Source code for asyncssh.scp

# Copyright (c) 2017-2024 by Ron Frederick <> and others.
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under
# the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 which accompanies this
# distribution and is available at:
# This program may also be made available under the following secondary
# licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
# Eclipse Public License v2.0 are satisfied:
#    GNU General Public License, Version 2.0, or any later versions of
#    that license
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
# Contributors:
#     Ron Frederick - initial implementation, API, and documentation
#     Jonathan Slenders - proposed changes to allow SFTP server callbacks
#                         to be coroutines

"""SCP handlers"""

import argparse
import asyncio
import posixpath
from pathlib import PurePath
import shlex
import string
import sys
from types import TracebackType
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, AsyncIterator, List, NoReturn, Optional
from typing import Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union, cast
from typing_extensions import Protocol

from .constants import DEFAULT_LANG
from .logging import SSHLogger
from .misc import BytesOrStr, FilePath, HostPort, MaybeAwait
from .misc import async_context_manager, plural
from .sftp import SFTPAttrs, SFTPGlob, SFTPName, SFTPServer, SFTPServerFS
from .sftp import SFTPFileProtocol, SFTPError, SFTPFailure, SFTPBadMessage
from .sftp import SFTPConnectionLost, SFTPErrorHandler, SFTPProgressHandler
from .sftp import SFTP_BLOCK_SIZE, local_fs

    # pylint: disable=cyclic-import
    from .channel import SSHServerChannel
    from .connection import SSHClientConnection
    from .stream import SSHReader, SSHWriter

_SCPConn = Union[None, bytes, str, HostPort, 'SSHClientConnection']
_SCPPath = Union[bytes, FilePath]
_SCPConnPath = Union[Tuple[_SCPConn, _SCPPath], _SCPConn, _SCPPath]

class _SCPFSProtocol(Protocol):
    """Protocol for accessing a filesystem during an SCP copy"""

    def basename(path: bytes) -> bytes:
        """Return the final component of a POSIX-style path"""

    async def stat(self, path: bytes) -> 'SFTPAttrs':
        """Get attributes of a file or directory, following symlinks"""

    async def setstat(self, path: bytes, attrs: 'SFTPAttrs') -> None:
        """Set attributes of a file or directory"""

    async def exists(self, path: bytes) -> bool:
        """Return if a path exists"""

    async def isdir(self, path: bytes) -> bool:
        """Return if the path refers to a directory"""

    def scandir(self, path: bytes) -> AsyncIterator[SFTPName]:
        """Read the names and attributes of files in a directory"""

    async def mkdir(self, path: bytes) -> None:
        """Create a directory"""

    async def open(self, path: bytes, mode: str) -> SFTPFileProtocol:
        """Open a file"""

def _scp_error(exc_class: Type[Exception], reason: BytesOrStr,
               path: Optional[bytes] = None, fatal: bool = False,
               suppress_send: bool = False,
               lang: str = DEFAULT_LANG) -> Exception:
    """Construct SCP version of SFTPError exception"""

    if isinstance(reason, bytes):
        reason = reason.decode('utf-8', errors='replace')

    if path:
        reason = reason + ': ' + path.decode('utf-8', errors='replace')

    exc = exc_class(reason, lang)

    setattr(exc, 'fatal', fatal)
    setattr(exc, 'suppress_send', suppress_send)

    return exc

def _parse_cd_args(args: bytes) -> Tuple[int, int, bytes]:
    """Parse arguments to an SCP copy or dir request"""

        permissions, size, name = args.split(None, 2)
        return int(permissions, 8), int(size), name
    except ValueError:
        raise _scp_error(SFTPBadMessage,
                         'Invalid copy or dir request') from None

def _parse_t_args(args: bytes) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    """Parse argument to an SCP time request"""

        mtime, _, atime, _ = args.split()
        return int(atime), int(mtime)
    except ValueError:
        raise _scp_error(SFTPBadMessage, 'Invalid time request') from None

async def _parse_path(path: _SCPConnPath, **kwargs) -> \
        Tuple[Optional['SSHClientConnection'], _SCPPath, bool]:
    """Convert an SCP path into an SSHClientConnection and path"""

