Source code for asyncssh.auth_keys

# Copyright (c) 2015-2021 by Ron Frederick <> and others.
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under
# the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 which accompanies this
# distribution and is available at:
# This program may also be made available under the following secondary
# licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
# Eclipse Public License v2.0 are satisfied:
#    GNU General Public License, Version 2.0, or any later versions of
#    that license
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
# Contributors:
#     Ron Frederick - initial implementation, API, and documentation

"""Parser for SSH authorized_keys files"""

from typing import Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence
from typing import Set, Tuple, Union, cast

    # pylint: disable=unused-import
    from .crypto import X509Name, X509NamePattern
    _x509_available = True
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
    _x509_available = False

from .misc import ip_address, read_file
from .pattern import HostPatternList, WildcardPatternList
from .public_key import KeyImportError, SSHKey
from .public_key import SSHX509Certificate, SSHX509CertificateChain
from .public_key import import_public_key, import_certificate
from .public_key import import_certificate_subject

_EntryOptions = Mapping[str, object]

class _SSHAuthorizedKeyEntry:
    """An entry in an SSH authorized_keys list"""

    def __init__(self, line: str):
        self.key: Optional[SSHKey] = None
        self.cert: Optional[SSHX509Certificate] = None
        self.options: Dict[str, object] = {}

        except KeyImportError:

        line = self._parse_options(line)

    def _import_key_or_cert(self, line: str) -> None:
        """Import key or certificate in this entry"""

            self.key = import_public_key(line)
        except KeyImportError:

            self.cert = cast(SSHX509Certificate, import_certificate(line))

            if ('cert-authority' in self.options and
                    self.cert.subject != self.cert.issuer):
                raise ValueError('X.509 cert-authority entries must '
                                 'contain a root CA certificate')

        except KeyImportError:

        if 'cert-authority' not in self.options:
                self.key = None
                self.cert = None
                self._add_subject('subject', import_certificate_subject(line))
            except KeyImportError:

        raise KeyImportError('Unrecognized key, certificate, or subject')

    def _set_string(self, option: str, value: str) -> None:
        """Set an option with a string value"""

        self.options[option] = value

    def _add_environment(self, option: str, value: str) -> None:
        """Add an environment key/value pair"""

        if value.startswith('=') or '=' not in value:
            raise ValueError('Invalid environment entry in authorized_keys')

        name, value = value.split('=', 1)
        cast(Dict[str, str], self.options.setdefault(option, {}))[name] = value

    def _add_from(self, option: str, value: str) -> None:
        """Add a from host pattern"""

        from_patterns = cast(List[HostPatternList],
                             self.options.setdefault(option, []))

    def _add_permitopen(self, option: str, value: str) -> None:
        """Add a permitopen host/port pair"""

            host, port_str = value.rsplit(':', 1)

            if host.startswith('[') and host.endswith(']'):
                host = host[1:-1]

            port = None if port_str == '*' else int(port_str)
            raise ValueError('Illegal permitopen value: %s' % value) from None

        permitted_opens = cast(Set[Tuple[str, Optional[int]]],
                               self.options.setdefault(option, set()))
        permitted_opens.add((host, port))

    def _add_principals(self, option: str, value: str) -> None:
        """Add a principals wildcard pattern list"""

        principal_patterns = cast(List[WildcardPatternList],
                                  self.options.setdefault(option, []))

    def _add_subject(self, option: str, value: str) -> None:
        """Add an X.509 subject pattern"""

        if _x509_available: # pragma: no branch
            subject_patterns = cast(List[X509NamePattern],
                                    self.options.setdefault(option, []))

    _handlers = {
        'command':     _set_string,
        'environment': _add_environment,
        'from':        _add_from,
        'permitopen':  _add_permitopen,
        'principals':  _add_principals,
        'subject':     _add_subject

    def _add_option(self) -> None:
        """Add an option value"""

        if self._option.startswith('='):
            raise ValueError('Missing option name in authorized_keys')

        if '=' in self._option:
            option, value = self._option.split('=', 1)

            handler = self._handlers.get(option)
            if handler:
                handler(self, option, value)
                values = cast(List[str], self.options.setdefault(option, []))
            self.options[self._option] = True

    def _parse_options(self, line: str) -> str:
        """Parse options in this entry"""

        self._option = ''

