DEFAULT_LOGIN_TIMEOUT, keepalive_interval: DefTuple[Union[float, str]] = (), keepalive_count_max: DefTuple[int] = (), known_hosts: KnownHostsArg = (), host_key_alias: DefTuple[Optional[str]] = (), server_host_key_algs: _AlgsArg = (), username: DefTuple[str] = (), password: Optional[str] = None, client_host_keysign: DefTuple[KeySignPath] = (), client_host_keys: Optional[_ClientKeysArg] = None, client_host_certs: Sequence[FilePath] = (), client_host: Optional[str] = None, client_username: DefTuple[str] = (), client_keys: _ClientKeysArg = (), client_certs: Sequence[FilePath] = (), passphrase: Optional[BytesOrStr] = None, ignore_encrypted: DefTuple[bool] = (), gss_host: DefTuple[Optional[str]] = (), gss_kex: DefTuple[bool] = (), gss_auth: DefTuple[bool] = (), gss_delegate_creds: DefTuple[bool] = (), preferred_auth: DefTuple[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = (), disable_trivial_auth: bool = False, agent_path: DefTuple[Optional[str]] = (), agent_identities: DefTuple[Optional[IdentityListArg]] = (), agent_forwarding: DefTuple[bool] = (), pkcs11_provider: DefTuple[Optional[FilePath]] = (), pkcs11_pin: Optional[str] = None, command: DefTuple[Optional[str]] = (), subsystem: Optional[str] = None, env: DefTuple[_Env] = (), send_env: DefTuple[_SendEnv] = (), request_pty: DefTuple[_RequestPTY] = (), term_type: Optional[str] = None, term_size: TermSizeArg = None, term_modes: TermModesArg = None, x11_forwarding: DefTuple[Union[bool, str]] = (), x11_display: Optional[str] = None, x11_auth_path: Optional[str] = None, x11_single_connection: bool = False, encoding: Optional[str] = 'utf-8', errors: str = 'strict', window: int = _DEFAULT_WINDOW, max_pktsize: int = _DEFAULT_MAX_PKTSIZE) -> None: """Prepare client connection configuration options""" try: local_username = getpass.getuser() except KeyError: raise ValueError('Unknown local username: set one of ' 'LOGNAME, USER, LNAME, or USERNAME in ' 'the environment') from None if config == () and (not last_config or not last_config.loaded): default_config = Path('~', '.ssh', 'config').expanduser() config = [default_config] if os.access(default_config, os.R_OK) else [] config = SSHClientConfig.load(last_config, config, reload, local_username, username, host, port) if x509_trusted_certs == (): default_x509_certs = Path('~', '.ssh', 'ca-bundle.crt').expanduser() if os.access(default_x509_certs, os.R_OK): x509_trusted_certs = str(default_x509_certs) if x509_trusted_cert_paths == (): default_x509_cert_path = Path('~', '.ssh', 'crt').expanduser() if default_x509_cert_path.is_dir(): x509_trusted_cert_paths = [str(default_x509_cert_path)] if connect_timeout == (): connect_timeout = cast(Optional[Union[float, str]], config.get('ConnectTimeout', None)) connect_timeout: Optional[Union[float, str]] if keepalive_interval == (): keepalive_interval = \ cast(Union[float, str], config.get('ServerAliveInterval', _DEFAULT_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL)) keepalive_interval: Union[float, str] if keepalive_count_max == (): keepalive_count_max = \ cast(int, config.get('ServerAliveCountMax', _DEFAULT_KEEPALIVE_COUNT_MAX)) keepalive_count_max: int super().prepare(config, client_factory or SSHClient, client_version, host, port, tunnel, passphrase, proxy_command, family, local_addr, tcp_keepalive, kex_algs, encryption_algs, mac_algs, compression_algs, signature_algs, host_based_auth, public_key_auth, kbdint_auth, password_auth, x509_trusted_certs, x509_trusted_cert_paths, x509_purposes, rekey_bytes, rekey_seconds, connect_timeout, login_timeout, keepalive_interval, keepalive_count_max) self.known_hosts = known_hosts if known_hosts != () else \ (cast(List[str], config.get('UserKnownHostsFile', [])) + cast(List[str], config.get('GlobalKnownHostsFile', []))) or () self.host_key_alias = \ cast(Optional[str], host_key_alias if host_key_alias != () else config.get('HostKeyAlias')) self.server_host_key_algs = server_host_key_algs # Just validate the input here -- the actual server host key # selection is done later, after the known_hosts lookup is done. _select_host_key_algs(server_host_key_algs, cast(DefTuple[str], config.get('HostKeyAlgorithms', ())), []) self.username = saslprep(cast(str, username if username != () else config.get('User', local_username))) self.password = password if client_host_keysign == (): client_host_keysign = \ cast(bool, config.get('EnableSSHKeySign', False)) if client_host_keysign: client_host_keysign = find_keysign(client_host_keysign) if client_host_keys: self.client_host_pubkeys = \ load_public_keys(cast(KeyListArg, client_host_keys)) else: self.client_host_pubkeys = load_default_host_public_keys() else: client_host_keysign = None self.client_host_keypairs = \ load_keypairs(cast(KeyPairListArg, client_host_keys), passphrase, client_host_certs, loop=loop) self.client_host_keysign = client_host_keysign self.client_host = client_host self.client_username = saslprep(cast(str, client_username if client_username != () else local_username)) self.gss_host = gss_host self.gss_kex = cast(bool, gss_kex if gss_kex != () else config.get('GSSAPIKeyExchange', True)) self.gss_auth = cast(bool, gss_auth if gss_auth != () else config.get('GSSAPIAuthentication', True)) self.gss_delegate_creds = cast(bool, gss_delegate_creds if gss_delegate_creds != () else config.get('GSSAPIDelegateCredentials', False)) if preferred_auth == (): preferred_auth = \ cast(str, config.get('PreferredAuthentications', ())) if isinstance(preferred_auth, str): preferred_auth = preferred_auth.split(',') preferred_auth: Sequence[str] self.preferred_auth = preferred_auth self.disable_trivial_auth = disable_trivial_auth if agent_path == (): agent_path = cast(DefTuple[str], config.get('IdentityAgent', ())) if agent_path == (): agent_path = os.environ.get('SSH_AUTH_SOCK', '') agent_path = str(Path(agent_path).expanduser()) if agent_path else '' if pkcs11_provider == (): pkcs11_provider = \ cast(Optional[FilePath], config.get('PKCS11Provider')) pkcs11_provider: Optional[FilePath] if ignore_encrypted == (): ignore_encrypted = client_keys == () ignore_encrypted: bool if client_keys == (): client_keys = cast(_ClientKeysArg, config.get('IdentityFile', ())) if client_certs == (): client_certs = \ cast(Sequence[FilePath], config.get('CertificateFile', ())) identities_only = cast(bool, config.get('IdentitiesOnly')) if agent_identities == (): if identities_only: agent_identities = cast(KeyListArg, client_keys) else: agent_identities = None if agent_identities: self.agent_identities = load_identities(agent_identities, identities_only) elif agent_identities == (): self.agent_identities = load_default_identities() else: self.agent_identities = None if client_keys: self.client_keys = \ load_keypairs(cast(KeyPairListArg, client_keys), passphrase, client_certs, identities_only, ignore_encrypted, loop=loop) elif client_keys is not None: self.client_keys = load_default_keypairs(passphrase, client_certs) else: self.client_keys = None if self.client_keys is not None: self.agent_path = agent_path self.pkcs11_provider = pkcs11_provider self.pkcs11_pin = pkcs11_pin else: self.agent_path = None self.pkcs11_provider = None self.pkcs11_pin = None if agent_forwarding == (): agent_forwarding = cast(bool, config.get('ForwardAgent', False)) self.agent_forward_path = agent_path if agent_forwarding else None self.command = cast(Optional[str], command if command != () else config.get('RemoteCommand')) self.subsystem = subsystem self.env = cast(_Env, env if env != () else config.get('SetEnv')) self.send_env = cast(_SendEnv, send_env if send_env != () else config.get('SendEnv')) self.request_pty = cast(_RequestPTY, request_pty if request_pty != () else config.get('RequestTTY', True)) self.term_type = term_type self.term_size = term_size self.term_modes = term_modes self.x11_forwarding = cast(Union[bool, str], x11_forwarding if x11_forwarding != () else config.get('ForwardX11Trusted') and 'ignore_failure') self.x11_display = x11_display self.x11_auth_path = x11_auth_path self.x11_single_connection = x11_single_connection self.encoding = encoding self.errors = errors self.window = window self.max_pktsize = max_pktsize