    # pylint: disable=cyclic-import,import-outside-toplevel
    from . import connect

    conn: _SCPConn

    if isinstance(path, tuple):
        conn, path = cast(Tuple[_SCPConn, _SCPPath], path)
    elif isinstance(path, str) and sys.platform == 'win32' and \
            path[:1] in string.ascii_letters and \
            path[1:2] == ':': # pragma: no cover (win32)
        conn = None
    elif isinstance(path, str) and ':' in path:
        conn, path = path.split(':', 1)
    elif isinstance(path, bytes) and b':' in path:
        conn, path = path.split(b':', 1)
        conn = conn.decode('utf-8')
    elif isinstance(path, (bytes, str, PurePath)):
        conn = None
        conn = path
        path = b'.'

    if isinstance(conn, str):
        close_conn = True
        conn = await connect(conn, **kwargs)
    elif isinstance(conn, tuple):
        close_conn = True
        conn = await connect(*conn, **kwargs)
        close_conn = False

    return (cast(Optional['SSHClientConnection'], conn),
            cast(_SCPPath, path), close_conn)

async def _start_remote(conn: 'SSHClientConnection', source: bool,
                        must_be_dir: bool, preserve: bool,
                        recurse: bool, path: _SCPPath) -> \
        Tuple['SSHReader[bytes]', 'SSHWriter[bytes]']:
    """Start remote SCP server"""

    if isinstance(path, PurePath):
        path = str(path)

    if isinstance(path, str):
        path = path.encode('utf-8')

    command = (b'scp ' + (b'-f ' if source else b'-t ') +
               (b'-d ' if must_be_dir else b'') +
               (b'-p ' if preserve else b'') +
               (b'-r ' if recurse else b'') + path)

    conn.logger.get_child('sftp').info('Starting remote SCP, args: %s',

    writer, reader, _ = await conn.open_session(command, encoding=None)

    return reader, writer

class _SCPArgs(argparse.Namespace):
    """SCP command line arguments"""

    path: str
    source: bool
    must_be_dir: bool
    preserve: bool
    recurse: bool

class _SCPArgParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
    """A parser for SCP arguments"""

    def __init__(self) -> None:

        group = self.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
        group.add_argument('-f', dest='source', action='store_true')
        group.add_argument('-t', dest='source', action='store_false')

        self.add_argument('-d', dest='must_be_dir', action='store_true')
        self.add_argument('-p', dest='preserve', action='store_true')
        self.add_argument('-r', dest='recurse', action='store_true')
        self.add_argument('-v', dest='verbose', action='store_true')


    def error(self, message: str) -> NoReturn:
        raise ValueError(message)

    def parse(self, command: str) -> _SCPArgs:
        """Parse an SCP command"""

        return self.parse_args(shlex.split(command)[1:], namespace=_SCPArgs())

class _SCPHandler:
    """SCP handler"""

    def __init__(self, reader: 'SSHReader[bytes]', writer: 'SSHWriter[bytes]',
                 error_handler: SFTPErrorHandler = None, server: bool = False):
        self._reader = reader
        self._writer = writer
        self._error_handler = error_handler
        self._server = server

        self._logger = reader.logger.get_child('sftp')

    async def __aenter__(self) -> '_SCPHandler': # pragma: no cover
        """Allow _SCPHandler to be used as an async context manager"""

        return self

    async def __aexit__(self, _exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
                        _exc_value: Optional[BaseException],
                        _traceback: Optional[TracebackType]) -> \
            bool: # pragma: no cover
        """Wait for file close when used as an async context manager"""

        await self.close()
        return False

    def logger(self) -> SSHLogger:
        """A logger associated with this SCP handler"""

        return self._logger

    async def await_response(self) -> Optional[Exception]:
        """Wait for an SCP response"""

        result = await

        if result != b'\0':
            reason = await self._reader.readline()

            if not result or not reason.endswith(b'\n'):
                raise _scp_error(SFTPConnectionLost, 'Connection lost',
                                 fatal=True, suppress_send=True)

            if result not in b'\x01\x02':
                reason = result + reason

            return _scp_error(SFTPFailure, reason[:-1],
                              fatal=result != b'\x01', suppress_send=True)

        self.logger.debug1('Received SCP OK')

        return None

    def send_request(self, *args: bytes) -> None:
        """Send an SCP request"""

        request = b''.join(args)

        self.logger.debug1('Sending SCP request: %s', request)

        self._writer.write(request + b'\n')