        idx = 0
        quoted = False
        escaped = False

        for idx, ch in enumerate(line):
            if escaped:
                self._option += ch
                escaped = False
            elif ch == '\\':
                escaped = True
            elif ch == '"':
                quoted = not quoted
            elif quoted:
                self._option += ch
            elif ch in ' \t':
            elif ch == ',':
                self._option = ''
                self._option += ch


        if quoted:
            raise ValueError('Unbalanced quote in authorized_keys')
        elif escaped:
            raise ValueError('Unbalanced backslash in authorized_keys')

        return line[idx:].strip()

    def match_options(self, client_host: str, client_addr: str,
                      cert_principals: Optional[Sequence[str]],
                      cert_subject: Optional['X509Name'] = None) -> bool:
        """Match "from", "principals" and "subject" options in entry"""

        from_patterns = cast(List[HostPatternList], self.options.get('from'))

        if from_patterns:
            client_ip = ip_address(client_addr)

            if not all(pattern.matches(client_host, client_addr, client_ip)
                       for pattern in from_patterns):
                return False

        principal_patterns = cast(List[WildcardPatternList],

        if cert_principals is not None and principal_patterns is not None:
            if not all(any(pattern.matches(principal)
                           for principal in cert_principals)
                       for pattern in principal_patterns):
                return False

        subject_patterns = cast(List['X509NamePattern'],

        if cert_subject is not None and subject_patterns is not None:
            if not all(pattern.matches(cert_subject)
                       for pattern in subject_patterns):
                return False

        return True

[docs] class SSHAuthorizedKeys: """An SSH authorized keys list""" def __init__(self, authorized_keys: Optional[str] = None): self._user_entries: List[_SSHAuthorizedKeyEntry] = [] self._ca_entries: List[_SSHAuthorizedKeyEntry] = [] self._x509_entries: List[_SSHAuthorizedKeyEntry] = [] if authorized_keys: self.load(authorized_keys) def load(self, authorized_keys: str) -> None: """Load authorized keys data into this object""" for line in authorized_keys.splitlines(): line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith('#'): continue try: entry = _SSHAuthorizedKeyEntry(line) except KeyImportError: continue if entry.key: if 'cert-authority' in entry.options: self._ca_entries.append(entry) else: self._user_entries.append(entry) else: self._x509_entries.append(entry) if (not self._user_entries and not self._ca_entries and not self._x509_entries): raise ValueError('No valid entries found') def validate(self, key: SSHKey, client_host: str, client_addr: str, cert_principals: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ca: bool = False) -> Optional[Mapping[str, object]]: """Return whether a public key or CA is valid for authentication""" for entry in self._ca_entries if ca else self._user_entries: if (entry.key == key and entry.match_options(client_host, client_addr, cert_principals)): return entry.options return None def validate_x509(self, cert: SSHX509CertificateChain, client_host: str, client_addr: str) -> Tuple[Optional[_EntryOptions], Optional[SSHX509Certificate]]: """Return whether an X.509 certificate is valid for authentication""" for entry in self._x509_entries: if (entry.cert and 'cert-authority' not in entry.options and (cert.key != entry.cert.key or cert.subject != entry.cert.subject)): continue # pragma: no cover (work around bug in coverage tool) if entry.match_options(client_host, client_addr, cert.user_principals, cert.subject): return entry.options, entry.cert return None, None
[docs] def import_authorized_keys(data: str) -> SSHAuthorizedKeys: """Import SSH authorized keys This function imports public keys and associated options in OpenSSH authorized keys format. :param data: The key data to import. :type data: `str` :returns: An :class:`SSHAuthorizedKeys` object """ return SSHAuthorizedKeys(data)
[docs] def read_authorized_keys(filelist: Union[str, Sequence[str]]) -> \ SSHAuthorizedKeys: """Read SSH authorized keys from a file or list of files This function reads public keys and associated options in OpenSSH authorized_keys format from a file or list of files. :param filelist: The file or list of files to read the keys from. :type filenlist: `str` or `list` of `str` :returns: An :class:`SSHAuthorizedKeys` object """ authorized_keys = SSHAuthorizedKeys() if isinstance(filelist, str): files: Sequence[str] = [filelist] else: files = filelist for filename in files: authorized_keys.load(read_file(filename, 'r')) return authorized_keys