[docs] class SSHServerConnectionOptions(SSHConnectionOptions): """SSH server connection options The following options are available to control the acceptance of SSH server connections: :param server_factory: A `callable` which returns an :class:`SSHServer` object that will be created for each new connection. :param proxy_command: (optional) A string or list of strings specifying a command and arguments to run when using :func:`connect_reverse` to make a reverse direction connection to an SSH client. Data will be forwarded to this process over stdin/stdout instead of opening a TCP connection. If specified as a string, standard shell quoting will be applied when splitting the command and its arguments. :param server_host_keys: (optional) A list of private keys and optional certificates which can be used by the server as a host key. Either this argument or `gss_host` must be specified. If this is not specified, only GSS-based key exchange will be supported. :param server_host_certs: (optional) A list of optional certificates which can be paired with the provided server host keys. :param passphrase: (optional) The passphrase to use to decrypt server host keys if they are encrypted, or a `callable` or coroutine which takes a filename as a parameter and returns the passphrase to use to decrypt that file. If not specified, only unencrypted server host keys can be loaded. If the keys passed into server_host_keys are already loaded, this argument is ignored. .. note:: A callable or coroutine passed in as a passphrase will be called on all filenames configured as server host keys each time an SSHServerConnectionOptions object is instantiated, even if the keys aren't encrypted or aren't ever used for server validation. :param known_client_hosts: (optional) A list of client hosts which should be trusted to perform host-based client authentication. If this is not specified, host-based client authentication will be not be performed. :param trust_client_host: (optional) Whether or not to use the hostname provided by the client when performing host-based authentication. By default, the client-provided hostname is not trusted and is instead determined by doing a reverse lookup of the IP address the client connected from. :param authorized_client_keys: (optional) A list of authorized user and CA public keys which should be trusted for certificate-based client public key authentication. :param x509_trusted_certs: (optional) A list of certificates which should be trusted for X.509 client certificate authentication. If this argument is explicitly set to `None`, X.509 client certificate authentication will not be performed. .. note:: X.509 certificates to trust can also be provided through an :ref:`authorized_keys <AuthorizedKeys>` file if they are converted into OpenSSH format. This allows their trust to be limited to only specific client IPs or user names and allows SSH functions to be restricted when these certificates are used. :param x509_trusted_cert_paths: (optional) A list of path names to "hash directories" containing certificates which should be trusted for X.509 client certificate authentication. Each certificate should be in a separate file with a name of the form *hash.number*, where *hash* is the OpenSSL hash value of the certificate subject name and *number* is an integer counting up from zero if multiple certificates have the same hash. :param x509_purposes: (optional) A list of purposes allowed in the ExtendedKeyUsage of a certificate used for X.509 client certificate authentication, defulting to 'secureShellClient'. If this argument is explicitly set to `None`, the client certificate's ExtendedKeyUsage will not be checked. :param host_based_auth: (optional) Whether or not to allow host-based authentication. By default, host-based authentication is enabled if known client host keys are specified or if callbacks to validate client host keys are made available. :param public_key_auth: (optional) Whether or not to allow public key authentication. By default, public key authentication is enabled if authorized client keys are specified or if callbacks to validate client keys are made available. :param kbdint_auth: (optional) Whether or not to allow keyboard-interactive authentication. By default, keyboard-interactive authentication is enabled if the callbacks to generate challenges are made available. :param password_auth: (optional) Whether or not to allow password authentication. By default, password authentication is enabled if callbacks to validate a password are made available. :param gss_host: (optional) The principal name to use for the host in GSS key exchange and authentication. If not specified, the value returned by :func:`socket.gethostname` will be used if it is a fully qualified name. Otherwise, the value used by :func:`socket.getfqdn` will be used. If this argument is explicitly set to `None`, GSS key exchange and authentication will not be performed. :param gss_kex: (optional) Whether or not to allow GSS key exchange. By default, GSS key exchange is enabled. :param gss_auth: (optional) Whether or not to allow GSS authentication. By default, GSS authentication is enabled. :param allow_pty: (optional) Whether or not to allow allocation of a pseudo-tty in sessions, defaulting to `True` :param line_editor: (optional) Whether or not to enable input line editing on sessions which have a pseudo-tty allocated, defaulting to `True` :param line_echo: (bool) Whether or not to echo completed input lines when they are entered, rather than waiting for the application to read and echo them, defaulting to `True`. Setting this to `False` and performing the echo in the application can better synchronize input and output, especially when there are input prompts. :param line_history: (int) The number of lines of input line history to store in the line editor when it is enabled, defaulting to 1000 :param max_line_length: (int) The maximum number of characters allowed in an input line when the line editor is enabled, defaulting to 1024 :param rdns_lookup: (optional) Whether or not to perform reverse DNS lookups on the client's IP address to enable hostname-based matches in authorized key file "from" options and "Match Host" config options, defaulting to `False`. :param x11_forwarding: (optional) Whether or not to allow forwarding of X11 connections back to the client when the client supports it, defaulting to `False` :param x11_auth_path: (optional) The path to the Xauthority file to write X11 authentication data to, defaulting to the value in the environment variable `XAUTHORITY` or the file :file:`.Xauthority` in the user's home directory if that's not set :param agent_forwarding: (optional) Whether or not to allow forwarding of ssh-agent requests back to the client when the client supports it, defaulting to `True` :param process_factory: (optional) A `callable` or coroutine handler function which takes an AsyncSSH :class:`SSHServerProcess` argument that will be called each time a new shell, exec, or subsystem other than SFTP is requested by the client. If set, this takes precedence over the `session_factory` argument. :param session_factory: (optional) A `callable` or coroutine handler function which takes AsyncSSH stream objects for stdin, stdout, and stderr that will be called each time a new shell, exec, or subsystem other than SFTP is requested by the client. If not specified, sessions are rejected by default unless the :meth:`session_requested() <SSHServer.session_requested>` method is overridden on the :class:`SSHServer` object returned by `server_factory` to make this decision. :param encoding: (optional) The Unicode encoding to use for data exchanged on sessions on this server, defaulting to UTF-8 (ISO 10646) format. If `None` is passed in, the application can send and receive raw bytes. :param errors: (optional) The error handling strategy to apply on Unicode encode/decode errors of data exchanged on sessions on this server, defaulting to 'strict'. :param sftp_factory: (optional) A `callable` which returns an :class:`SFTPServer` object that will be created each time an SFTP session is requested by the client, or `True` to use the base :class:`SFTPServer` class to handle SFTP requests. If not specified, SFTP sessions are rejected by default. :param sftp_version: (optional) The maximum version of the SFTP protocol to support, currently either 3 or 4, defaulting to 3. :param allow_scp: (optional) Whether or not to allow incoming scp requests to be accepted. This option can only be used in conjunction