    async def make_request(self, *args: bytes) -> None:
        """Send an SCP request and wait for a response"""


        exc = await self.await_response()

        if exc:
            raise exc

    async def send_data(self, data: bytes) -> None:
        """Send SCP file data"""

        self.logger.debug1('Sending %s', plural(len(data), 'SCP data byte'))

        await self._writer.drain()
        await asyncio.sleep(0)

    def send_ok(self) -> None:
        """Send an SCP OK response"""

        self.logger.debug1('Sending SCP OK')


    def send_error(self, exc: Exception) -> None:
        """Send an SCP error response"""

        if isinstance(exc, SFTPError):
            reason = exc.reason.encode('utf-8')
        elif isinstance(exc, OSError): # pragma: no branch (win32)
            reason = exc.strerror.encode('utf-8')

            filename = cast(BytesOrStr, exc.filename)

            if filename:
                if isinstance(filename, str): # pragma: no cover (win32)
                    filename = filename.encode('utf-8')

                reason += b': ' + filename
        else: # pragma: no cover (win32)
            reason = str(exc).encode('utf-8')

        fatal = cast(bool, getattr(exc, 'fatal', False))

        self.logger.debug1('Sending SCP %serror: %s',
                           'fatal ' if fatal else '', reason)

        self._writer.write((b'\x02' if fatal else b'\x01') +
                           b'scp: ' + reason + b'\n')

    async def recv_request(self) -> Tuple[Optional[bytes], Optional[bytes]]:
        """Receive SCP request"""

        request = await self._reader.readline()

        if not request:
            return None, None

        action, args = request[:1], request[1:-1]

        if action not in b'\x01\x02':
            self.logger.debug1('Received SCP request: %s%s', action, args)
            self.logger.debug1('Received SCP %serror: %s',
                               'fatal ' if action != b'\x01'  else '', args)

        return action, args

    async def recv_data(self, n: int) -> bytes:
        """Receive SCP file data"""

        data = await

        self.logger.debug1('Received %s', plural(len(data), 'SCP data byte'))

        return data

    def handle_error(self, exc: Exception) -> None:
        """Handle an SCP error"""

        if isinstance(exc, BrokenPipeError):
            exc = _scp_error(SFTPConnectionLost, 'Connection lost',
                             fatal=True, suppress_send=True)

        if not getattr(exc, 'suppress_send', False):

        self.logger.debug1('Handling SCP error: %s', str(exc))

        if getattr(exc, 'fatal', False) or self._error_handler is None:
            raise exc from None
        elif self._error_handler:

    async def close(self, cancelled: bool = False) -> None:
        """Close an SCP session"""'Stopping remote SCP')

        if cancelled:
        elif self._server:


class _SCPSource(_SCPHandler):
    """SCP handler for sending files"""

    def __init__(self, fs: _SCPFSProtocol, reader: 'SSHReader[bytes]',
                 writer: 'SSHWriter[bytes]', preserve: bool, recurse: bool,
                 block_size: int = SFTP_BLOCK_SIZE,
                 progress_handler: SFTPProgressHandler = None,
                 error_handler: SFTPErrorHandler = None, server: bool = False):
        super().__init__(reader, writer, error_handler, server)

        self._fs = fs
        self._preserve = preserve
        self._recurse = recurse
        self._block_size = block_size
        self._progress_handler = progress_handler

    async def _make_cd_request(self, action: bytes, attrs: SFTPAttrs,
                               size: int, path: bytes) -> None:
        """Make an SCP copy or dir request"""

        assert attrs.permissions is not None

        args = '%04o %d ' % (attrs.permissions & 0o7777, size)
        await self.make_request(action, args.encode('ascii'),

    async def _make_t_request(self, attrs: SFTPAttrs) -> None:
        """Make an SCP time request"""'    Preserving attrs: %s',
                         SFTPAttrs(atime=attrs.atime, mtime=attrs.mtime))

        assert attrs.mtime is not None
        assert attrs.atime is not None

        args = '%d 0 %d 0' % (attrs.mtime, attrs.atime)
        await self.make_request(b'T', args.encode('ascii'))

    async def _send_file(self, srcpath: bytes,
                         dstpath: bytes, attrs: SFTPAttrs) -> None:
        """Send a file over SCP"""

        assert attrs.size is not None

        file_obj = await, 'rb')
        size = attrs.size
        local_exc = None
        offset = 0'  Sending file %s, size %d', srcpath, size)

            await self._make_cd_request(b'C', attrs, size, srcpath)

            if self._progress_handler and size == 0:
                self._progress_handler(srcpath, dstpath, 0, 0)

            while offset < size:
                blocklen = min(size - offset, self._block_size)

                if local_exc:
                    data = blocklen * b'\0'
                        data = cast(bytes,
                                    await, offset))

                        if not data:
                            raise _scp_error(SFTPFailure, 'Unexpected EOF')
                    except (OSError, SFTPError) as exc:
                        local_exc = exc

                await self.send_data(data)
                offset += len(data)

                if self._progress_handler:
                    self._progress_handler(srcpath, dstpath, offset, size)
            await file_obj.close()

        if local_exc:
            setattr(local_exc, 'suppress_send', True)

        remote_exc = await self.await_response()
        final_exc = remote_exc or local_exc

        if final_exc:
            raise final_exc

    async def _send_dir(self, srcpath: bytes, dstpath: bytes,
                        attrs: SFTPAttrs) -> None:
        """Send directory over SCP"""'  Starting send of directory %s', srcpath)

        await self._make_cd_request(b'D', attrs, 0, srcpath)

        async for entry in self._fs.scandir(srcpath):
            name = cast(bytes, entry.filename)

            if name in (b'.', b'..'):

            await self._send_files(posixpath.join(srcpath, name),
                                   posixpath.join(dstpath, name),

        await self.make_request(b'E')'  Finished send of directory %s', srcpath)

    async def _send_files(self, srcpath: bytes, dstpath: bytes,
                          attrs: SFTPAttrs) -> None:
        """Send files via SCP"""

            if self._preserve:
                await self._make_t_request(attrs)

            if self._recurse and attrs.type == FILEXFER_TYPE_DIRECTORY:
                await self._send_dir(srcpath, dstpath, attrs)
            elif attrs.type == FILEXFER_TYPE_REGULAR:
                await self._send_file(srcpath, dstpath, attrs)
                raise _scp_error(SFTPFailure, 'Not a regular file', srcpath)
        except (OSError, SFTPError, ValueError) as exc:

    async def run(self, srcpath: _SCPPath) -> None:
        """Start SCP transfer"""

        cancelled = False

            if isinstance(srcpath, PurePath):
                srcpath = str(srcpath)

            if isinstance(srcpath, str):
                srcpath = srcpath.encode('utf-8')

            exc = await self.await_response()

            if exc:
                raise exc

            for name in await SFTPGlob(self._fs).match(srcpath):
                await self._send_files(cast(bytes, name.filename),
                                            b'', name.attrs)
        except asyncio.CancelledError:
            cancelled = True
        except (OSError, SFTPError) as exc:
            await self.close(cancelled)

class _SCPSink(_SCPHandler):
    """SCP handler for receiving files"""

    def __init__(self, fs: _SCPFSProtocol, reader: 'SSHReader[bytes]',
                 writer: 'SSHWriter[bytes]', must_be_dir: bool, preserve: bool,
                 recurse: bool, block_size: int = SFTP_BLOCK_SIZE,
                 progress_handler: SFTPProgressHandler = None,
                 error_handler: SFTPErrorHandler = None, server: bool = False):
        super().__init__(reader, writer, error_handler, server)

        self._fs = fs
        self._must_be_dir = must_be_dir
        self._preserve = preserve
        self._recurse = recurse
        self._block_size = block_size
        self._progress_handler = progress_handler

    async def _recv_file(self, srcpath: bytes,
                         dstpath: bytes, size: int) -> None:
        """Receive a file via SCP"""

        file_obj = await, 'wb')
        local_exc = None
        offset = 0'  Receiving file %s, size %d', dstpath, size)


            if self._progress_handler and size == 0:
                self._progress_handler(srcpath, dstpath, 0, 0)

            while offset < size:
                blocklen = min(size - offset, self._block_size)
                data = await self.recv_data(blocklen)

                if not data:
                    raise _scp_error(SFTPConnectionLost, 'Connection lost',
                                     fatal=True, suppress_send=True)

                if not local_exc:
                        await file_obj.write(data, offset)
                    except (OSError, SFTPError) as exc:
                        local_exc = exc