with `sftp_factory`. If not specified, scp requests will be passed as regular commands to the `process_factory` or `session_factory`. to the client when the client supports it, defaulting to `True` :param window: (optional) The receive window size for sessions on this server :param max_pktsize: (optional) The maximum packet size for sessions on this server :param server_version: (optional) An ASCII string to advertise to SSH clients as the version of this server, defaulting to `'AsyncSSH'` and its version number. :param kex_algs: (optional) A list of allowed key exchange algorithms in the SSH handshake, taken from :ref:`key exchange algorithms <KexAlgs>` :param encryption_algs: (optional) A list of encryption algorithms to use during the SSH handshake, taken from :ref:`encryption algorithms <EncryptionAlgs>` :param mac_algs: (optional) A list of MAC algorithms to use during the SSH handshake, taken from :ref:`MAC algorithms <MACAlgs>` :param compression_algs: (optional) A list of compression algorithms to use during the SSH handshake, taken from :ref:`compression algorithms <CompressionAlgs>`, or `None` to disable compression :param signature_algs: (optional) A list of public key signature algorithms to use during the SSH handshake, taken from :ref:`signature algorithms <SignatureAlgs>` :param rekey_bytes: (optional) The number of bytes which can be sent before the SSH session key is renegotiated, defaulting to 1 GB :param rekey_seconds: (optional) The maximum time in seconds before the SSH session key is renegotiated, defaulting to 1 hour :param connect_timeout: (optional) The maximum time in seconds allowed to complete an outbound SSH connection. This includes the time to establish the TCP connection and the time to perform the initial SSH protocol handshake, key exchange, and authentication. This is disabled by default, relying on the system's default TCP connect timeout and AsyncSSH's login timeout. :param login_timeout: (optional) The maximum time in seconds allowed for authentication to complete, defaulting to 2 minutes. Setting this to 0 will disable the login timeout. .. note:: This timeout only applies after the SSH TCP connection is established. To set a timeout which includes establishing the TCP connection, use the `connect_timeout` argument above. :param keepalive_interval: (optional) The time in seconds to wait before sending a keepalive message if no data has been received from the client. This defaults to 0, which disables sending these messages. :param keepalive_count_max: (optional) The maximum number of keepalive messages which will be sent without getting a response before disconnecting a client. This defaults to 3, but only applies when keepalive_interval is non-zero. :param tcp_keepalive: (optional) Whether or not to enable keepalive probes at the TCP level to detect broken connections, defaulting to `True` :param config: (optional) Paths to OpenSSH server configuration files to load. This configuration will be used as a fallback to override the defaults for settings which are not explicitly specified using AsyncSSH's configuration options. .. note:: Specifying configuration files when creating an :class:`SSHServerConnectionOptions` object will cause the config file to be read and parsed at the time of creation of the object, including evaluation of any conditional blocks. If you want the config to be parsed for every new connection, this argument should be added to the connect or listen calls instead. However, if you want to save the parsing overhead and your configuration doesn't depend on conditions that would change between calls, this argument may be an option. :param options: (optional) A previous set of options to use as the base to incrementally build up a configuration. When an option is not explicitly specified, its value will be pulled from this options object (if present) before falling back to the default value. :type server_factory: `callable` returning :class:`SSHServer` :type proxy_command: `str` or `list` of `str` :type family: `socket.AF_UNSPEC`, `socket.AF_INET`, or `socket.AF_INET6` :type server_host_keys: *see* :ref:`SpecifyingPrivateKeys` :type server_host_certs: *see* :ref:`SpecifyingCertificates` :type passphrase: `str` or `bytes` :type known_client_hosts: *see* :ref:`SpecifyingKnownHosts` :type trust_client_host: `bool` :type authorized_client_keys: *see* :ref:`SpecifyingAuthorizedKeys` :type x509_trusted_certs: *see* :ref:`SpecifyingCertificates` :type x509_trusted_cert_paths: `list` of `str` :type x509_purposes: *see* :ref:`SpecifyingX509Purposes` :type host_based_auth: `bool` :type public_key_auth: `bool` :type kbdint_auth: `bool` :type password_auth: `bool` :type gss_host: `str` :type gss_kex: `bool` :type gss_auth: `bool` :type allow_pty: `bool` :type line_editor: `bool` :type line_echo: `bool` :type line_history: `int` :type max_line_length: `int` :type rdns_lookup: `bool` :type x11_forwarding: `bool` :type x11_auth_path: `str` :type agent_forwarding: `bool` :type process_factory: `callable` or coroutine :type session_factory: `callable` or coroutine :type encoding: `str` or `None` :type errors: `str` :type sftp_factory: `callable` :type sftp_version: `int` :type allow_scp: `bool` :type window: `int` :type max_pktsize: `int` :type server_version: `str` :type kex_algs: `str` or `list` of `str` :type encryption_algs: `str` or `list` of `str` :type mac_algs: `str` or `list` of `str` :type compression_algs: `str` or `list` of `str` :type signature_algs: `str` or `list` of `str` :type rekey_bytes: *see* :ref:`SpecifyingByteCounts` :type rekey_seconds: *see* :ref:`SpecifyingTimeIntervals` :type connect_timeout: *see* :ref:`SpecifyingTimeIntervals` :type login_timeout: *see* :ref:`SpecifyingTimeIntervals` :type keepalive_interval: *see* :ref:`SpecifyingTimeIntervals` :type keepalive_count_max: `int` :type config: `list` of `str` :type options: :class:`SSHServerConnectionOptions` """ config: SSHServerConfig server_factory: _ServerFactory server_version: bytes server_host_keys: 'OrderedDict[bytes, SSHKeyPair]' known_client_hosts: KnownHostsArg trust_client_host: bool authorized_client_keys: DefTuple[Optional[SSHAuthorizedKeys]] gss_host: Optional[str] gss_kex: bool gss_auth: bool allow_pty: bool line_editor: bool line_echo: bool line_history: int max_line_length: int rdns_lookup: bool x11_forwarding: bool x11_auth_path: Optional[str] agent_forwarding: bool process_factory: Optional[SSHServerProcessFactory] session_factory: Optional[SSHServerSessionFactory] encoding: Optional[str] errors: str sftp_factory: Optional[SFTPServerFactory] sftp_version: int allow_scp: bool window: int max_pktsize: int # pylint: disable=arguments-differ def prepare(self, # type: ignore loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None, last_config: Optional[SSHConfig] = None, config: DefTuple[ConfigPaths] = None, reload: bool = False, accept_addr: str = '', accept_port: int = 0, username: str = '', client_host: str = '', client_addr: str = '', server_factory: Optional[_ServerFactory] = None, server_version: _VersionArg = (), host: str = '', port: DefTuple[int] = (), tunnel: object = (), proxy_command: DefTuple[_ProxyCommand] = (), family: DefTuple[int] = (), local_addr: DefTuple[HostPort] = (), tcp_keepalive: DefTuple[bool] = (), kex_algs: _AlgsArg = (), encryption_algs: _AlgsArg = (), mac_algs: _AlgsArg = (), compression_algs: _AlgsArg = (), signature_algs: _AlgsArg = (), host_based_auth: _AuthArg = (), public_key_auth: _AuthArg = (), kbdint_auth: _AuthArg = (), password_auth: _AuthArg = (), x509_trusted_certs: CertListArg = (), x509_trusted_cert_paths: Sequence[FilePath] = (), x509_purposes: X509CertPurposes = 'secureShellClient', rekey_bytes: DefTuple[Union[int, str]] = (), rekey_seconds: DefTuple[Union[float, str]] = (), connect_timeout: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None, login_timeout: DefTuple[Union[float, str]] = (), keepalive_interval: DefTuple[Union[float, str]] = (), keepalive_count_max: DefTuple[int] = (), server_host_keys: KeyPairListArg = (), server_host_certs: CertListArg = (), passphrase: Optional[BytesOrStr] = None, known_client_hosts: KnownHostsArg = None, trust_client_host: bool = False, authorized_client_keys: _AuthKeysArg = (), gss_host: DefTuple[Optional[str]] = (), gss_kex: DefTuple[bool] = (), gss_auth: DefTuple[bool] = (), allow_pty: DefTuple[bool] = (), line_editor: bool = True, line_echo: bool = True, line_history: int = _DEFAULT_LINE_HISTORY, max_line_length: int = _DEFAULT_MAX_LINE_LENGTH, rdns_lookup: DefTuple[bool] = (), x11_forwarding: bool = False, x11_auth_path: Optional[str] = None, agent_forwarding: DefTuple[bool] = (), process_factory: Optional[SSHServerProcessFactory] = None, session_factory: Optional[SSHServerSessionFactory] = None, encoding: Optional[str] = 'utf-8', errors: str = 'strict', sftp_factory: Optional[SFTPServerFactory] = None, sftp_version: int = MIN_SFTP_VERSION, allow_scp: bool = False, window: int = _DEFAULT_WINDOW, max_pktsize: int = _DEFAULT_MAX_PKTSIZE) -> None: """Prepare server connection configuration options""" config = SSHServerConfig.load(last_config, config, reload, accept_addr, accept_port, username, client_host, client_addr) if login_timeout == (): login_timeout = \ cast(Union[float, str], config.get('LoginGraceTime', _DEFAULT_LOGIN_TIMEOUT)) login_timeout: Union[float, str] if keepalive_interval == (): keepalive_interval = \ cast(Union[float, str], config.get('ClientAliveInterval', _DEFAULT_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL)) keepalive_interval: Union[float, str] if keepalive_count_max == (): keepalive_count_max = \ cast(int, config.get('ClientAliveCountMax', _DEFAULT_KEEPALIVE_COUNT_MAX)) keepalive_count_max: int super().prepare(config, server_factory or SSHServer, server_version, host, port, tunnel, passphrase, proxy_command, family, local_addr, tcp_keepalive, kex_algs, encryption_algs, mac_algs, compression_algs, signature_algs, host_based_auth, public_key_auth, kbdint_auth, password_auth, x509_trusted_certs, x509_trusted_cert_paths, x509_purposes, rekey_bytes, rekey_seconds, connect_timeout, login_timeout, keepalive_interval, keepalive_count_max) if server_host_keys == (): server_host_keys = cast(Sequence[str], config.get('HostKey')) if server_host_certs == (): server_host_certs = cast(Sequence[str], config.get('HostCertificate', ())) server_keys = load_keypairs(server_host_keys, passphrase, server_host_certs, loop=loop) self.server_host_keys = OrderedDict() for keypair in server_keys: for alg in keypair.host_key_algorithms: if alg in self.server_host_keys: raise ValueError('Multiple keys of type %s found' % alg.decode('ascii')) self.server_host_keys[alg] = keypair self.known_client_hosts = known_client_hosts self.trust_client_host = trust_client_host if authorized_client_keys == () and reload: authorized_client_keys = \ cast(List[str], config.get('AuthorizedKeysFile')) if isinstance(authorized_client_keys, (str, list)): self.authorized_client_keys = \ read_authorized_keys(authorized_client_keys) else: self.authorized_client_keys = authorized_client_keys if gss_host == (): gss_host = socket.gethostname() if '.' not in gss_host: gss_host = socket.getfqdn() gss_host: Optional[str] self.gss_host = gss_host self.gss_kex = cast(bool, gss_kex if gss_kex != () else config.get('GSSAPIKeyExchange', True)) self.gss_auth = cast(bool, gss_auth if gss_auth != () else config.get('GSSAPIAuthentication', True)) if not server_keys and not gss_host: raise ValueError('No server host keys provided') self.allow_pty = cast(bool, allow_pty if allow_pty != () else config.get('PermitTTY', True)) self.line_editor = line_editor self.line_echo = line_echo self.line_history = line_history self.max_line_length = max_line_length self.rdns_lookup = cast(bool, rdns_lookup if rdns_lookup != () else config.get('UseDNS', False)) self.x11_forwarding = x11_forwarding self.x11_auth_path = x11_auth_path self.agent_forwarding = cast(bool, agent_forwarding if agent_forwarding != () else config.get('AllowAgentForwarding', True)) self.process_factory = process_factory self.session_factory = session_factory self.encoding = encoding self.errors = errors self.sftp_factory = SFTPServer if sftp_factory is True else sftp_factory self.sftp_version = sftp_version self.allow_scp = allow_scp self.window = window self.max_pktsize = max_pktsize
[docs] @async_context_manager async def run_client(sock: socket.socket, config: DefTuple[ConfigPaths] = (), options: Optional[SSHClientConnectionOptions] = None, **kwargs: object) -> SSHClientConnection: """Start an SSH client connection on an already-connected socket This function is a coroutine which starts an SSH client on an existing already-connected socket. It can be used instead of :func:`connect` when a socket is connected outside of asyncio. :param sock: An existing already-connected socket to run an SSH client on, instead of opening up a new connection. :param config: (optional) Paths to OpenSSH client configuration files to load. This configuration will be used as a fallback to override the defaults for settings which are not explicitly specified using AsyncSSH's configuration options. If no paths are specified and no config paths were set when constructing the `options` argument (if any), an attempt will be made to load the configuration from the file :file:`.ssh/config`. If this argument is explicitly set to `None`, no new configuration files will be loaded, but any configuration loaded when constructing the `options` argument will still apply. See :ref:`SupportedClientConfigOptions` for details on what configuration options are currently supported. :param options: (optional) Options to use when establishing the SSH client connection. These options can be specified either through this parameter or as direct keyword arguments to this function. :type sock: :class:`socket.socket` :type config: `list` of `str` :type options: :class:`SSHClientConnectionOptions` :returns: :class:`SSHClientConnection` """ def conn_factory() -> SSHClientConnection: """Return an SSH client connection factory""" return SSHClientConnection(loop, new_options, wait='auth') loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() new_options = await SSHClientConnectionOptions.construct( options, config=config, **kwargs) return await asyncio.wait_for( _connect(new_options, config, loop, 0, sock, conn_factory, 'Starting SSH client on'), timeout=new_options.connect_timeout)
[docs] @async_context_manager async def run_server(sock: socket.socket, config: DefTuple[ConfigPaths] = (), options: Optional[SSHServerConnectionOptions] = None, **kwargs: object) -> SSHServerConnection: """Start an SSH server connection on an already-connected socket This function is a coroutine which starts an SSH server on an existing already-connected TCP socket. It can be used instead of :func:`listen` when connections are accepted outside of asyncio. :param sock: An existing already-connected socket to run SSH over, instead of opening up a new connection. :param config: (optional) Paths to OpenSSH server configuration files to load. This configuration will be used as a fallback to override the defaults for settings which are not explicitly specified using AsyncSSH's configuration options. By default, no OpenSSH configuration files will be loaded. See :ref:`SupportedServerConfigOptions` for details on what configuration options are currently supported. :param options: (optional) Options to use when starting the reverse-direction SSH server. These options can be specified either through this parameter or as direct keyword arguments to this function. :type sock: :class:`socket.socket` :type config: `list` of `str` :type options: :class:`SSHServerConnectionOptions` :returns: :class:`SSHServerConnection` """ def conn_factory() -> SSHServerConnection: """Return an SSH server connection factory""" return SSHServerConnection(loop, new_options, wait='auth') loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() new_options = await SSHServerConnectionOptions.construct( options, config=config, **kwargs) return await asyncio.wait_for( _connect(new_options, config, loop, 0, sock, conn_factory, 'Starting SSH server on'), timeout=new_options.connect_timeout)