                offset += len(data)

                if self._progress_handler:
                    self._progress_handler(srcpath, dstpath, offset, size)
            await file_obj.close()

        remote_exc = await self.await_response()

        if local_exc:
            setattr(local_exc, 'suppress_send',True)

        final_exc = remote_exc or local_exc

        if final_exc:
            raise final_exc

    async def _recv_dir(self, srcpath: bytes, dstpath: bytes) -> None:
        """Receive a directory over SCP"""

        if not self._recurse:
            raise _scp_error(SFTPBadMessage,
                             'Directory received without recurse')'  Starting receive of directory %s', dstpath)

        if await self._fs.exists(dstpath):
            if not await self._fs.isdir(dstpath):
                raise _scp_error(SFTPFailure, 'Not a directory', dstpath)
            await self._fs.mkdir(dstpath)

        await self._recv_files(srcpath, dstpath)'  Finished receive of directory %s', dstpath)

    async def _recv_files(self, srcpath: bytes, dstpath: bytes) -> None:
        """Receive files over SCP"""


        attrs = SFTPAttrs()

        while True:
            action, args = await self.recv_request()

            if not action:

            assert args is not None

                if action in b'\x01\x02':
                    raise _scp_error(SFTPFailure, args, fatal=action != b'\x01',
                elif action == b'T':
                    if self._preserve:
                        attrs.atime, attrs.mtime = _parse_t_args(args)

                elif action == b'E':
                elif action in b'CD':
                        attrs.permissions, size, name = _parse_cd_args(args)

                        new_srcpath = posixpath.join(srcpath, name)

                        if await self._fs.isdir(dstpath):
                            new_dstpath = posixpath.join(dstpath, name)
                            new_dstpath = dstpath

                        if action == b'D':
                            await self._recv_dir(new_srcpath, new_dstpath)
                            await self._recv_file(new_srcpath,
                                                  new_dstpath, size)

                        if self._preserve:
                  '    Preserving attrs: %s', attrs)
                            await self._fs.setstat(new_dstpath, attrs)
                        attrs = SFTPAttrs()
                    raise _scp_error(SFTPBadMessage, 'Unknown request')
            except (OSError, SFTPError) as exc:

    async def run(self, dstpath: _SCPPath) -> None:
        """Start SCP file receive"""

        cancelled = False

            if isinstance(dstpath, PurePath):
                dstpath = str(dstpath)

            if isinstance(dstpath, str):
                dstpath = dstpath.encode('utf-8')

            if self._must_be_dir and not await self._fs.isdir(dstpath):
                self.handle_error(_scp_error(SFTPFailure, 'Not a directory',
                await self._recv_files(b'', dstpath)
        except asyncio.CancelledError as exc:
            cancelled = True
        except (OSError, SFTPError, ValueError) as exc:
            await self.close(cancelled)

class _SCPCopier:
    """SCP handler for remote-to-remote copies"""

    def __init__(self, src_reader: 'SSHReader[bytes]',
                 src_writer: 'SSHWriter[bytes]',
                 dst_reader: 'SSHReader[bytes]',
                 dst_writer: 'SSHWriter[bytes]',
                 block_size: int = SFTP_BLOCK_SIZE,
                 progress_handler: SFTPProgressHandler = None,
                 error_handler: SFTPErrorHandler = None):
        self._source = _SCPHandler(src_reader, src_writer)
        self._sink = _SCPHandler(dst_reader, dst_writer)
        self._logger = self._source.logger
        self._block_size = block_size
        self._progress_handler = progress_handler
        self._error_handler = error_handler

    def logger(self) -> SSHLogger:
        """A logger associated with this SCP handler"""

        return self._logger

    def _handle_error(self, exc: Exception) -> None:
        """Handle an SCP error"""

        if isinstance(exc, BrokenPipeError):
            exc = _scp_error(SFTPConnectionLost, 'Connection lost', fatal=True)

        self.logger.debug1('Handling SCP error: %s', str(exc))

        if self._error_handler and not getattr(exc, 'fatal', False):
            raise exc

    async def _forward_response(self, src: _SCPHandler,
                                dst: _SCPHandler) -> Optional[Exception]:
        """Forward an SCP response between two remote SCP servers"""