[docs] @async_context_manager async def connect(host = '', port: DefTuple[int] = (), *, tunnel: DefTuple[_TunnelConnector] = (), family: DefTuple[int] = (), flags: int = 0, local_addr: DefTuple[HostPort] = (), sock: Optional[socket.socket] = None, config: DefTuple[ConfigPaths] = (), options: Optional[SSHClientConnectionOptions] = None, **kwargs: object) -> SSHClientConnection: """Make an SSH client connection This function is a coroutine which can be run to create an outbound SSH client connection to the specified host and port. When successful, the following steps occur: 1. The connection is established and an instance of :class:`SSHClientConnection` is created to represent it. 2. The `client_factory` is called without arguments and should return an instance of :class:`SSHClient` or a subclass. 3. The client object is tied to the connection and its :meth:`connection_made() <SSHClient.connection_made>` method is called. 4. The SSH handshake and authentication process is initiated, calling methods on the client object if needed. 5. When authentication completes successfully, the client's :meth:`auth_completed() <SSHClient.auth_completed>` method is called. 6. The coroutine returns the :class:`SSHClientConnection`. At this point, the connection is ready for sessions to be opened or port forwarding to be set up. If an error occurs, it will be raised as an exception and the partially open connection and client objects will be cleaned up. :param host: (optional) The hostname or address to connect to. :param port: (optional) The port number to connect to. If not specified, the default SSH port is used. :param tunnel: (optional) An existing SSH client connection that this new connection should be tunneled over. If set, a direct TCP/IP tunnel will be opened over this connection to the requested host and port rather than connecting directly via TCP. A string of the form [user@]host[:port] may also be specified, in which case a connection will be made to that host and then used as a tunnel. A comma-separated list may also be specified to establish a tunnel through multiple hosts. .. note:: When specifying tunnel as a string, any config options in the call will apply only when opening a connection to the final destination host and port. However, settings to use when opening tunnels may be specified via a configuration file. To get more control of config options used to open the tunnel, :func:`connect` can be called explicitly, and the resulting client connection can be passed as the tunnel argument. :param family: (optional) The address family to use when creating the socket. By default, the address family is automatically selected based on the host. :param flags: (optional) The flags to pass to getaddrinfo() when looking up the host address :param local_addr: (optional) The host and port to bind the socket to before connecting :param sock: (optional) An existing already-connected socket to run SSH over, instead of opening up a new connection. When this is specified, none of host, port family, flags, or local_addr should be specified. :param config: (optional) Paths to OpenSSH client configuration files to load. This configuration will be used as a fallback to override the defaults for settings which are not explicitly specified using AsyncSSH's configuration options. If no paths are specified and no config paths were set when constructing the `options` argument (if any), an attempt will be made to load the configuration from the file :file:`.ssh/config`. If this argument is explicitly set to `None`, no new configuration files will be loaded, but any configuration loaded when constructing the `options` argument will still apply. See :ref:`SupportedClientConfigOptions` for details on what configuration options are currently supported. :param options: (optional) Options to use when establishing the SSH client connection. These options can be specified either through this parameter or as direct keyword arguments to this function. :type host: `str` :type port: `int` :type tunnel: :class:`SSHClientConnection` or `str` :type family: `socket.AF_UNSPEC`, `socket.AF_INET`, or `socket.AF_INET6` :type flags: flags to pass to :meth:`getaddrinfo() <socket.getaddrinfo>` :type local_addr: tuple of `str` and `int` :type sock: :class:`socket.socket` or `None` :type config: `list` of `str` :type options: :class:`SSHClientConnectionOptions` :returns: :class:`SSHClientConnection` """ def conn_factory() -> SSHClientConnection: """Return an SSH client connection factory""" return SSHClientConnection(loop, new_options, wait='auth') loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() new_options = await SSHClientConnectionOptions.construct( options, config=config, host=host, port=port, tunnel=tunnel, family=family, local_addr=local_addr, **kwargs) return await asyncio.wait_for( _connect(new_options, config, loop, flags, sock, conn_factory, 'Opening SSH connection to'), timeout=new_options.connect_timeout)
[docs] @async_context_manager async def connect_reverse( host = '', port: DefTuple[int] = (), *, tunnel: DefTuple[_TunnelConnector] = (), family: DefTuple[int] = (), flags: int = 0, local_addr: DefTuple[HostPort] = (), sock: Optional[socket.socket] = None, config: DefTuple[ConfigPaths] = (), options: Optional[SSHServerConnectionOptions] = None, **kwargs: object) -> SSHServerConnection: """Create a reverse direction SSH connection This function is a coroutine which behaves similar to :func:`connect`, making an outbound TCP connection to a remote server. However, instead of starting up an SSH client which runs on that outbound connection, this function starts up an SSH server, expecting the remote system to start up a reverse-direction SSH client. Arguments to this function are the same as :func:`connect`, except that the `options` are of type :class:`SSHServerConnectionOptions` instead of :class:`SSHClientConnectionOptions`. :param host: (optional) The hostname or address to connect to. :param port: (optional) The port number to connect to. If not specified, the default SSH port is used. :param tunnel: (optional) An existing SSH client connection that this new connection should be tunneled over. If set, a direct TCP/IP tunnel will be opened over this connection to the requested host and port rather than connecting directly via TCP. A string of the form [user@]host[:port] may also be specified, in which case a connection will be made to that host and then used as a tunnel. A comma-separated list may also be specified to establish a tunnel through multiple hosts. .. note:: When specifying tunnel as a string, any config options in the call will apply only when opening a connection to the final destination host and port. However, settings to use when opening tunnels may be specified via a configuration file. To get more control of config options used to open the tunnel, :func:`connect` can be called explicitly, and the resulting client connection can be passed as the tunnel argument. :param family: (optional) The address family to use when creating the socket. By default, the address family is automatically selected based on the host. :param flags: (optional) The flags to pass to getaddrinfo() when looking up the host address :param local_addr: (optional) The host and port to bind the socket to before connecting :param sock: (optional) An existing already-connected socket to run SSH over, instead of opening up a new connection. When this is specified, none of host, port family, flags, or local_addr should be specified. :param config: (optional) Paths to OpenSSH server configuration files to load. This configuration will be used as a fallback to override the defaults for settings which are not explicitly specified using AsyncSSH's configuration options. By default, no OpenSSH configuration files will be loaded. See :ref:`SupportedServerConfigOptions` for details on what configuration options are currently supported. :param options: (optional) Options to use when starting the reverse-direction SSH server. These options can be specified either through this parameter or as direct keyword arguments to this function. :type host: `str` :type port: `int` :type tunnel: :class:`SSHClientConnection` or `str` :type family: `socket.AF_UNSPEC`, `socket.AF_INET`, or `socket.AF_INET6` :type flags: flags to pass to :meth:`getaddrinfo() <socket.getaddrinfo>` :type local_addr: tuple of `str` and `int` :type sock: :class:`socket.socket` or `None` :type config: `list` of `str` :type options: :class:`SSHServerConnectionOptions` :returns: :class:`SSHServerConnection` """ def conn_factory() -> SSHServerConnection: """Return an SSH server connection factory""" return SSHServerConnection(loop, new_options, wait='auth') loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() new_options = await SSHServerConnectionOptions.construct( options, config=config, host=host, port=port, tunnel=tunnel, family=family, local_addr=local_addr, **kwargs) return await asyncio.wait_for( _connect(new_options, config, loop, flags, sock, conn_factory, 'Opening reverse SSH connection to'), timeout=new_options.connect_timeout)
[docs] @async_context_manager async def listen(host = '', port: DefTuple[int] = (), *, tunnel: DefTuple[_TunnelListener] = (), family: DefTuple[int] = (), flags:int = socket.AI_PASSIVE, backlog: int = 100, sock: Optional[socket.socket] = None, reuse_address: bool = False, reuse_port: bool = False, acceptor: _AcceptHandler = None, error_handler: _ErrorHandler = None, config: DefTuple[ConfigPaths] = (), options: Optional[SSHServerConnectionOptions] = None, **kwargs: object) -> SSHAcceptor: """Start an SSH server This function is a coroutine which can be run to create an SSH server listening on the specified host and port. The return value is an :class:`SSHAcceptor` which can be used to shut down the listener. :param host: (optional) The hostname or address to listen on. If not specified, listeners are created for all addresses. :param port: (optional) The port number to listen on. If not specified, the default SSH port is used. :param tunnel: (optional) An existing SSH client connection that this new connection should be tunneled over. If set, a direct TCP/IP tunnel will be opened over this connection to the requested host and port rather than connecting directly via TCP. A string of the form [user@]host[:port] may also be specified, in which case a connection will be made to that host and then used as a tunnel. A comma-separated list may also be specified to establish a tunnel through multiple hosts. .. note:: When specifying tunnel as a string, any config options in the call will apply only when opening a connection to the final destination host and port. However, settings to use when opening tunnels may be specified via a configuration file. To get more control of config options used to open the tunnel, :func:`connect` can be called explicitly, and the resulting client connection can be passed as the tunnel argument. :param family: (optional) The address family to use when creating the server. By default, the address families are automatically selected based on the host. :param flags: (optional) The flags to pass to getaddrinfo() when looking up the host :param backlog: (optional) The maximum number of queued connections allowed on listeners :param sock: (optional) A pre-existing socket to use instead of creating and binding a new socket. When this is specified, host and port should not be specified. :param reuse_address: (optional) Whether or not to reuse a local socket in the TIME_WAIT state without waiting for its natural timeout to expire. If not specified, this will be automatically set to `True` on UNIX. :param reuse_port: (optional) Whether or not to allow this socket to be bound to the same port other existing sockets are bound to, so long as they all set this flag when being created. If not specified, the default is to not allow this. This option is not supported on Windows or Python versions prior to 3.4.4. :param acceptor: (optional) A `callable` or coroutine which will be called when the SSH handshake completes on an accepted connection, taking the :class:`SSHServerConnection` as an argument. :param error_handler: (optional) A `callable` which will be called whenever the SSH handshake fails on an accepted connection. It is called with the failed :class:`SSHServerConnection` and an exception object describing the failure. If not specified, failed handshakes result in the connection object being silently cleaned up. :param config: (optional) Paths to OpenSSH server configuration files to load. This configuration will be used as a fallback to override the defaults for settings which are not explicitly specified using AsyncSSH's configuration options. By default, no OpenSSH configuration files will be loaded. See :ref:`SupportedServerConfigOptions` for details on what configuration options are currently supported. :param options: (optional) Options to use when accepting SSH server connections. These options can be specified either through this parameter or as direct keyword arguments to this function. :type host: `str` :type port: `int` :type tunnel: :class:`SSHClientConnection` or `str` :type family: `socket.AF_UNSPEC`, `socket.AF_INET`, or `socket.AF_INET6` :type flags: flags to pass to :meth:`getaddrinfo() <socket.getaddrinfo>` :type backlog: `int` :type sock: :class:`socket.socket` or `None` :type reuse_address: `bool` :type reuse_port: `bool` :type acceptor: `callable` or coroutine :type error_handler: `callable` :type config: `list` of `str` :type options: :class:`SSHServerConnectionOptions` :returns: :class:`SSHAcceptor` """ def conn_factory() -> SSHServerConnection: """Return an SSH server connection factory""" return SSHServerConnection(loop, new_options, acceptor, error_handler) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() new_options = await SSHServerConnectionOptions.construct( options, config=config, host=host, port=port, tunnel=tunnel, family=family, **kwargs) # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init new_options.proxy_command = None return await asyncio.wait_for( _listen(new_options, config, loop, flags, backlog, sock, reuse_address, reuse_port, conn_factory, 'Creating SSH listener on'), timeout=new_options.connect_timeout)
[docs] @async_context_manager async def listen_reverse(host = '', port: DefTuple[int] = (), *, tunnel: DefTuple[_TunnelListener] = (), family: DefTuple[int] = (), flags: int = socket.AI_PASSIVE, backlog: int = 100, sock: Optional[socket.socket] = None, reuse_address: bool = False, reuse_port: bool = False, acceptor: _AcceptHandler = None, error_handler: _ErrorHandler = None, config: DefTuple[ConfigPaths] = (), options: Optional[SSHClientConnectionOptions] = None, **kwargs: object) -> SSHAcceptor: """Create a reverse-direction SSH listener This function is a coroutine which behaves similar to :func:`listen`, creating a listener which accepts inbound connections on the specified host and port. However, instead of starting up an SSH server on each inbound connection, it starts up a reverse-direction SSH client, expecting the remote system making the connection to start up a reverse-direction SSH server. Arguments to this function are the same as :func:`listen`, except that the `options` are of type :class:`SSHClientConnectionOptions` instead of :class:`SSHServerConnectionOptions`. The return value is an :class:`SSHAcceptor` which can be used to shut down the reverse listener. :param host: (optional) The hostname or address to listen on. If not specified, listeners are created for all addresses. :param port: (optional) The port number to listen on. If not specified, the default SSH port is used. :param tunnel: (optional) An existing SSH client connection that this new connection should be tunneled over. If set, a direct TCP/IP tunnel will be opened over this connection to the requested host and port rather than connecting directly via TCP. A string of the form [user@]host[:port] may also be specified, in which case a connection will be made to that host and then used as a tunnel. A comma-separated list may also be specified to establish a tunnel through multiple hosts. .. note:: When specifying tunnel as a string, any config options in the call will apply only when opening a connection to the final destination host and port. However, settings to use when opening tunnels may be specified via a configuration file. To get more control of config options used to open the tunnel, :func:`connect` can be called explicitly, and the resulting client connection can be passed as the tunnel argument. :param family: (optional) The address family to use when creating the server. By default, the address families are automatically selected based on the host. :param flags: (optional) The flags to pass to getaddrinfo() when looking up the host :param backlog: (optional) The maximum number of queued connections allowed on listeners :param sock: (optional) A pre-existing socket to use instead of creating and binding a new socket. When this is specified, host and port should not :param reuse_address: (optional) Whether or not to reuse a local socket in the