        # pylint: disable=no-self-use

            exc = await src.await_response()

            if exc:
                return exc
                return None
        except OSError as exc:
            return exc

    async def _copy_file(self, path: bytes, size: int) -> None:
        """Copy a file from one remote SCP server to another"""'  Copying file %s, size %d', path, size)

        offset = 0

        if self._progress_handler and size == 0:
            self._progress_handler(path, path, 0, 0)

        while offset < size:
            blocklen = min(size - offset, self._block_size)
            data = await self._source.recv_data(blocklen)

            if not data:
                raise _scp_error(SFTPConnectionLost, 'Connection lost',

            await self._sink.send_data(data)
            offset += len(data)

            if self._progress_handler:
                self._progress_handler(path, path, offset, size)

        source_exc = await self._forward_response(self._source, self._sink)
        sink_exc = await self._forward_response(self._sink, self._source)

        exc = sink_exc or source_exc

        if exc:

    async def _copy_files(self) -> None:
        """Copy files from one SCP server to another"""

        exc = await self._forward_response(self._sink, self._source)

        if exc:

        pathlist: List[bytes] = []
        attrlist: List[SFTPAttrs] = []
        attrs = SFTPAttrs()

        while True:
            action, args = await self._source.recv_request()

            if not action:

            assert args is not None

            self._sink.send_request(action, args)

            if action in b'\x01\x02':
                exc = _scp_error(SFTPFailure, args, fatal=action != b'\x01')

            exc = await self._forward_response(self._sink, self._source)

            if exc:

            if action in b'CD':
                    attrs.permissions, size, name = _parse_cd_args(args)

                    if action == b'C':
                        path = b'/'.join(pathlist + [name])
                        await self._copy_file(path, size)
              '    Preserving attrs: %s', attrs)
              '  Starting copy of directory %s',
                    attrs = SFTPAttrs()
            elif action == b'E':
                if pathlist:
          '  Finished copy of directory %s',

                    attrs = attrlist.pop()

          '    Preserving attrs: %s', attrs)
            elif action == b'T':
                attrs.atime, attrs.mtime = _parse_t_args(args)
                raise _scp_error(SFTPBadMessage, 'Unknown SCP action')

    async def run(self) -> None:
        """Start SCP remote-to-remote transfer"""

        cancelled = False

            await self._copy_files()
        except asyncio.CancelledError:
            cancelled = True
        except (OSError, SFTPError) as exc:
            await self._source.close(cancelled)
            await self._sink.close(cancelled)