TIME_WAIT state without waiting for its natural timeout to expire. If not specified, this will be automatically set to `True` on UNIX. :param reuse_port: (optional) Whether or not to allow this socket to be bound to the same port other existing sockets are bound to, so long as they all set this flag when being created. If not specified, the default is to not allow this. This option is not supported on Windows or Python versions prior to 3.4.4. :param acceptor: (optional) A `callable` or coroutine which will be called when the SSH handshake completes on an accepted connection, taking the :class:`SSHClientConnection` as an argument. :param error_handler: (optional) A `callable` which will be called whenever the SSH handshake fails on an accepted connection. It is called with the failed :class:`SSHClientConnection` and an exception object describing the failure. If not specified, failed handshakes result in the connection object being silently cleaned up. :param config: (optional) Paths to OpenSSH client configuration files to load. This configuration will be used as a fallback to override the defaults for settings which are not explicitly specified using AsyncSSH's configuration options. If no paths are specified and no config paths were set when constructing the `options` argument (if any), an attempt will be made to load the configuration from the file :file:`.ssh/config`. If this argument is explicitly set to `None`, no new configuration files will be loaded, but any configuration loaded when constructing the `options` argument will still apply. See :ref:`SupportedClientConfigOptions` for details on what configuration options are currently supported. :param options: (optional) Options to use when starting reverse-direction SSH clients. These options can be specified either through this parameter or as direct keyword arguments to this function. :type host: `str` :type port: `int` :type tunnel: :class:`SSHClientConnection` or `str` :type family: `socket.AF_UNSPEC`, `socket.AF_INET`, or `socket.AF_INET6` :type flags: flags to pass to :meth:`getaddrinfo() <socket.getaddrinfo>` :type backlog: `int` :type sock: :class:`socket.socket` or `None` :type reuse_address: `bool` :type reuse_port: `bool` :type acceptor: `callable` or coroutine :type error_handler: `callable` :type config: `list` of `str` :type options: :class:`SSHClientConnectionOptions` :returns: :class:`SSHAcceptor` """ def conn_factory() -> SSHClientConnection: """Return an SSH client connection factory""" return SSHClientConnection(loop, new_options, acceptor, error_handler) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() new_options = await SSHClientConnectionOptions.construct( options, config=config, host=host, port=port, tunnel=tunnel, family=family, **kwargs) # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init new_options.proxy_command = None return await asyncio.wait_for( _listen(new_options, config, loop, flags, backlog, sock, reuse_address, reuse_port, conn_factory, 'Creating reverse direction SSH listener on'), timeout=new_options.connect_timeout)
[docs] async def create_connection(client_factory: _ClientFactory, host = '', port: DefTuple[int] = (), **kwargs: object) -> \ Tuple[SSHClientConnection, SSHClient]: """Create an SSH client connection This is a coroutine which wraps around :func:`connect`, providing backward compatibility with older AsyncSSH releases. The only differences are that the `client_factory` argument is the first positional argument in this call rather than being a keyword argument or specified via an :class:`SSHClientConnectionOptions` object and the return value is a tuple of an :class:`SSHClientConnection` and :class:`SSHClient` rather than just the connection, mirroring :meth:`asyncio.AbstractEventLoop.create_connection`. :returns: An :class:`SSHClientConnection` and :class:`SSHClient` """ conn = await connect(host, port, client_factory=client_factory, **kwargs) # type: ignore return conn, cast(SSHClient, conn.get_owner())
[docs] @async_context_manager async def create_server(server_factory: _ServerFactory, host = '', port: DefTuple[int] = (), **kwargs: object) -> SSHAcceptor: """Create an SSH server This is a coroutine which wraps around :func:`listen`, providing backward compatibility with older AsyncSSH releases. The only difference is that the `server_factory` argument is the first positional argument in this call rather than being a keyword argument or specified via an :class:`SSHServerConnectionOptions` object, mirroring :meth:`asyncio.AbstractEventLoop.create_server`. """ return await listen(host, port, server_factory=server_factory, **kwargs) # type: ignore
[docs] async def get_server_host_key( host = '', port: DefTuple[int] = (), *, tunnel: DefTuple[_TunnelConnector] = (), proxy_command: DefTuple[str] = (), family: DefTuple[int] = (), flags: int = 0, local_addr: DefTuple[HostPort] = (), sock: Optional[socket.socket] = None, client_version: DefTuple[BytesOrStr] = (), kex_algs: _AlgsArg = (), server_host_key_algs: _AlgsArg = (), config: DefTuple[ConfigPaths] = (), options: Optional[SSHClientConnectionOptions] = None) \ -> Optional[SSHKey]: """Retrieve an SSH server's host key This is a coroutine which can be run to connect to an SSH server and return the server host key presented during the SSH handshake. A list of server host key algorithms can be provided to specify which host key types the server is allowed to choose from. If the key exchange is successful, the server host key sent during the handshake is returned. .. note:: Not all key exchange methods involve the server presenting a host key. If something like GSS key exchange is used without a server host key, this method may return `None` even when the handshake completes. :param host: (optional) The hostname or address to connect to :param port: (optional) The port number to connect to. If not specified, the default SSH port is used. :param tunnel: (optional) An existing SSH client connection that this new connection should be tunneled over. If set, a direct TCP/IP tunnel will be opened over this connection to the requested host and port rather than connecting directly via TCP. A string of the form [user@]host[:port] may also be specified, in which case a connection will be made to that host and then used as a tunnel. A comma-separated list may also be specified to establish a tunnel through multiple hosts. .. note:: When specifying tunnel as a string, any config options in the call will apply only when opening a connection to the final destination host and port. However, settings to use when opening tunnels may be specified via a configuration file. To get more control of config options used to open the tunnel, :func:`connect` can be called explicitly, and the resulting client connection can be passed as the tunnel argument. :param proxy_command: (optional) A string or list of strings specifying a command and arguments to run to make a connection to the SSH server. Data will be forwarded to this process over stdin/stdout instead of opening a TCP connection. If specified as a string, standard shell quoting will be applied when splitting the command and its arguments. :param family: (optional) The address family to use when creating the socket. By default, the address family is automatically selected based on the host. :param flags: (optional) The flags to pass to getaddrinfo() when looking up the host address :param local_addr: (optional) The host and port to bind the socket to before connecting :param sock: (optional) An existing already-connected socket to run SSH over, instead of opening up a new connection. When this is specified, none of host, port family, flags, or local_addr should be specified. :param client_version: (optional) An ASCII string to advertise to the SSH server as the version of this client, defaulting to `'AsyncSSH'` and its version number. :param kex_algs: (optional) A list of allowed key exchange algorithms in the SSH handshake, taken from :ref:`key exchange algorithms <KexAlgs>` :param server_host_key_algs: (optional) A list of server host key algorithms to allow during the SSH handshake, taken from :ref:`server host key algorithms <PublicKeyAlgs>`. :param config: (optional) Paths to OpenSSH client configuration files to load. This configuration will be used as a fallback to override the defaults for settings