[docs] async def scp(srcpaths: Union[_SCPConnPath, Sequence[_SCPConnPath]], dstpath: _SCPConnPath = None, *, preserve: bool = False, recurse: bool = False, block_size: int = SFTP_BLOCK_SIZE, progress_handler: SFTPProgressHandler = None, error_handler: SFTPErrorHandler = None, **kwargs) -> None: """Copy files using SCP This function is a coroutine which copies one or more files or directories using the SCP protocol. Source and destination paths can be `str` or `bytes` values to reference local files or can be a tuple of the form `(conn, path)` where `conn` is an open :class:`SSHClientConnection` to reference files and directories on a remote system. For convenience, a host name or tuple of the form `(host, port)` can be provided in place of the :class:`SSHClientConnection` to request that a new SSH connection be opened to a host using default connect arguments. A `str` or `bytes` value of the form `'host:path'` may also be used in place of the `(conn, path)` tuple to make a new connection to the requested host on the default SSH port. Either a single source path or a sequence of source paths can be provided, and each path can contain '*' and '?' wildcard characters which can be used to match multiple source files or directories. When copying a single file or directory, the destination path can be either the full path to copy data into or the path to an existing directory where the data should be placed. In the latter case, the base file name from the source path will be used as the destination name. When copying multiple files, the destination path must refer to a directory. If it doesn't already exist, a directory will be created with that name. If the destination path is an :class:`SSHClientConnection` without a path or the path provided is empty, files are copied into the default destination working directory. If preserve is `True`, the access and modification times and permissions of the original files and directories are set on the copied files. However, do to the timing of when this information is sent, the preserved access time will be what was set on the source file before the copy begins. So, the access time on the source file will no longer match the destination after the transfer completes. If recurse is `True` and the source path points at a directory, the entire subtree under that directory is copied. Symbolic links found on the source will have the contents of their target copied rather than creating a destination symbolic link. When using this option during a recursive copy, one needs to watch out for links that result in loops. SCP does not provide a mechanism for preserving links. If you need this, consider using SFTP instead. The block_size value controls the size of read and write operations issued to copy the files. It defaults to 16 KB. If progress_handler is specified, it will be called after each block of a file is successfully copied. The arguments passed to this handler will be the relative path of the file being copied, bytes copied so far, and total bytes in the file being copied. If multiple source paths are provided or recurse is set to `True`, the progress_handler will be called consecutively on each file being copied. If error_handler is specified and an error occurs during the copy, this handler will be called with the exception instead of it being raised. This is intended to primarily be used when multiple source paths are provided or when recurse is set to `True`, to allow error information to be collected without aborting the copy of the remaining files. The error handler can raise an exception if it wants the copy to completely stop. Otherwise, after an error, the copy will continue starting with the next file. If any other keyword arguments are specified, they will be passed to the AsyncSSH connect() call when attempting to open any new SSH connections needed to perform the file transfer. :param srcpaths: The paths of the source files or directories to copy :param dstpath: (optional) The path of the destination file or directory to copy into :param preserve: (optional) Whether or not to preserve the original file attributes :param recurse: (optional) Whether or not to recursively copy directories :param block_size: (optional) The block size to use for file reads and writes :param progress_handler: (optional) The function to call to report copy progress :param error_handler: (optional) The function to call when an error occurs :type preserve: `bool` :type recurse: `bool` :type block_size: `int` :type progress_handler: `callable` :type error_handler: `callable` :raises: | :exc:`OSError` if a local file I/O error occurs | :exc:`SFTPError` if the server returns an error | :exc:`ValueError` if both source and destination are local """ if (isinstance(srcpaths, (bytes, str, PurePath)) or (isinstance(srcpaths, tuple) and len(srcpaths) == 2)): srcpaths = [srcpaths] # type: ignore srcpaths: Sequence[_SCPConnPath] must_be_dir = len(srcpaths) > 1 dstconn, dstpath, close_dst = await _parse_path(dstpath, **kwargs) try: for srcpath in srcpaths: srcconn, srcpath, close_src = await _parse_path(srcpath, **kwargs) try: if srcconn and dstconn: src_reader, src_writer = await _start_remote( srcconn, True, must_be_dir, preserve, recurse, srcpath) dst_reader, dst_writer = await _start_remote( dstconn, False, must_be_dir, preserve, recurse, dstpath) copier = _SCPCopier(src_reader, src_writer, dst_reader, dst_writer, block_size, progress_handler, error_handler) await elif srcconn: reader, writer = await _start_remote( srcconn, True, must_be_dir, preserve, recurse, srcpath) sink = _SCPSink(local_fs, reader, writer, must_be_dir, preserve, recurse, block_size, progress_handler, error_handler) await elif dstconn: reader, writer = await _start_remote( dstconn, False, must_be_dir, preserve, recurse, dstpath) source = _SCPSource(local_fs, reader, writer, preserve, recurse, block_size, progress_handler, error_handler) await else: raise ValueError('Local copy not supported') finally: if close_src: assert srcconn is not None srcconn.close() await srcconn.wait_closed() finally: if close_dst: assert dstconn is not None dstconn.close() await dstconn.wait_closed()
def run_scp_server(sftp_server: SFTPServer, command: str, stdin: 'SSHReader[bytes]', stdout: 'SSHWriter[bytes]', stderr: 'SSHWriter[bytes]') -> MaybeAwait[None]: """Return a handler for an SCP server session""" async def _run_handler() -> None: """Run an SCP server to handle this request""" try: await finally: sftp_server.exit() try: args = _SCPArgParser().parse(command) except ValueError as exc:'Error starting SCP server: %s', str(exc)) stderr.write(b'scp: ' + str(exc).encode('utf-8') + b'\n') cast('SSHServerChannel', return None'Starting SCP server, args: %s', command[4:].strip()) fs = SFTPServerFS(sftp_server) handler: Union[_SCPSource, _SCPSink] if args.source: handler = _SCPSource(fs, stdin, stdout, args.preserve, args.recurse, error_handler=False, server=True) else: handler = _SCPSink(fs, stdin, stdout, args.must_be_dir, args.preserve, args.recurse, error_handler=False, server=True) return _run_handler()