which are not explicitly specified using AsyncSSH's configuration options. If no paths are specified and no config paths were set when constructing the `options` argument (if any), an attempt will be made to load the configuration from the file :file:`.ssh/config`. If this argument is explicitly set to `None`, no new configuration files will be loaded, but any configuration loaded when constructing the `options` argument will still apply. See :ref:`SupportedClientConfigOptions` for details on what configuration options are currently supported. :param options: (optional) Options to use when establishing the SSH client connection used to retrieve the server host key. These options can be specified either through this parameter or as direct keyword arguments to this function. :type host: `str` :type port: `int` :type tunnel: :class:`SSHClientConnection` or `str` :type proxy_command: `str` or `list` of `str` :type family: `socket.AF_UNSPEC`, `socket.AF_INET`, or `socket.AF_INET6` :type flags: flags to pass to :meth:`getaddrinfo() <socket.getaddrinfo>` :type local_addr: tuple of `str` and `int` :type sock: :class:`socket.socket` or `None` :type client_version: `str` :type kex_algs: `str` or `list` of `str` :type server_host_key_algs: `str` or `list` of `str` :type config: `list` of `str` :type options: :class:`SSHClientConnectionOptions` :returns: An :class:`SSHKey` public key or `None` """ def conn_factory() -> SSHClientConnection: """Return an SSH client connection factory""" return SSHClientConnection(loop, new_options, wait='kex') loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() new_options = await SSHClientConnectionOptions.construct( options, config=config, host=host, port=port, tunnel=tunnel, proxy_command=proxy_command, family=family, local_addr=local_addr, known_hosts=None, server_host_key_algs=server_host_key_algs, x509_trusted_certs=None, x509_trusted_cert_paths=None, x509_purposes='any', gss_host=None, kex_algs=kex_algs, client_version=client_version) conn = await asyncio.wait_for( _connect(new_options, config, loop, flags, sock, conn_factory, 'Fetching server host key from'), timeout=new_options.connect_timeout) server_host_key = conn.get_server_host_key() conn.abort() await conn.wait_closed() return server_host_key
[docs] async def get_server_auth_methods( host = '', port: DefTuple[int] = (), username: DefTuple[str] = (), *, tunnel: DefTuple[_TunnelConnector] = (), proxy_command: DefTuple[str] = (), family: DefTuple[int] = (), flags: int = 0, local_addr: DefTuple[HostPort] = (), sock: Optional[socket.socket] = None, client_version: DefTuple[BytesOrStr] = (), kex_algs: _AlgsArg = (), server_host_key_algs: _AlgsArg = (), config: DefTuple[ConfigPaths] = (), options: Optional[SSHClientConnectionOptions] = None) -> Sequence[str]: """Retrieve an SSH server's allowed auth methods This is a coroutine which can be run to connect to an SSH server and return the auth methods available to authenticate to it. .. note:: The key exchange with the server must complete successfully before the list of available auth methods can be returned, so be sure to specify any arguments needed to complete the key exchange. Also, auth methods may vary by user, so you may want to specify the specific user you would like to get auth methods for. :param host: (optional) The hostname or address to connect to :param port: (optional) The port number to connect to. If not specified, the default SSH port is used. :param username: (optional) Username to authenticate as on the server. If not specified, the currently logged in user on the local machine will be used. :param tunnel: (optional) An existing SSH client connection that this new connection should be tunneled over. If set, a direct TCP/IP tunnel will be opened over this connection to the requested host and port rather than connecting directly via TCP. A string of the form [user@]host[:port] may also be specified, in which case a connection will be made to that host and then used as a tunnel. A comma-separated list may also be specified to establish a tunnel through multiple hosts. .. note:: When specifying tunnel as a string, any config options in the call will apply only when opening a connection to the final destination host and port. However, settings to use when opening tunnels may be specified via a configuration file. To get more control of config options used to open the tunnel, :func:`connect` can be called explicitly, and the resulting client connection can be passed as the tunnel argument. :param proxy_command: (optional) A string or list of strings specifying a command and arguments to run to make a connection to the SSH server. Data will be forwarded to this process over stdin/stdout instead of opening a TCP connection. If specified as a string, standard shell quoting will be applied when splitting the command and its arguments. :param family: (optional) The address family to use when creating the socket. By default, the address family is automatically selected based on the host. :param flags: (optional) The flags to pass to getaddrinfo() when looking up the host address :param local_addr: (optional) The host and port to bind the socket to before connecting :param sock: (optional) An existing already-connected socket to run SSH over, instead of opening up a new connection. When this is specified, none of host, port family, flags, or local_addr should be specified. :param client_version: (optional) An ASCII string to advertise to the SSH server as the version of this client, defaulting to `'AsyncSSH'` and its version number. :param kex_algs: (optional) A list of allowed key exchange algorithms in the SSH handshake, taken from :ref:`key exchange algorithms <KexAlgs>` :param server_host_key_algs: (optional) A list of server host key algorithms to allow during the SSH handshake, taken from :ref:`server host key algorithms <PublicKeyAlgs>`. :param config: (optional) Paths to OpenSSH client configuration files to load. This configuration will be used as a fallback to override the defaults for settings which are not explicitly specified using AsyncSSH's configuration options. If no paths are specified and no config paths were set when constructing the `options` argument (if any), an attempt will be made to load the configuration from the file :file:`.ssh/config`. If this argument is explicitly set to `None`, no new configuration files will be loaded, but any configuration loaded when constructing the `options` argument will still apply. See :ref:`SupportedClientConfigOptions` for details on what configuration options are currently supported. :param options: (optional) Options to use when establishing the SSH client connection used to retrieve the server host key. These options can be specified either through this parameter or as direct keyword arguments to this function. :type host: `str` :type port: `int` :type tunnel: :class:`SSHClientConnection` or `str` :type proxy_command: `str` or `list` of `str` :type family: `socket.AF_UNSPEC`, `socket.AF_INET`, or `socket.AF_INET6` :type flags: flags to pass to :meth:`getaddrinfo() <socket.getaddrinfo>` :type local_addr: tuple of `str` and `int` :type sock: :class:`socket.socket` or `None` :type client_version: `str` :type kex_algs: `str` or `list` of `str` :type server_host_key_algs: `str` or `list` of `str` :type config: `list` of `str` :type options: :class:`SSHClientConnectionOptions` :returns: a `list` of `str` """ def conn_factory() -> SSHClientConnection: """Return an SSH client connection factory""" return SSHClientConnection(loop, new_options, wait='auth_methods') loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() new_options = await SSHClientConnectionOptions.construct( options, config=config, host=host, port=port, username=username, tunnel=tunnel, proxy_command=proxy_command, family=family, local_addr=local_addr, known_hosts=None, server_host_key_algs=server_host_key_algs, x509_trusted_certs=None, x509_trusted_cert_paths=None, x509_purposes='any', gss_host=None, kex_algs=kex_algs, client_version=client_version) conn = await asyncio.wait_for( _connect(new_options, config, loop, flags, sock, conn_factory, 'Fetching server auth methods from'), timeout=new_options.connect_timeout) server_auth_methods = conn.get_server_auth_methods() conn.abort() await conn.wait_closed() return server_auth_methods